Im Erscheinen
Albert, Aviad & Martine Grice. To appear. Rhythm is a timescale. In Lars Meyer & Antje Strauss (eds.), Rhythms of Speech and Language: Culture, Cognition, and the Brain. Cambridge University Press. | A01
Andreou, Maria. To appear. Language and cognitive aspects of child bilingualism: Research observations and classroom applications. Inquiries in Language Learning. Peter Lang. | C03
Becker, Martin. To appear. Due profile discorsive in contrasto: il caso di “poiché” e “dal momento che” in sincronia e diacronia. Cuadernos di Filologia Italiana. 1–23. | C02
Becker, Martin. To appear. Sprachdiskurse in Brasilien. In Peter Schulze (ed.), Brasilianistik: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. | C02
Buchholz, Timo & Klaus von Heusinger. To appear. German demonstratives and topic questions. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Rotterdam. | C04
Casaretto, Antje. To appear. Präpositionale Rektionskomposita im Gotischen. In Nathalie Rousseau & Michiel de Vaan (eds.), Between composition and derivation: Prepositional governing compounds in the older Indo-European languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins. | B03
Çokal, Derya, Claudio Palominos-Flores, Berna Yalınçetin, Özlem Türe-Abacı, Emre Bora & Wolfram Hinzen. To appear. Referential noun phrases distribute differently in Turkish speakers with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. | C04
Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. & Gertrud Schneider-Blum. To appear. Locative expressions and their semantic extensions in Tima. In James Essegbey & Enoch Oladé Aboh (eds.), Predication in African languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. | B02
Eisenbeiß, Sonja, Jacopo Torregrossa, Andrea Listanti, Laura Pinton & Christiane Bongartz. To appear. Die Einführung von mehrsprachigen Testverfahren in deutsch-italienischen bilingualen Schulen: Eine Studie mit dem MSK-Test. In Valentina Cristante & Sabrina Geyer (eds.), Grammatikdidaktik und Mehrsprachigkeit (Sprachlich-Literarisches Lernen Und Deutschdidaktik (SLLD-B)). | C03
García García, Marco & Javier Caro Reina. To appear. Differential Object Marking. In Matthias Heinz, Marc-Olivier Hinzelin & Lorenzo Filipponio (eds.), Manual of Classification and Typology of the Romance Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter. | B04
Gerwien, Johannes, Judith Schlenter, Martina Penke & Agnieszka Konopka. To appear. Effects of event participant preview and patient animacy in sentence production: a cross-linguistic comparison between English and Russian. Discourse Processes. | B06
Grice, Martine, Michelina Savino, Petra B. Schumacher, Christine T. Röhr & T. Mark Ellison. To appear. Rises on Pitch Accents and Edge Tones Affect Serial Recall Performance at Item and Domain levels. Laboratory Phonology. pdf | A01, C09
Hellwig, Birgit. To appear. Caused accompanied motion in a direction: BRING and TAKE in Katla (Niger-Congo, Sudan). In James Essegbey & Enoch Oladé Aboh (eds.), Predication in African languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. | B02
von Heusinger, Klaus, Marco García García & Georg Kaiser. To appear. Differential Object Marking and (non-)specificity in Spanish – some empirical evidence for Leonetti’s Generalization. In Ignacio Bosque Muñoz, Silvia Gumiel Molina & Cristina Sánchez López (eds.), Homenaje a Manuel Leonetti. Alcala: Universidad de Alcalá. | B04
Hill, Eugen. To appear. Reconstructing morphology in historical-comparative linguistics. In Peter Arkadiev & Franz Rainer (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Historical Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | B08
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. & Sonja Riesberg. To appear. Discourse patterns and emerging grammar. In Nicholas Evans & Sebastian Fedden (eds.), The Oxford Guide to the Papuan languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | B05
Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Jesse Harris. To appear. The interaction of gender marking and perspective taking in German. In Kristina Liefke, Daniel Gutzmann, Agata Renans & Tatjana Scheffler (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 28. pdf | C05
Jasinskaja, Katja & Radek Šimík. To appear. Slavonic free word order. In Jan Fellerer & Neil Bermel (eds.) Oxford Guide to the Slavonic Languages. Oxford University Press. preprint: pdf | C06
Kaland, Constantijn, Katharina Gayler, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann & Martine Grice. To appear. A first exploration of word- and phrase-final f0 movements in spontaneous Yali. Phonological Data and Analysis. | A01, A03, B05
Kaufman, Daniel & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. To appear. Suprasegmental phonology. In Alexander Adelaar & Antoinette Schapper (eds.), The Oxford Guide to the Malayo-Polynesian Languages of Southeast Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | A03
Kretzschmar, Franziska & Beatrice Primus. To appear. Lexikonprojektion und Konstruktion: Experimentelle Studien zu Argumentalternationen im Deutschen. In Robert Külpmann, Laura Neuhaus & Vilma Symanczyk Joppe (eds.), Variation in der Argumentstruktur des Deutschen. Linguistische Berichte (LB), Sonderheft 28. | B07
Kroeger, Paul & Sonja Riesberg. To appear. Voice and transitivity. In Alexander Adelaar & Antoinette Schapper (eds.), The Oxford Guide to the Malayo-Polynesian languages of South East Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | B05
Listanti, Andrea & Jacopo Torregrossa. To appear. Matching teaching and learning sequences: L2-acquisition of the interaction between complex noun phrases, word order and information structure. In Stefania Spina & Henry Tyne (eds.), Applying corpora in teaching and learning Romance languages. John Benjamins. | C03
Mitchell, Alice. To appear. Documenting difference: Interactional approaches to the documentation of special registers. In Rich Sandoval & Nicholas Williams (eds.), Interactional approaches to language documentation (Language Documentation & Conservation SP). Honolulu, Hawai’i: University of Hawai’i Press. | B02
Mitchell, Alice. To appear. Pointing for time-of-day reference in Datooga. In Eric Dzwiza-Ohlsen (ed.), Deixis – Zeigen – Pointing. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Darmstadt: WBG. | B02
Sbranna, Simona, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice. To appear. A multi-dimensional analysis of backchannels in L1 German, L1 Italian and L2 German. Language, Interaction, and Acquisition 14(2). | A02
Seeliger, Heiko. To appear. The prosody of Swedish non-canonical questions. In Regine Eckardt, George Walkden & Nicole Dehé (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Non-Canonical Questions. | A06
Tabain, Marija, Jaye Padgett, Gertrud Schneider-Blum, Adele Gregory & Richard Beare. To appear. An acoustic study of ATR in Tima vowels: vowel quality, voice quality, and duration. Phonology. | B02
Torregrossa, Jacopo & Christiane M. Bongartz. To appear. Activation of referents in the bilingual mind. In G. Fotiadou and I. Tsimpli (eds.), Individual differences in anaphora resolution: Language and cognitive effects. Amsterdam: Benjamins. | C03
Ulbrich, Christiane & Jörn Krantz. To appear. Comparison of L1 and L2 prosody and voice quality in three speech tasks. Journal of Connected Speech. | A06
Vella, Alexandra & Martine Grice. To appear. Association of tones in Maltese. In Sun-Ah Jun (ed.), Prosodic Typology III. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | A01
Çokal, Derya, Jason Bishop, Jacopo Torregrossa, Clare Patterson, Martine Grice, Simon Wehrle, Maria Lialiou, Sophie Repp, Heiko Seeliger, Sonja Eisenbeiss, Klaus von Heusinger, Kai Vogeley & Petra B Schumacher. 2025. Individual differences in discourse management. Frontiers in Communication 10.| A01, A02, A06, C03, C04, C07
Patterson, Clare, Umesh Patil, Caterina Ventura, Maria Lialiou, Petra B. Schumacher & Stefan HInterwimmer. 2025. Why register might be more important than modality for the choice of demonstrative pronouns. LInguistische Berichte (281). 7–35. | A01, C07, C10
Souza Santos, Thiago de, Antonia Dietrich, Peggy Steinbach & Pamela Perniss. 2025. Differential Object Marking in DGS (German Sign Language): A prominence-based account of the use of PAM based on naturalistic data. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 10(1). | B09
Taheri-Ardali, Mortaza, Simon Roessig, Lena Pagel & Doris Mücke. 2025. Prosodic cues for broad, narrow, and corrective focus in Persian. Language and Speech. | A04
Alamin, Suzan & Gertrud Schneider-Blum. 2024. A cautious approach to spatial orientation in Tima. In Andrea Hollington, Alice Mitchell & Nico Nassenstein (eds.), Anthropological Linguistics - Perspectives from Africa, 49–82. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. | B02
Baills, Florence & Stefan Baumann. 2024. Prosody and head gestures as markers of information status in French as a native and foreign language. OSF. | A07
Bardají i Farré, Maria. 2024. Nominalization in Western Austronesian (Not-at-Issueness in Totoli and Beyond). Vol. 670. De Gruyter Mouton. | B05
Baumann, Stefan & Janne Lorenzen. 2024. Boosting or inhibiting - How semantic-pragmatic and syntactic cues affect prosodic prominence relations in German. PLOS ONE 19(4). e0299746. | A07
Bracks, Christoph. 2024. Compound Intonation Units in Totoli: Postlexical Prosody and the Prosody-Syntax Interface. Berlin: Language Science Press. | A03
Buchholz, Timo & Klaus von Heusinger. 2024. German demonstrative pronouns differ in their sensitivity to discourse and sentence topics. Frontiers in Communication 9. 1369290. | C04
Çokal, Derya & Klaus von Heusinger. 2024. German demonstrative pronouns in contrast. Dialogue & Discourse 15(1). | C04
Compes, Isabel. 2024. Argument coding and the alignment type of Beria. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 77(2). 283–313.| B02
Dolscheid, Sarah & Martina Penke. 2024. Animacy and attention play different roles in children’s language production. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, vol. 46. | B06
Dolscheid, Sarah, Judith Schlenter & Martina Penke. 2024. Literacy overrides effects of animacy: A picture-naming study with pre-literate German children and adult speakers of German and Arabic. PLOS ONE 19(4). e0298659. | B06
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2024. Saltos atrás: El uso de retrocesos temporales en los reportajes periodísticos de fútbol. In Arroyo Hernández & Ignacio & Piero Renato Costa León (eds.), Partido a partido. La lengua del fútbol (VenPalabras. Estudios de Lexicología Española 5), 119–139. Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. | C02
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2024. Textual development beyond temporality and interactions between the adversative connector pero and the indefinido. In Jakob Egetenmeyer, Sarah Dessì Schmid & Martin Becker (eds.), Tense, aspect and discourse structure, 297–319. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. | C02
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2024. The discourse status of deviating tense-aspect-mood (TAM) forms in German and French football reports. In Eva Lavric & Gerhard Pisek (eds.), Language and Football, vol. 589, 37–60. 1st edn. Tübingen: Narr / Francke / Attempto. | C02
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2024. The updating imperfecto in Spanish. Moenia 29. Thematic Issue: El verbo en las lenguas románicas, ed. by Susana Azpiazu Torres, 1–37. | C02
Egetenmeyer, Jakob, Sarah Dessì Schmid & Martin Becker (eds.). 2024. Tense, aspect and discourse structure (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Für Romanische Philologie 492). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. | C02
Egetenmeyer, Jakob, Sarah Dessì Schmid & Martin Becker. 2024. Tense, aspect and discourse structure. An introduction. In Jakob Egetenmeyer, Sarah Dessì Schmid & Martin Becker (eds.), Tense, aspect and discourse structure, 1–14. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. | C02
Ellison, T. Mark & Fahime Same. 2024. Experimental versus in-corpus variation in referring expression choice. In Nicoletta Calzolari, Min-Yen Kan, Veronique Hoste, Alessandro Lenci, Sakriani Sakti & Nianwen Xue (eds.), Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), 6838–6848. Torino, Italia: ELRA & ICCL. | C09, INF
Herbig, Elisa, Tabea Thies, Michael T. Barbe & Doris Mücke. 2024. The role of cognitive efficiency and Levodopa on articulatory timing. In Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), 13-17 May, 2024, 125–128. Autrans, France .| A04
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2024. Stichworte “Agensprominenz”, “Gegebenheitshierarchie”, “perspektivisches Zentrum”, “Prominenz”, “struktureller Attraktor.” In Helmut Glück & Michael Rödel (eds.), Metzler Lexikon Sprache 6. überarb. Auflage, 19; 211; 484; 514; 647. Heidelberg: Metzler. | B04, C04
von Heusinger, Klaus, Tiago Duarte & Marco García García. 2024. Differential Object Marking and discourse prominence in Spanish. Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 10(1). 1–37. pdf | B04, C04
von Heusinger, Klaus, Frederike Weeber, Jet Hoek & Andreas Brocher. 2024. Informativity, information status and the accessibility of indefinite noun phrases. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 9(1). 1-20.| C04
Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2024. Accounts of perspective taking in narrative. Language and Linguistics Compass 18(3). 1–16. | C05
Hollington, Andrea, Alice Mitchell & Nico Nassenstein (eds.). 2024. Anthropological Linguistics: Perspectives from Africa (Culture and Language Use, 23). John Benjamins. | B02
Jasinskaja, Katja, Yuting Li, Fahime Same & David Uerlings. 2024. Reference and discourse structure annotation of elicited chat continuations in German. In Proceedings of the 18th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVIII), 176–187. St. Julians, Malta: Association for Computational Linguistics. | C06, INF
Jeon, Hae-Sung, Constantijn Kaland & Martine Grice. 2024. Cluster analysis of Korean IP-final intonation. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024, 1025–1029. Leiden. pdf | A01, A03
Jergas, Hannah, Jan Niklas Petry-Schmelzer, Jonathan Hannemann, Tabea Thies, Joshua N Strelow, Ilona Rubi-Fessen, Jana Quinting, et al. 2024. One side effect – two networks? Lateral and postero-medial stimulation spreads induce dysarthria in subthalamic deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatrie. | A04
Kaiser, Georg A. & Klaus von Heusinger. 2024. On the emergence of argument encoding in causative constructions in Spanish. In New perspectives on the syntax of causative and restructuring verbs in Romance, Jan Casalicchio & Peter Herbeck (eds.). Special issue of Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 10(4)/2, 1–34. | B04
Kaland, Constantijn, Anjali Bhatara, Natalie Boll-Avetisyan & Thierry Nazzi. 2024. Prosodic grouping in Akan and the applicability of the iambic-trochaic law. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024, 1040–1044. Leiden. pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn & Martine Grice. 2024. Exploring and explaining variation in phrase-final f0 movements in spontaneous Papuan Malay. Phonetica. pdf | A01, A03
Kaland, Constantijn & Maria Lialiou. 2024. Quantity-sensitivity affects recall performance of word stress. In Proceedings of the 25th Interspeech Conference, 4238–4242. pdf | A01, A03
Kaland, Constantijn, Jeremy Steffmann & Jennifer Cole. 2024. K-means and hierarchical clustering of f0 contours. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2024, 1520–1524. pdf | A03
Kizilkaya, Semra. 2024. Affectedness at the morphosyntax-semantics interface. Evidence from Differential Object Marking. Berlin: De Gruyter. | B04
Leonetti Escandell, Victoria & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2024. The interpretation of null and overt subject pronouns in Spanish compared to Greek and Italian. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 9(1). | C03
Lialiou, Maria, Martine Grice, Christine T. Röhr & Petra B. Schumacher. 2024. Auditory processing of intonational rises and falls in German: Rises are special in attention orienting. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 36(6). 1099–1122. | A01
Lialiou, Maria, Jesse Harris, Martine Grice & Petra B. Schumacher. 2024. Attention allocation to deviants with intonational rises and falls: Evidence from pupillometry. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of Cognitive Science Society, vol. 46. | A01
Listanti, Andrea & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2024. The development of postverbal subjects in L2 Italian: A multifactorial corpus analysis. Applied Psycholinguistics 45(1). 180–212. | C03
Lorenzen, Janne & Stefan Baumann. 2024. Does communicative skill predict individual variability in the prosodic encoding of lexical and referential givenness? In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden. | A07
Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. 2024. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic effects of information status on prosodic prominence – Evidence from an interactive web-based production experiment in German. Frontiers in Psychology 15. 1296933. | A04, A07
Lützeler, Anne & Robert Voigt. 2024. Effects of evaluation and prominence on the resolution of German demonstratives. In Iva Kovač, Paul Meisenbichler, Atefeh Shahbazi, Hadis Tamleh & Maximilian Wiesner (eds.), Proceedings of ConSOLE 31, 52–68. Leiden: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. | C07
Mattissen, Johanna. 2024. Lexical actional classes in Romance languages in interaction with aspectually relevant material in the clause. In Jakob Egetenmeyer, Sarah Dessì Schmid & Martin Becker (eds.), Tense, Aspect and Discourse Structure, 154–187. Berlin: De Gruyter. | B05
Mereu, Daniela, Francesco Cangemi & Martine Grice. 2024. Backchannels are not always very short utterances. The case of Italian Multi-Unit Backchannels. Journal of Pragmatics 228. 1–16. | A02
Mertz, Justine, Lena Pagel, Pamela Perniss, Giuseppina Turco & Doris Mücke. 2024. Coarticulation in sign language: A kinematic study on French Sign Language (LSF) using Electromagnetic Articulography (EMA). In Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), 13-17 May, 2024, 51–54. Autrans en Vercors, France. | A04, B09
Mertz, Justine, Lena Pagel, Giuseppina Turco & Doris Mücke. 2024. Gradiency and categoriality in the prosodic modulation of French Sign Language: A kinematic approach using Electromagnetic Articulography. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech Prosody, 2-5 July, 2024, 851–855. Leiden, the Netherlands. | A04
Mertz, Justine, Lena Pagel, Giuseppina Turco & Doris Mücke. 2024. Using electromagnetic articulography in LSF: A new approach to sign language kinematics. In 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, June 27-29, 2025. Seoul, Korea. | A04
Mitchell, Alice & Nicola Zimmerman. 2024. Mouths, tongues, and ears: Source concepts for ‘language’ across Africa. In Andrea Hollington, Alice Mitchell & Nico Nassenstein (eds.), Anthropological Linguistics: Perspectives from Africa (Culture and Language Use, 23), 88–103. John Benjamins. | B02
Möking, Eduardo, Simona Sbranna, Aviad Albert & Martine Grice. 2024. Monitoring and assessing L2 prosodic competence. In Giampiero De Cristofaro, Fátima Silva & Borbála Samu (eds.), Language MOOCs and OERs: new trends and challenges, 159–184. Perugia Stranieri University Press. | A01
Mücke, Doris, Simon Roessig, Antje Mefferd, Tabea Thies & Anne Hermes. 2024. Challenges with the kinematic analysis of neurotypical and impaired speech: measures and models. Journal of Phonetics 102. 101292. | A04
Pagel, Lena, Simon Roessig & Doris Mücke. 2024. An experimental setup for capturing multimodal accommodation using dual electromagnetic articulography, audio, and video. In Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), 13-17 May, 2024, 119–122. Autrans en Vercors, France. | A04
Pagel, Lena, Simon Roessig & Doris Mücke. 2024. The encoding of prominence relations in supra-laryngeal articulation across speaking styles. Journal of Laboratory Phonology. Journal of Laboratory Phonology 15(1). 1–55. | A04
Reinöhl, Uta & Mark Ellison. 2024. Metaphor forces argument overtness. Linguistics. | B03, C09
Roessig, Simon, Mortaza Taheri-Ardali, Lena Pagel & Doris Mücke. 2024. Prosodic realization of different focus types in Persian. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech Prosody, 2-5 July, 2024, 762–766. Leiden, the Netherlands. | A04
Savino, Michelina, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice. 2024. The prosody of Italian newsreading: a diachronic analysis. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden. | A01, A02
Sbranna, Simona, Michelina Savino, Florence Baills & Martine Grice. 2024. Vocal feedback and eye gaze patterns in Italian task-based dyadic conversations. In Proceedings AISV Annual Conference. Turin. | A02
Schumacher, Petra B., Clare Patterson & Magdalena Repp. 2024. Famous protagonists interfere with discourse topicality during pronoun resolution. Glossa Psycholinguistics 3(1): 9. 1-30. | C07
Seeliger, Heiko & Sophie Repp. 2024. Givenness perception in declaratives vs. exclamatives. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden.| A06
Spaniol, Malin, Simon Wehrle, Alicia Janz, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2024. The Influence of Conversational Context on Lexical and Prosodic Aspects of Backchannels and Gaze Behaviour. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden. | A02
Thies, Tabea, Michael T. Barbe & Doris Mücke. 2024. Prosody matters: Preserved prominence marking strategies in people with Parkinson’s disease independent of motor status. PLoS ONE. | A04
Torregrossa, Jacopo, Andrea Listanti, Christiane Bongartz & Theodoros Marinis. 2024. Adding discourse to sentence repetition tasks: Under which conditions does bilingual children’s performance improve? Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 3(2). 100107. | C03
Veit, Nataliya & Gertrud Schneider-Blum. 2024. Kin-relational expressions of the Tima (Nuba Mountains, Sudan). In Andrea Hollington, Alice Mitchell & Nico Nassenstein (eds.), Anthropological Linguistics - Perspectives from Africa, 223–252. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. | B02
Zeyer, Barbara & Martina Penke. 2024. Prosodic prominence and its hindering effect on word recognition memory in German. In Proceedings of the 12th Speech Prosody, 1135–1139. Leiden, the Netherlands. pdf | B06
Zeyer, Barbara & Martina Penke. 2024. Prosodic prominence does not speed up word recognition in a word-monitoring task with German adult speakers. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 9(1). | B06
Albert, Aviad. 2023. A model of sonority based on pitch intelligibility (Studies in Laboratory Phonology 13). Berlin: Language Science Press. | A01
Andreou, Maria, Jacopo Torregrossa & Christiane Bongartz. 2023. The use of null subjects by Greek-Italian bilingual children: Identifying cross-linguistic effects. In Georgia Fotiadou & Ianthi Maria Tsimpli (eds.), Individual differences in anaphora resolution: Language and cognitive effects, 166–191. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. | C03
Bader, Markus, Jacopo Torregrossa & Esther Rinke. 2023. Pinning down the interaction between animacy and syntactic function in the interpretation of German and Italian personal and demonstrative pronouns. Discourse Processes 60(9). 655–673. | C03
Baills, Florence, Stefan Baumann & Patrick Rohrer. 2023. The Relation between Pitch Accent Types, Head Movements and Perceived Prosodic Prominence in L2 French. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 4145–4149. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A07
Bruera, Andrea, Yuan Tao, Andrew Anderson, Derya Çokal, Janosch Haber & Massimo Poesio. 2023. Modeling brain representations of words’ concreteness in context using GPT-2 and human ratings. Cognitive Science 47(12). e13388. | C04
Cangemi, Francesco, Martine Grice, Alicia Janz, Valeria Lucarini, Malin Spaniol & Kai Vogeley. 2023. Content-free speech activity records: interviews with people with schizophrenia. Lang Resources & Evaluation. | A02
Cangemi, Francesco, Martine Grice, Hae-Sung Jeon & Jane Setter. 2023. Contrast or context, that is the question. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1360–1364. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A02
Carbonara, Valentina, Andrea Scibetta & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2023. The benefits of multilingual pedagogies for multilingual children’s narrative abilities. International Journal of Multilingualism. International Journal of Multilingualism 21(2). 645–669. | C03
Chen, Guanyi, Fahime Same & Kees van Deemter. 2023. Neural referential form selection: Generalisability and interpretability. Computer Speech & Language 79. 101466. | INF
Çokal, Derya, Ruth Filik, Patrick Sturt & Massimo Poesio. 2023. Anaphoric reference to mereological entities. Discourse Processes 60(3). 202–223. | C04
Coretta, Stefano, Joseph V. Casillas, Simon Roessig, Michael Franke, [...], Timo B. Roettger. (with Francesco Cangemi, Martine Grice, Constantijn Kaland, Maria Lialiou, Malin Spaniol & Simon Wehrle). 2023. Multidimensional Signals and Analytic Flexibility: Estimating Degrees of Freedom in Human-Speech Analyses. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6(3). 1–29. pdf | A01, A02, A03, A04
Dolscheid, Sarah & Martina Penke. 2023. Attention vs. accessibility: the role of different cue types for non-canonical sentence production in German. Frontiers in Language Sciences 2. | B06
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2023. The temporal relationships between the pluscuamperfecto and mientras + imperfecto. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 16(1), 63-107. | C02
Farinella, Alessa, Constantijn Kaland & Daniel Kaufman. 2023. Gesture and prosodic prominence in Ambonese Indonesian. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 4196–4200. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. pdf | A03
Fries, Simon, Jakob Halfmann, Eugen Hill & Denise Hübner. 2023. From agent noun to future tense. The functional diachrony of the l-future in the Nuristani languages and its typological background. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 76(1). 53–85. | B08
Fries, Simon & Eugen Hill. 2023. Establishing the age of the Latvian debitive mood: the evidence of Latgalian. Baltu filoloģija 32(1). 25–54. | B08
Grice, Martine, Simon Wehrle, Martina Krüger, Malin Spaniol, Francesco Cangemi & Kai Vogeley. 2023. Linguistic prosody in autism spectrum disorder—An overview. Language and Linguistics Compass 17(5). e12498. | A02
Hellwig, Birgit, Shanley E. M. Allen, Lucinda Davidson, Rebecca Defina, Barbara F. Kelly & Evan Kidd (eds.). 2023. The acquisition sketch project (Language Documentation and Conservation SP 28). Honolulu, Hawai’i: University of Hawai’i Press. | B02
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2023. On the comparability of prosodic categories: why ‘stress’ is difficult. Linguistic Typology 27(2). 341–361. | A03
Im, Suyeon, Jennifer Cole & Stefan Baumann. 2023. Standing out in context: Prominence in the production and perception of public speech. Laboratory Phonology (Special Collection on Prosody and Speech Processing across Languages and Varieties) 14(1). 1-62. | A07
Kaland, Constantijn. 2023. Intonation Contour Similarity: F0 Representations and Distance Measures Compared to Human Perception in Two Languages. The Journal of Acoustic Society of America (JASA) 154(1). 95–107. pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn & Maria Bardají. 2023. Phonetic description of filled pauses as discourse markers in Totoli. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 3242–3246. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. pdf | A03, B05
Kaland, Constantijn & T. Mark Ellison. 2023. Evaluating cluster analysis on f0 contours: An information theoretic approach on three languages. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 3448–3452. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. pdf | A03, C09
Kaland, Constantijn, Matthew Gordon, Jiyoung Jang & Argyro Katsika. 2023. No effects of f0 manipulation and phrase position in Korean word recognition. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Tone and Intonation, 64–68. pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn & Marc Swerts. 2023. The attractiveness of average speech rhythms: Revisiting the average effect from a crosslinguistic perspective. Language and Speech. 1–21. pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn, Marc Swerts & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2023. Red and blue bananas: Time-series f0 analysis of contrastively focused noun phrases in Papuan Malay and Dutch. Journal of Phonetics 96. 101200. pdf | A03
Kościołek, Iga & Daniel Bunčić. 2023. Can Polish -no/-to demote discourse-prominent referents? Corpus data vs. acceptability. Discours 33. | B01
Kretzschmar, Franziska, Phillip M. Alday, Martine Grice & Ingmar Brilmayer. 2023. Editorial: Variability in language predictions: assessing the influence of speaker, text and experimental method. Frontiers in Communication 8. | A01, B07
Lialiou, Maria, Anna Bruggeman, Alexandra Vella, Sarah Grech, Petra Schumacher & Martine Grice. 2023. Word-level prominence and “stress deafness” in Maltese-English bilinguals. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 132–136. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A01
Listanti, Andrea & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2023. The production of preverbal and postverbal subjects by Italian heritage children: Timing of acquisition matters. First Language 43(4). 431–460. | C03
Listanti, Andrea, Jacopo Torregrossa, Sonja Eisenbeiß & Christiane Bongartz. 2023. Home Literacy Exposure in the Heritage Language Enhances Theory-of-Mind Development: A Study on Greek-Italian Bilingual Children. In Paris Gappmayr & Jackson Kellogg (eds.), Proceedings of the 47th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), 505–518. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. | C03
Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. 2023. Redundancy and Individual Variability in the Prosodic Marking of Information Status in German. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1320–1324. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A07
Malcher, Kurt. 2023. Clefts. A cross-linguistic investigation. Universität zu Köln. Dissertation. | B05
Mücke, Doris, Tabea Thies, Philipp Büch, Noemi Furlani, Janine Schreen & Anne Hermes. 2023. Variability in space, compensation in time: Effects of aging on tongue body kinematics with respect to prosodic focus marking. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences, 2035–2039. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A04
Müller, Lukas. 2023. The Spanish and the Portuguese Present Perfect in Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. | C02
Mürmann, Sophie. 2023. Differential Object Marking and role semantics in Romance. Universität zu Köln. Dissertation. | B04
Pagel, Lena, Márton Sóskuthy, Simon Roessig & Doris Mücke. 2023. A kinematic analysis of visual prosody: Head movements in habitual and loud speech. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 4130–4134. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A04
Parrell, Benjamin, Antje Mefferd, Sarah Harper, Simon Roessig & Doris Mücke. 2023. Using computational models to characterize the role of motor noise in speech: The case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences, 878–882. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A04
Patil, Umesh, Stefan Hinterwimmer & Petra B. Schumacher. 2023. Effect of evaluative expressions on two types of demonstrative pronouns in German. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 8(1). 1–29. | C05, C07
Patterson, Clare & Petra B Schumacher. 2023. How focus and position affect the interpretation of demonstrative pronouns [Registered Report]. Collabra: Psychology 9(1). 75350. | C07, C09
Poesio, Massimo, Juntao Yu, Silviu Paun, Abdulrahman Aloraini, Pengcheng Lu, Janosch Haber & Derya Çokal. 2023. Computational Models of Anaphora. Annual Review of Linguistics 9(1). 561–587. | C04
Prenner, Maria Katarzyna. 2023. Agentivity in Human Impersonal Constructions in Polish and Russian. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang. | B01
Repp, Sophie, Lara Muhtz & Johannes Heim. 2023. Alignment of beat gestures and prosodic prominence in German. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2023, 107–111. Dublin, Ireland. | A06
Repp, Magdalena, Petra B. Schumacher & Fahime Same. 2023. Multi-layered annotation of conversation-like narratives in German. In Proceedings of the 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVII), 61–72. Toronto: Association for Computational Linguistics. | C07, INF
Repp, Magdalena & Petra B. Schumacher. 2023. What naturalistic stimuli tell us about pronoun resolution in real-time processing. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 6. 1058554. | C07
Repp, Sophie & Heiko Seeliger. 2023. Contrast and givenness in biased declarative questions. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1543–1547. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A06
Repp, Sophie & Heiko Seeliger. 2023. Reject?! On the prosody of non-acceptance. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1355–1359. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A06
Röhr, Christine, Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice. 2023. Intonational preferences for lexical contrast and verum focus. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1578–1582. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A01, A07
Romero Heredero, Diego & Marco García García. 2023. Differential Object Marking in Spanish: The effect of affectedness. Caplletra 74(1). 259–289. pdf | B04
Same, Fahime, Guanyi Chen & Kees van Deemter. 2023. Models of reference production: How do they withstand the test of time? In Proceedings of the 16th International Natural Language Generation Conference, 93–105. Prague, Czechia: Association for Computational Linguistics. | INF
Saure, Christopher, Stefan Hinterwimmer & Anna Pia Jordan-Bertinelli. 2023. An experimental investigation of the interaction of narrators’ and protagonists’ perspectival prominence in narrative texts. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 42(2). 341–372. | C05
Savino, Michelina, Francisco Torreira & Martine Grice. 2023. Prosodic convergence across varieties of Italian. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1310–1314. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A01
Sbranna, Simona, Caterina Ventura, Aviad Albert & Martine Grice. 2023. Prosodic marking of information status in Italian. Journal of Phonetics 97. 101212. preprint: pdf | A01
Sbranna, Simona, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice. 2023. The use of Backchannels and other Very Short Utterances by Italian Learners of German. In Proceedings of XVIII AISV Conference “The position of the speaker in interaction: attitudes, intentions, and emotions in verbal communication.” Naples, Italy. [Franco Ferrero Award for best article] | A02
Schneider-Blum, Gertrud. 2023. The impact of attentional centering on ergative marking in Tima. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 76(1). 87–112. | B02
Seeliger, Heiko, Anne Lützeler & Constantijn Kaland. 2023. The perception of German wh-phrase-final intonation. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Tone and Intonation, 10–14. pdf | A03, A06
Seeliger, Heiko & Sophie Repp. 2023. Information-structural surprises? Contrast, givenness, and (the lack of) accent shift and deaccentuation in non-assertive speech acts. Journal of Laboratory Phonology 14(1), 1-46. | A06
Spaniol, Malin, Alicia Janz, Simon Wehrle, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2023. Multimodal signalling: the interplay of oral and visual feedback in conversation. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 4110–4114. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A02
Tabain, Marija & Gertrud Schneider-Blum. 2023. Tima. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 1–25. | B02
Thies, Tabea. 2023. Tongue Body Kinematics in Parkinson’s Disease: Effects of Levodopa and Deep Brain Stimulation. Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag. | A04
Thies, Tabea, Hannah Jergas, Doris Mücke, Gregor A. Brandt, Veerle Visser-Vandewalle, Serge Pinto & Michael T. Barbe. 2023. The effects of STN-DBS on motor speech: A longitudinal articulographic study. Brain Stimulation 16(6). 1598–1600. | A04
Thies, Tabea, Doris Mücke, Nuria Geerts, Aline Seger, Gereon R. Fink, Michael T. Barbe & Michael Sommerauer. 2023. Compensatory articulatory mechanisms preserve intelligibility in prodromal Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 112. 105487. | A04
Thies, Tabea, Doris Mücke & Antje Mefferd. 2023. Phase relations between the tongue body and the jaw across rate modifications in younger and older speakers. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences, 1057–1061. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A04
Torregrossa, Jacopo, Irene Caloi & Andrea Listanti. 2023. The acquisition of syntactic structures in heritage Italian: Assessing the role of language exposure at critical periods. In Francesco Romano (ed.), Studies in Italian as a Heritage Language, 155–194. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. | C03
Torregrossa, Jacopo, Sonja Eisenbeiß & Christiane Bongartz. 2023. Boosting bilingual metalinguistic awareness under dual language activation: Some implications for bilingual education. Language Learning 73(3). 683–722. | C03
Veit, Nataliya. 2023. Semantic verb classes in Tima (Niger-Congo). Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cologne. | B02
Weeber, Frederike. 2023. The German indefinite pronoun “ein(er)”. Interpretation and discourse linking. Universität zu Köln. Dissertation. | C04
Wehrle, Simon. 2023. Conversation and Intonation in autism: A multi-dimensional analysis. Berlin: Language Science Press. | A02
Wehrle, Simon, Francesco Cangemi, Alicia Janz, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2023. Turn-timing in conversations between autistic adults: typical short-gap transitions are preferred, but not achieved instantly. PLoS ONE 18(4). e0284029. | A02
Wehrle, Simon, Martine Grice & Kai Vogeley. 2023. Filled Pauses Produced by Autistic Adults Differ in Prosodic Realisation, but not Rate or Lexical Type. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. | A02
Wehrle, Simon & Christopher Sappok. 2023. Evaluating prosodic aspects of oral reading proficiency in schoolchildren: effects of gender, genre and grade. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1275–1279. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A02
Wehrle, Simon, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2023. Backchannels in conversations between autistic adults are less frequent and less diverse prosodically and lexically. Language and Cognition 1–26. | A02
Wehrle, Simon, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2023. Characteristics and distribution of silent pauses in conversations between autistic and non-autistic dyads. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 3462–3466. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | A02
Zeyer, Barbara & Martina Penke. 2023. The processing of prosodic prominence in German. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 4071–4075. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International. | B06
Bardají i Farré, Maria, Sonja Riesberg & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2022. Limited control predicates in western Austronesia: stative, dynamic, or none of the above? Oceanic Linguistics 61(1). 118–165. | B05
Becker, Martin. 2022. A tradição do pensamento universalista e a Grammatica Philosophica de Lingua Portugueza de João Soares Barbosa. In Yvonne Hendrich & Benjamin Meisnitzer (eds.), Lingua e identidade no mundo lusófono - Sprache und Identität in der lusophonen Welt, 57–74. Ibidem. | C02
Becker, Martin. 2022. Looking back and looking ahead: Some thoughts on the suffix -ata in Romance. In Chiara Gianollo, Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Sofiana Lindemann (eds.), Paths through meaning and form. Festschrift offered to Klaus von Heusinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 22–26. Köln: Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln. | C02
Becker, Martin. 2022. More about the PPC – the PPC and its interaction with quantifiers in a diachronic perspective. In David Paul Gerards, Benjamin Meisnitzer & Albert Wall (eds.), Micro-Variation and its impact on the system(s) of Portuguese (=Special issue of PhiN (Philologie im Netz)). | C02
Becker, Martin & Rolf Thieroff. 2022. 22. Modus und Modalität. In Ralf Klabunde, Wiltrud Mihatsch & Stefanie Dipper (eds.), Linguistik im Sprachvergleich: Germanistik – Romanistik – Anglistik, 457–584. Berlin: Springer. | C02
Braun, Antonia. 2022. Die Dativ/Akkusativ-Alternation in der spanischen Kausativkonstruktion hacer + Infinitiv – Die Agentivität des Causee. Universität zu Köln M.A. Thesis. | B04
Buech, Philipp, Simon Roessig, Lena Pagel & Anne Hermes. 2022. Making articulation accessible in Praat. In Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control 2022, 289–290. Groningen, the Netherlands. | A04
Buech, Philipp, Simon Roessig, Lena Pagel, Anne Hermes & Doris Mücke. 2022. ema2wav: doing articulation by Praat. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2022, 18-22 September 2022, 1352–1356. Incheon, Korea. pdf | A04
Cangemi, Francesco. 2022. Schizophrenia at the crossroads of thought, language and communication. In Proceedings of the Technical Committee on Thought and Language (Yamagata University, November 2022), 1–5. Tokyo, Japan: The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. | A02
Caro Reina, Javier. 2022. Differentielle Objektmarkierung im Spanischunterricht. Zeitschrift für Romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik 16(2). 125–150. | B04
Chen, Guanyi, Fahime Same & Kees van Deemter. 2022. Assessing Neural Referential Form Selectors on a Realistic Multilingual Dataset. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison of NLP Systems, 103–114. Association for Computational Linguistics. pdf | INF
Çokal, Derya & Patrick Sturt. 2022. The real-time status of strong and weak islands. PLoS ONE 17(2). e0263879. | C04
Dolscheid, Sarah, Simge Çelik, Hasan Erkan, Aylin Küntay & Asifa Majid. 2022. Children’s associations between space and pitch are differentially shaped by language. Developmental Science: e13341. | B06
Dusi, L., Valeria Lucarini, Francesco Cangemi, Jacopo Lucchese, Francesca Giustozzi, Francesca Magnani, Carlo Marchesi, Kai Vogeley, Martine Grice & Matteo Tonna. 2022. Language and turn-taking in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. European Psychiatry 65(1). 763–764. | A02
Ebert, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2022. Free indirect discourse meets character viewpoint gestures: A reconstruction of Davidson’s demonstration account with gesture semantics. In Sam Featherstone, Robin Hörnig, Andreas Konietzko & Sophie von Wietersheim (eds.), Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020: Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives. Tübingen: University of Tübingen. | C05
Ellison, T. Mark & Fahime Same. 2022. Constructing Distributions of Variation in Referring Expression Type from Corpora for Model Evaluation. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2989–2997. Marseille, France: European Language Resources Association. pdf | C09, INF
Fries, Simon. 2022. Über die Variation bū́tų ~ bū́t und mū́sų, jū́sų ~ mū́s, jū́s bei Christian Donelaitis. Archivum Lithuanicum 24. 27–56. | B08
Fries, Simon. 2022. Über die Variation bū́tų ~ bū́t und mū́sų, jū́sų ~ mū́s, jū́s im Litauischen und ihren Hintergrund in den prosodischen Verhältnissen des Urostbaltischen. Baltu Filoloģija 31(2). 4–47. | B08
Fries, Simon & Eugen Hill. 2022. Insights into the diachrony of the East Baltic subjunctive mood. Baltistica 57(1). 5–44. | B08
Garassino, Davide, Dalila Dipino & Francesco Cangemi. 2022. Per un approccio multidimensionale allo studio dell’intonazione: le domande in Genovese. In Stephan Schmid, Camilla Bernardasci, Dalila Dipino, Davide Garassino, Stefano Negrinelli & Elisa Pellegrino (eds.), Speaker Individuality in Phonetics and Speech Sciences: Speech Technology and Forensic Applications, 219–242. Milano: Officinaventuno. | A02
Gianollo, Chiara, Klaus von Heusinger & Maria Napoli (eds.). 2022. Determiners and quantifiers: functions, variation, and change. Leiden: Brill. | C04
Gianollo, Chiara, Klaus von Heusinger & Maria Napoli. 2022. Reference and quantification in nominal phrases: the current landscape and the way ahead. In Chiara Gianollo, Klaus von Heusinger & Maria Napoli (eds.), Determiners and quantifiers: functions, variation, and change, 1–28. Leiden: Brill. pdf | C04
Grice, Martine. 2022. Autosegmental-Metrical Phonology - Unpacking the Boxes. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 41(2). 393–411. | A01
Grice, Martine. 2022. Commentary: Introducing Flexibility into Autosegmental-Metrical Phonology. In Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel & Jonathan Barnes (eds.), Prosodic Theory and Practice, 64–75. The MIT Press. | A01
Hellwig, Birgit. 2022. Expressing events of directed caused accompanied motion in Qaqet. In Anna Margetts, Birgit Hellwig & Sonja Riesberg (eds.), Caused accompanied motion: Bringing and taking events in a cross-linguistic perspective, 341–368. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. | B02
Hellwig, Birgit & Dagmar Jung. 2022. Events of caused accompanied motion in Qaqet and Dëne Sųłıné child language corpora. In Anna Margetts, Sonja Riesberg & Birgit Hellwig (eds.), Caused accompanied motion: Bringing and taking events in a cross-linguistic perspective, 397–434. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. | B02
Hellwig, Birgit, Anna Margetts, Sonja Riesberg & Melanie Schippling. 2022. Bringing and taking: A cross-linguistic perspective on caused accompanied motion events. In Anna Margetts, Sonja Riesberg & Birgit Hellwig (eds.), Caused accompanied motion: Bringing and taking events in a cross-linguistic perspective, 1–41. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. | B02, B05
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2022. Against trivializing language description (and comparison). Studies in Language 46. 133–160. | B05
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2022. Prosodic phrasing and the emergence of phrase structure. Linguistics 60(3). 715–743. | B05
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. & Sonja Riesberg. 2022. Expressions of directed caused accompanied motion events in Totoli, a western Austronesian language of Indonesia. In Anna Margetts, Sonja Riesberg & Birgit Hellwig (eds.), Caused accompanied motion: Bringing and taking events in a cross-linguistic perspective, 219–242. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. | B05
Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Umesh Patil. 2022. The interpretative options of anaphoric complex demonstratives. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 7(1). | C05, C07
Kaland, Constantijn. 2022. Bending the string: intonation contour length as a correlate of macro-rhythm. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2022, 5233–5237. | A03
Kaland, Constantijn & Matthew K. Gordon. 2022. The role of f0 shape and phrasal position in Papuan Malay and American English word identification. Phonetica. pdf | A03
Kizilkaya, Semra, Zarina Levy-Forsythe & Klaus von Heusinger. 2022. Affectedness and Differential Object Marking in Turkish and Uzbek. Linguistics 60(6). 1907–1941. | B04
Kretzschmar, Franziska, Maria Katarzyna Prenner, Beatrice Primus & Daniel Bunčić. 2022. Semantic-role prominence is contingent on referent prominence in discourse: Experimental evidence from impersonals and passives in Polish. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 7(1). 1–44. | B01, B07
Kügler, Frank, Stefan Baumann & Christine T. Röhr. 2022. Deutsche Intonation, Modellierung und Annotation (DIMA) – Richtlinien zur prosodischen Annotation des Deutschen. In Cordula Schwarze & Sven Grawunder (eds.), Transkription und Annotation gesprochener Sprache und multimodaler Interaktion, 23–54. Tübingen: Narr. | A01, A07
Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. 2022. Information status and tonal context jointly modulate prosodic prominence relations in German. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2022, 7-11. Lisbon, Portugal. | A04, A07
Margetts, Anna, Katharina Haude, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann, Dagmar Jung, Sonja Riesberg, Stefan Schnell, Frank Seifart, Harriet Sheppard & Claudia Wegener. 2022. Cross-linguistic patterns in the lexicalization of bring and take. Studies in Language. | B05
Margetts, Anna, Sonja Riesberg & Birgit Hellwig (eds.). 2022. Caused accompanied motion: Bringing and taking events in a cross-linguistic perspective. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. | B02, B05
Mitchell, Alice & Anne Storch. 2022. The Unspoken. In Svenja Völkel & Nico Nassenstein (eds.), Approaches to language and culture, 217-236. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. | B02
Mücke, Doris, Antje Mefferd, Tabea Thies, Simon Roessig & Anne Hermes. 2022. Analysis and Modelling of Impaired Speech Movements: Challenges and Future Directions. In Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control 2022, 239–240. Groningen, the Netherlands. | A04
Pagel, Lena, Simon Roessig & Doris Mücke. 2022. How to achieve a prominence GOAL! in different speaking styles. In Chiara Gianollo, Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Sofiana I. Lindemann (eds.), Festschrift offered to Klaus von Heusinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 200–204. Köln: Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln. | A04
Pagel, Lena, Simon Roessig & Doris Mücke. 2022. Supra-laryngeal articulation under vocal effort variation. In Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control 2022, 241–242. Groningen, the Netherlands. | A04
Patil, Umesh & Petra B. Schumacher. 2022. Modeling prominence constraints for German pronouns as weighted retrieval cues. In Terrence C. Stewart (ed.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, 216–221. preprint: pdf | C07, C09
Patterson, Clare, Petra B. Schumacher, Bruno Nicenboim, Johannes Hagen & Andrew Kehler. 2022. A Bayesian Approach to German Personal and Demonstrative Pronouns. Frontiers in Psychology 12, 672927. | C07
Primus, Beatrice, Franziska Kretzschmar, Klaus von Heusinger & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2022. Relating agent prominence to discourse prominence: Do-clefts in German. Linguistics 60(6). 1811–1853. | B05, B07, C04
Riesberg, Sonja. 2022. The expression of directed CAM events in Yali, a non-Austronesian language of New Guinea. In Anna Margetts, Sonja Riesberg & Birgit Hellwig (eds.), Caused accompanied motion: Bringing and taking events in a cross-linguistic perspective, 369–395. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. | B05
Riesberg, Sonja, Maria Bardají i Farré, Kurt Malcher & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2022. Predicting voice choice in symmetrical voice languages. All the things that do not work in Totoli. Studies in Language 46(2). 453–516. | B05
Roessig, Simon, Lena Pagel & Doris Mücke. 2022. Speaking loudly reduces flexibility and variability in the prosodic marking of focus types. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2022, 500-504. Lisbon, Portugal. | A04
Roessig, Simon, Bodo Winter & Doris Mücke. 2022. Tracing the phonetic space of prosodic focus marking. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5. | A04
Röhr, Christine T., Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice. 2022. The Influence of Expectations on Tonal Cues to Prominence. Journal of Phonetics 94. 101174. | A01, A07
Röhr, Christine T., Michelina Savino & Martine Grice. 2022. The effect of intonational rises on serial recall in German. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2022, 759–763. Lisbon, Portugal. | A01, C09
Romero Heredero, Diego. 2022. Marcado Diferencial de Objeto y semántica verbal en Español. Berlin: De Gruyter. | B04
Same, Fahime, Guanyi Chen & Kees van Deemter. 2022. Non-neural Models Matter: a Re-evaluation of Neural Referring Expression Generation Systems. In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 5554–5567. Dublin, Ireland: Association for Computational Linguistics. pdf | INF
Savino, Michelina, Simona Sbranna, Caterina Ventura, Aviad Albert & Martine Grice. 2022. Imitating intonation in a non-native variety: the influence of the native repertoire. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2022, 739–743. Lisbon, Portugal. | A01
Sbranna, Simona, Eduardo Möking, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice. 2022. Backchannelling across Languages: Rate, Lexical Choice and Intonation in L1 Italian, L1 German and L2 German. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2022, 734–738. Lisbon, Portugal. | A01, A02
Schlenter, Judith, Yulia Esaulova, Sarah Dolscheid & Martina Penke. 2022. Ambiguity in case marking does not affect the description of transitive events in German: Evidence from sentence production and eye-tracking. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 37(7). 844–865. | B06
Schlenter, Judith & Martina Penke. 2022. (How) visual properties affect the perception and description of transitive events. Glossa Psycholinguistics 1(1). | B06
Schneider-Blum, Gertrud. 2022. On noncausal/causal alternations in Tima (Nuba Mountains, Sudan). Linguistique et Langues Africaines 8(2). | B02
Schneider-Blum, Gertrud, Sonja Riesberg, Birgit Hellwig & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2022. On resolving prominence conflicts – exceptional case marking in Tima and Yali. In Gianollo, Chiara, Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Sofiana I. Lindemann (eds.), Paths through meaning and form, 211-215. Cologne: USB Monographs. | B02, B05
Schreen, Janine, Tabea Thies, Anne Hermes & Doris Mücke. 2022. Age-related changes on tongue body movements. In Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control 2022, 247–248. Groningen, the Netherlands. | A04
Schumacher, Petra B., Clare Patterson & Magdalena Repp. 2022. Die diskursstrukturierende Funktion von Demonstrativpronomen. In Chiara Gianollo, Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Sofiana I. Lindemann (eds.), Paths through meaning and form. Festschrift offered to Klaus von Heusinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 216–220. Köln: Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln. | C07
Seeliger, Heiko & Constantijn Kaland. 2022. Boundary tones in German wh-questions and wh-exclamatives - a cluster-based approach. In Proceedings Speech Prosody 2022, 27–31. Lisbon, Portugal. pdf | A03, A06
Šimík, Radek & Katja Jasinskaja. 2022. There is no single Slavic word order type. Theoretical Linguistics 48(1–2). 85–97. | C06
Thies, Tabea, Michael T. Barbe, Veerle Visser-Vandewalle & Doris Mücke. 2022. Disease- and treatment-related changes on tongue body movements in Parkinson‘s disease. An electromagnetic articulography study. In Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control 2022, 11–12. Groningen, the Netherlands. | A04
Thies, Tabea, Nuria Geerts, Doris Mücke, Aline Seeger, Michael T. Barbe & Michael Sommerauer. 2022. Affected tongue body movements in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder. In Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control 2022, 191–192. Groningen, the Netherlands. | A04
Thies, Tabea, Anne Hermes & Doris Mücke. 2022. Compensation in Time and Space: Prominence Marking in Aging and Disease. Languages 7(1). 21. pdf | A04
Tomaszewicz-Özakın, Barbara & Petra B. Schumacher. 2022. Anaphoric Pronouns and the Computation of Prominence Profiles. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. | C07
Voigt, Robert. 2022. Contrast and the pronominal use of the demonstratives der and dieser in German. In Annie Holtz, Iva Kovač & Rasmus Puggaard-Rode. Proceedings of ConSOLE XXX, 166–183. Leiden: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. | C04
Voigt, Robert. 2022. Der Einfluss von Kontrast auf die Verwendung deutscher Personalpronomen und pronominaler Demonstrative. In Chiara Gianollo, Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Sofiana I. Lindemann (eds.), Paths through meaning and form. Festschrift offered to Klaus von Heusinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 264–269. Köln: Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln. | C04
Wehrle, Simon, Francesco Cangemi, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2022. New evidence for melodic speech in Autism Spectrum Disorder. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2022, 37-41. Lisbon, Portugal. | A01, A02
Andreou, Maria, Jacopo Torregrossa & Christiane Bongartz. 2021. Sentence repetition task as a measure of language dominance. In Danielle Dionne & Lee-Ann Vidal Covas (eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 45), 14–25. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. | C03
Baumann, Stefan, Jane Mertens & Janina Kalbertodt. 2021. The influence of informativeness on the prosody of sentence topics. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6(1): 95, 1–28. | A07
Becker, Martin. 2021. Free indirect discourse, quotative readings and the Romance imperfect. Italian Journal of Linguistics 33(2). 23–58. | C02
Becker, Martin. 2021. 9 La modalidad entre lo dicho y el decir. In Óscar Loureda & Angela Schrott (eds.), Manual de lingüística del hablar, 177–200. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. | C02
Becker, Martin. 2021. Le système des modes verbaux dans les langues romanes et ses dynamiques en diachronie. In Gerda Haßler & Sylvie Mutet (eds.), Manuel des modes et modalités, 351–384. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter. | C02
Becker, Martin. 2021. The pluperfect and its discourse potential in contrast – a comparison between Spanish, French and Italian. Revue Romane. Langue et Littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures 56(2). 267–296. | C02
Becker, Martin, Jakob Egetenmeyer & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2021. Perspective in German and French: Divergences in formal marking and temporal anchoring. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (LiLi) 51(2). 321–356. | C02, C05
Brilmayer, Ingmar & Petra B. Schumacher. 2021. Referential Chains Reveal Predictive Processes and Form-to-Function Mapping: An EEG Study Using Naturalistic Story Stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology 12, 623648. | B07, C07
Caro Reina, Javier, Marco García García & Klaus von Heusinger. 2021. Differential Object Marking in Cuban Spanish. In Johannes Kabatek, Philipp Obrist & Albert Wall (eds.), Differential Object Marking in Romance - The third wave (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie), 339–368. Berlin: De Gruyter. pdf | B04
Cassarà, Alessia & Sophie Mürmann. 2021. Role semantic parameters for Differential Object Marking in Italian. In Johannes Kabatek, Philipp Obrist & Albert Wall (eds.), Differential Object Marking in Romance - The third wave (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie), 65–102. Berlin: De Gruyter. pdf | B04, C01
Chen, Guanyi, Fahime Same & Kees van Deemter. 2021. What can Neural Referential Form Selectors Learn? In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Natural Language Generation, 154–166. Aberdeen, Scotland, UK: Association for Computational Linguistics. pdf | INF
Çokal, Derya, Patrick Sturt & Fernanda Ferreira. 2021. Processing of discourse deixis by Turkish non-native speakers of English. Dialogue & Discourse 12(2). 38–80. | C04
Compes, Isabel. 2021. The morphology of argument marking in the Wagi dialect of Beria. Studies in African Linguistics 50(2). 196–226. | B02
Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. 2021. The comparative method and language change in accretion zones: A view from the Nuba Mountains. In Na’ama Pat-El, Patience Epps & Danny Law (eds.), Historical linguistics and endangered languages: Exploring diversity in language change, 155–181. London: Routledge. | B02, B03
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2021. Genre determining prediction: Non-standard TAM marking in football language. Frontiers in Communication 6. 1–18. | C02
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2021. Temporal relations of free indirect discourse events. Linguistics 59(4). 1057–1102. | C02
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2021. Time updating uses of the French imparfait extending across genres. In Laura Baranzini & Louis de Saussure (eds.), Aspects of tenses, modality, and evidentiality (= Cahiers Chronos; 31), 56–77. Leiden/Boston: Brill. | C02
Esaulova, Yulia, Sarah Dolscheid & Martina Penke. 2021. All it takes to produce passives in German. In Vicenç Torrens (ed.), Syntax processing, 75–107. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. | B06
Esaulova, Yulia, Sarah Dolscheid, Sabine Reuters & Martina Penke. 2021. The Alignment of Agent-First Preferences with Visual Event Representations: Contrasting German and Arabic. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. | B06
Grice, Martine. 2021. Commentary: The autosegmental-metrical model of intonational phonology. In Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel & Jonathan Barnes (eds.), Prosodic Theory and Practice. The MIT Press. | A01
Grice, Martine & Frank Kügler (eds.). 2021. Prosodic prominence – a cross-linguistic perspective. Special Issue of Language and Speech 64(2). | A01, A02
Grice, Martine & Frank Kügler. 2021. Prosodic prominence – a cross-linguistic perspective. Language and Speech 64(2). 253–260. | A01, A02
Hellwig, Birgit. 2021. Children’s narratives in Papua New Guinea: A case study of Qaqet. In Christiane Bongartz & Jacopo Torregrossa (eds.), What’s in a narrative? Variation in storytelling at the interface between language and literacy, 99–120. Bern: Peter Lang. | B02
von Heusinger, Klaus & Jaklin Kornfilt. 2021. Turkish partitive constructions and (non-)exhaustivity. In Giuliana Giusti & Petra Sleeman (eds.), Partitive determiners, partitive pronouns and partitive case, 263–294. Berlin: De Gruyter. pdf | B04
von Heusinger, Klaus & Umut Özge. 2021. Inferable and partitive indefinites in topic position. In Anke Holler, Katja Suckow & Israel de la Fuente (eds.), Information structuring in discourse, 112–140. Leiden: Brill. | C04
Hinterwimmer, Stefan, Umesh Patil & Cornelia Ebert. 2021. On the Interaction of Gestural and Linguistic Perspective Taking. Frontiers in Communication 6. 625757. pdf | C05
Hoek, Jet, Merel Cleo Johanna Scholman & Ted J. M. Sanders. 2021. Is there less agreement when the discourse is underspecified? Annotation of coherence relations in TED talks. In Proceedings of the DiscAnn Workshop, 1–6. | C04
Jasinskaja, Katja & Claudia Poschmann. 2021. Projection to the speaker: Non-restrictive relatives meet coherence relations. In Anke Holler, Katja Suckow & Israel de la Fuente (eds.), Information structuring in discourse, 141–162. Leiden: Brill. | C06
Kaland, Constantijn. 2021. Contour clustering: A field-data-driven approach for documenting and analysing prototypical f0 contours. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 1–30. pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn. 2021. The perception of word stress cues in Papuan Malay: A typological perspective and experimental investigation. Laboratory Phonology 12(1). 1–33. pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn & Matthew Gordon. 2021. How f0 and Phrase Position Affect Papuan Malay Word Identification. Proceedings Interspeech 2021, 2606–2610. pdf |A03
Kaland, Constantijn, Angela Kluge & Vincent J. van Heuven. 2021. Lexical analyses of the function and phonology of Papuan Malay word stress. Phonetica 78(2). 141-168. pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn, Naomi Peck, T. Mark Ellison & Uta Reinöhl. 2021. An initial exploration of the interaction of tone and intonation in Kera’a. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI), 132–136. Sønderborg, Denmark. pdf | A03, C09
Kizilkaya, Semra. 2021. Belebtheit, Affiziertheit und das bairische Personalpronomen eam. In Augustin Speyer & Julia Hertel (eds.), Syntax aus Saarbrücker Sicht 4. Beiträge der SaRDiS-Tagung zur Dialektsyntax (Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik -Beihefte), 155–176. Stuttgart: Steiner. preprint: pdf | B04
Konuk, Gökben & Klaus von Heusinger. 2021. Discourse prominence in Turkish: The interaction of grammatical function and semantic role. In Yulia Sinitsyna & Sergei Tatevosov (eds.), Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 15), 109–120. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. preprint: pdf | B04, C04
Lialiou, Maria, Aviad Albert, Alexandra Vella & Martine Grice. 2021. Periodic energy mass on head and edge tones in Maltese wh-constructions. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI), 161–165. Sonderborg, Denmark. | A01
Lucarini, Valeria, Francesco Cangemi, Benyamin Daniel, Jacopo Lucchese, Francesca Paraboschi, Chiara Cattani, Carlo Marchesi, Martine Grice, Kai Vogeley & Matteo Tonna. 2021. Conversational metrics, psychopathological dimensions and self-disturbances in patients with schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. | A02
Mitchell, Alice. 2021. Phasal polarity in Barabaiga and Gisamjanga Datooga (Nilotic): Interactions with tense, aspect, and participant expectation. In Raija Kramer (ed.), The expression of phasal polarity in African languages, 419–441. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. | B02
Mitchell, Alice & Fiona M. Jordan. 2021. Kinship, seniority, and rights to know in Datooga children’s every-day interaction. Journal of Pragmatics 181. 49–61. | B02
Mitchell, Alice & Péter Rácz. 2021. Children’s knowledge of a name-based avoidance register: A quantitative study among Datooga of Tanzania. American Anthropologist 132(2). 389–400. | B02
Mücke, Doris, Tabea Thies, Jane Mertens & Anne Hermes. 2021. Age-related effects of prosodic prominence in vowel articulation. In Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, 126–129. Providence, Rhode Island, USA. pdf | A04
Pagel, Lena, Simon Roessig & Doris Mücke. 2021. Modifications of tongue body kinematics as a focus marking strategy in German. In Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, 21–24. Providence, Rhode Island, USA. pdf | A04
Patterson, Clare & Claudia Felser. 2021. Cleft focus and antecedent accessibility: The emergence of the anti-focus effect. In Anke Holler, Katja Suckow & Israel de la Fuente (eds.), Information structuring in discourse, 56–85. Leiden: Brill. | C07
Patterson, Clare & Petra B. Schumacher. 2021. Interpretation Preferences in Contexts with three Antecedents: Examining the Role of Prominence in German Pronouns. Applied Psycholinguistics 1–35. | C07
Prenner, Maria Katarzyna & Daniel Bunčić. 2021. The competition of arb constructions in Polish. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 29(2). 201–220. | B01
Repp, Sophie & Katharina Spalek. 2021. The role of alternatives in language. Frontiers in Communication 6:682009. | A06
Riesberg, Sonja, Kurt Malcher & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2021. The many ways of transitivization in Totoli. In Silvia Luraghi & Elisa Roma (eds.), Valency over time: Diachronic perspectives on valency patterns and valency orientation, 235–264. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. | B05
Riester, Arndt, Amalia Canes Nápoles & Jet Hoek. 2021. Combined discourse representations: Coherence relations and questions under discussion. In Proceedings of the DiscAnn Workshop, 1–5. | C04
Roessig, Simon. 2021. Categoriality and continuity in prosodic prominence. Berlin: Language Science Press. pdf | A04
Romero Heredero, Diego. 2021. Telicity and Differential Object Marking in the history of Spanish. In Johannes Kabatek, Philipp Obrist & Albert Wall (eds.), Differential Object Marking in Romance - The third wave (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie), 315–338. Berlin: De Gruyter. pdf | B04
Schlenter, Judith, Yulia Esaulova, Barbara Zeyer & Martina Penke. 2021. Effects of agent position and orientation on perception and production. In Proceedings of ExLing 2021: 12th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 213–216. Athens, Greece. | B06
Schroeder, Kristen, Stephanie Durrleman, Derya Çokal, Annabel Sanfeliu Delgado, Adela Masana Marin & Wolfram Hinzen. 2021. Relations between intensionality, theory of mind and complex syntax in autism spectrum conditions and typical development. Cognitive Development 59. 101071. | C04
Seifart, Frank, Jan Strunk, Swintha Danielsen, Iren Hartmann, Brigitte Pakendorf, Søren Wichmann, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann & Balthasar Bickel. 2021. The extent and degree of utterance-final word lengthening in spontaneous speech from 10 languages. Linguistics Vanguard 7(1). | A03
Skrimpa, Vasileia, Vasilina Spanou, Christiane Bongartz, Eleni Peristeri, Maria Andreou & Despina Papadopoulou. 2021. Bilingualism effects in pronoun comprehension: Evidence from children with autism. Autism Research 15(2). 270–283. | C03
Thies, Tabea, Doris Mücke, Ricard Dano & Michael T. Barbe. 2021. Correlation between levodopa response and acoustic parameters of prominence marking as well as tongue body movements in patients with Parkinson’s disease. In Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, 122–125. Providence, Rhode Island, USA. pdf | A04
Thies, Tabea, Doris Mücke, Ricard Dano & Michael T. Barbe. 2021. Levodopa-Based Changes on Vocalic Speech Movements during Prosodic Prominence Marking. Brain Sciences 11(5). 594. | A04
Tigău, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2021. Dative clitics in Romanian ditransitives. In Alexandru Nicolae & Adina Dragomirescu (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2017: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 31, Bucharest, 335–355. Amsterdam: Benjamins. | B04
Torregrossa, Jacopo, Maria Andreou, Christiane Bongartz & Ianthi Maria Tsimpli. 2021. Bilingual acquisition of reference: The role of language experience, executive functions and cross-linguistic effects. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24(4). 694–706. | C03
Uth, Melanie. 2021. Same or different? Prosodic prominence and information structure in Yucatecan Spanish in picture-based elicitation compared to natural speech. In Alexander Teixeira Kalkhoff, Maria Selig & Christine Mooshammer (eds.), Prosody and conceptional variation, 75–91. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. | A05
Winter, Bodo & Martine Grice. 2021. Independence and generalizability in linguistics. Linguistics 59(5). 1251–1277. | A02, C09
Zimmermann, Juliane T., Sara Meuser, Stefan Hinterwimmer & Kai Vogeley. 2021. Preserved Perspective Taking in Free Indirect Discourse in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology 12: 2710. | A02, C05
Andreou, Maria, Jacopo Torregrossa & Christiane Bongartz. 2020. The sharing of reference strategies across two languages: The production and comprehension of referring expressions by Greek-Italian bilingual children. Discours 26. | C03
Baumann, Stefan & Francesco Cangemi (eds.). 2020. Integrating phonetics and phonology in the study of linguistic prominence. Special Issue Journal of Phonetics. | A01, A02
Baumann, Stefan, Janina Kalbertodt & Jane Mertens. 2020. The appropriateness of prenuclear accent types - Evidence for information structural effects. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 (Online-Konferenz). Tokio, Japan. pdf | video| A01
Baumann, Stefan & Petra B. Schumacher. 2020. The incremental processing of focus, givenness and prosodic prominence. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 5(1): 6. 1-30. | A01
Becker, Laura & Gertrud Schneider-Blum. 2020. Morphological marking of contrast in Tima. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 5(1). 125. 1–35. | B02
Becker, Martin. 2020. Das Pretérito Perfeito Composto - ein Perfekt? Zur Semantik und Diachronie der ter + Partizip-Konstruktion. In Benjamin Meisnitzer & Elissa Pustka (eds.), Zwischen Sprechen und Sprache, 83-110. Frankfurt am Main: Lang. | C02
Becker, Martin. 2020. O Pretérito Perfeito Composto (PPC) na história do português no Brasil. In Rodolfo Ilari & Renato Basso (eds.), História Semântica do Português Brasileiro, 146-203. São Paulo: Editora Contexto. | C02
Becker, Martin. 2020. O subsistema doxástico nas línguas românicas: uma análise comparativa da seleção dos modos verbais. Fórum Linguístico 17. 4714–4725. | C02
Becker, Martin. 2020. Zeit, Tempus und Erzählperspektive in Kebir Ammis Sur les pas de Saint Augustin. Romanische Forschungen 132(4). 439–466. | C02
Becker, Martin & Giovanni Pairotti. 2020. L’imperfetto narrativo in italiano. In Antje Lobin, Sarah Dessì Schmid & Ludwig Fesenmeier (eds.), Ibridità e norma, 179–203. Berlin: Frank & Timme. | C02
Bongartz, Christiane & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2020. The effects of balanced biliteracy on Greek-German bilingual children’s secondary discourse ability. Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 23(8). 948–963. | C03
Brocher, Andreas, Frederike Weeber, Jet Hoek & Klaus von Heusinger. 2020. Referent management in discourse: The accessibility of weak definites. In S. Denison, M. Mack, Y. Xu & B.C. Armstrong (eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2829–2835. Toronto: Cognitive Science Society. pdf| C04
Bunčić, Daniel. 2020. Agent prominence and movement in Russian third person plural impersonals (“indefinite-personal sentences”). Die Welt der Slaven: Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik 65(2). 297–311. | B01
Cangemi, Francesco & Stefan Baumann. 2020. Integrating phonetics and phonology in the study of linguistic prominence [introduction to the Special Issue of the same name, eds. Baumann & Cangemi]. Journal of Phonetics 81, 100993. | A01, A02
Cangemi, Francesco, Jessica Fründt, Harriet Hanekamp & Martine Grice. 2020. A semi-automatic workflow for orthographic transcription and syllabic segmentation. In Duccio Piccardi, Fabio Ardolino & Silvia Calamai (eds.), Gli archivi sonori al crocevia tra scienze fonetiche, informatica umanistica e patrimonio digitale / Audio archives at the crossroads of speech sciences, digital humanities and digital heritage. Milano: Italian Association for Speech Science (AISV). | A02
Caro Reina, Javier. 2020. Differential Object Marking with proper names in Romance languages. In Luise Kempf, Damaris Nübling & Mirjam Schmuck (eds.), Linguistik der Eigennamen. Berlin: De Gruyter. pdf | B04
Casaretto, Antje. 2020. On secondary predicates in Vedic Sanskrit – Syntax and semantics. International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction 17. 1–63. pdf | B03
Casaretto, Antje, Gerrit J. Dimmendaal, Birgit Hellwig, Uta Reinöhl & Gertrud Schneider-Blum. 2020. Roots of ergativity in Africa (and beyond). Studies in African Linguistics 49(1). 111–140. | B02, B03
Cho, Taehong & Doris Mücke. 2020. Articulatory measures of prosody. In Carlos Gussenhoven & Aouju Chen (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody, 15–21. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | A04
Dolscheid, Sarah, Simge Çelik, Hasan Erkan, Aylin Küntay & Asifa Majid. 2020. Space-pitch associations differ in their susceptibility to language. Cognition 196. | B06
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2020. Experiment: Prominent anchor time of French FID [Data set]. Zenodo. zip | C02
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2020. Temporal prominence demotion in updating imparfait uses in L’Étranger. In Eric Corre, Danh Thành Do-Hurinville & Huy Linh Dao (eds.), The Expression of Tense, Aspect, Modality and Evidentiality in Albert Camus’s L'Étranger and Its Translations / L'Étranger de Camus et ses traductions : questions de temps, d'aspect, de modalité et d'évidentialité (TAME): An empirical study / Etude empirique (=Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa 35), 118-142. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. | C02
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2020. The prominence value of the temporal anchor of free indirect discourse: A comparison with the perspectival center. Discours 27. 3–40. | C02
Esaulova, Yulia, Martina Penke & Sarah Dolscheid. 2020. Referent cueing, position and animacy as accessibility factors in visually situated sentence production. Frontiers in Psychology 11:2111. | B06
Fuchs, Melanie & Petra B. Schumacher. 2020. Referential shift potential of demonstrative pronouns - Evidence from text continuation. In Åshild Næss, Anna Margetts & Yvonne Treis (eds.), Demonstratives in Discourse, 185–213. Berlin: Language Science Press. | C07
Grice, Martine, James Sneed German & Paul Warren. 2020. Intonation systems across varieties of English. In Carlos Gussenhoven & Aoju Chen (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody, 285-302. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | A02
Hellwig, Birgit & Dagmar Jung. 2020. Child-directed language – and how it informs the documentation and description of the adult language. Language Documentation and Conservation 14. 188–214. | B02
von Heusinger, Klaus & Roya Sadeghpoor. 2020. The specificity marker -e with indefinite noun phrases in Modern Colloquial Persian. In Kata Balogh, Anja Latrouite & Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. (eds.), Nominal anchoring: Specificity, definiteness and article systems across languages, 115–147. Berlin: Language Science Press. pdf | C04
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2020. Grammaticisation processes and reanalyses in Sulawesi languages. In Andrej Malchukov & Walter Bisang (eds.), Areal patterns of grammaticalization and cross-linguistic variation in grammaticalization scenarios, 1043–1075. Berlin: de Gruyter. | B05
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. & Daniel Kaufman. 2020. Prosodic systems: Austronesia. In Carlos Gussenhoven & Aoju Chen (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Prosody, 370-383. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pdf | A03
Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2020. Zum Zusammenspiel von Erzähler- und Protagonistenperspektive in den Brenner-Romanen von Wolf-Haas. In Sonja Zeman (ed.), Sprachliche Strukturen der Narration, Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik (ZGL) 48, 529–561. pdf | C05
Hinterwimmer, Stefan, Andreas Brocher & Umesh Patil. 2020. Demonstrative Pronouns as Anti-Logophoric Pronouns: An Experimental Investigation. Dialogue & Discourse 11(2). 110–127. preprint: pdf | C04, C05
Im, Suyeon & Stefan Baumann. 2020. Probabilistic relation between co-speech gestures, pitch accents and information status. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 5(1), 685-697. | A01
Jasinskaja, Katja & Elena Karagjosova. 2020. Rhetorical relations. In Daniel Gutzmann, Lisa Matthewson, Cécile Meier, Hotze Rullmann & Thomas Ede Zimmermann (eds.), The Companion to Semantics, 1–29. Oxford: Wiley. preprint: pdf | C06
Kaland, Constantijn. 2020. Offline and online processing of acoustic cues to word stress in Papuan Malay. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147(2). 731-747. pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn & Stefan Baumann. 2020. Demarcating and highlighting in Papuan Malay phrase prosody. The Journal of Acoustic Society of America 147(4). 2974–2988. pdf | A01, A03
Kaland, Constantijn & Vincent J. Van Heuven. 2020. Papuan Malay word stress reduces lexical alternatives. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 (Online-Konferenz), 454-458. pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2020. Time-series analysis of F0 in Papuan Malay constrastive focus. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 (Online-Konferenz), 230-234. pdf | A03
Kretzschmar, Franziska & Ingmar Brilmayer. 2020. Zooming in on agentivity: Experimental studies of DO-clefts in German. Linguistics Vanguard 6(1). 1–13. pdf | B07
Lucarini, Valeria, Martine Grice, Francesco Cangemi, Juliane T. Zimmermann, Carlo Marchesi, Kai Vogeley & Matteo Tonna. 2020. Speech prosody as a bridge between psychopathology and linguistics: The case of the schizophrenia spectrum. Frotiers in Psychiatry, Section Social Cognition 11:531863. pdf | A02
Mücke, Doris, Anne Hermes & Sam Tilsen. 2020. Incongruencies between phonological theory and phonetic measurement. Phonology 37(1). 133-170. | A04
Özge, Umut & Klaus von Heusinger. 2020. Case marking and forward and backward discourse function. In Deniz Zeyrek & Umut Özge (eds.), Discourse meaning: The view from Turkish. Berlin: De Gruyter. pdf | B04
Patterson, Clare & Petra B. Schumacher. 2020. The timing of prominence information during the resolution of German personal and demonstrative pronouns. Dialogue & Discourse 11(1). 1-39. | C07
Penke, Martina & Eva Wimmer. 2020. Verbal short-term memory and sentence comprehension in German children and adolescents with Down syndrome: Beware of the task. First Language, Special Issue: Syntax and Verbal Short Term Memory in Developmental Disorders. | B06
Reinöhl, Uta. 2020. Continuous and discontinuous nominal expressions in flexible (or “free") word order languages – Patterns and correlates. Linguistic Typology 24(1). pdf | B03
Reinöhl, Uta. 2020. What are and what aren’t complex nominal expressions in flexible word order languages. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 73(1). 57–79. pdf | B03
Repp, Sophie. 2020. The Prosody of Wh-exclamatives and Wh-questions in German: Speech act differences, information structure, and sex of speaker. Language and Speech 63(2). 306–361. | A06
Repp, Sophie & Heiko Seeliger. 2020. Prosodic prominence in polar questions and exclamatives. Frontiers in Communication 5:53. | A06
Riesberg, Sonja, Janina Kalbertodt, Stefan Baumann & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2020. Using Rapid Prosody Transcription to probe little-known prosodic systems: The case of Papuan Malay. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 11(1): 8. 1–35. | A01, A03, B05
Riester, Arndt, Tobias Schröer & Stefan Baumann. 2020. On the prosody of contrastive topics in German interviews. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody (Online-Konferenz). Tokio, Japan. 280-284. pdf | video | A01
Röhr, Christine T., Stefan Baumann, Petra B. Schumacher & Martine Grice. 2020. Perceptual prominence of accent types and the role of expectations. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 (Online-Konferenz). Tokio, Japan. pdf | video | A01
Röhr, Christine T., Ingmar Brilmayer, Stefan Baumann, Martine Grice & Petra B. Schumacher. 2020. Signal-Driven and Expectation-Driven Processing of Accent Types. Language, Cognition & Neuroscience 36(1). 33-59. | A01, B07
Same, Fahime & Kees van Deemter. 2020. A linguistic perspective on reference: choosing a feature set for generating referring expressions in context. Proceedings of the 28th international conference on computational linguistics (COLING) (Online-Konferenz), 4575–4586. Barcelona, Spain (Online): International Committee on Computational Linguistics. | INF
Same, Fahime & Kees van Deemter. 2020. Computational interpretations of recency for the choice of referring expressions in discourse. Proceedings of the first workshop on computational approaches to discourse (Online-Konferenz), 113–123. Online: Association for Computational Linguistics. | INF
Savino, Michelina, Bodo Winter, Andrea Bosco & Martine Grice. 2020. Intonation does aid serial recall after all. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 27(2). 366-372. pdf | A01
Schlenter, Judith, Yulia Esaulova, Elyesa Seidel & Martina Penke. 2020. Planning of active and passive voice in German. Proceedings ExLing 2020: 11th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics. Athens, Greece. | B06
Seeliger, Heiko & Sophie Repp. 2020. Competing prominence requirements in verb-first exclamatives with contrastive and given information. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2020. pdf | A06
Thies, Tabea, Doris Mücke, Anja Lowit, Elke Kalbe, Julia Steffen & Michael T. Barbe. 2020. Prominence marking in Parkinsonian speech and its correlation with motor abilities and cognition. Neuropsychologica 137. | A04
Torregrossa, Jacopo, Maria Andreou & Christiane M Bongartz. 2020. Variation in the use and interpretation of null subjects: A view from Greek and Italian. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 5(1): 95. 1–28. pdf | C03
Uth, Melanie & Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo. 2020. Language contact and intonation: Evidence from contrastive focus marking and loanwords in Yucatecan Spanish and Yucatec Maya. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 97(1), 31-57. | A05
Uth, Melanie & Nuria Martínez García. 2020. Circumflex nuclear configurations in Yucatecan Spanish as a supraregional feature: The roles of bilingualism and gender. Special issue of Language and Speech (Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody (ETAP)) 4. | A05
Ventura, Caterina, Martine Grice, Michelina Savino, Diana Kolev, Ingmar Brilmayer & Petra B. Schumacher. 2020. Attention allocation in a language with post-focal prominences. NeuroReport 31(8). 624–628. pdf | A01, B07
Vossen, Rainer & Gerrit J. Dimmendaal (eds.). 2020. The Handbook of African Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | B02
Wehrle, Simon, Francesco Cangemi, Harriet Hanekamp, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2020. Assessing the Intonation Style of Speakers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 (Online-Konferenz), 809-813. Tokio, Japan. | A02
Zimmermann, Juliane T., Simon Wehrle, Francesco Cangemi, Martine Grice & Kai Vogeley. 2020. Listeners and lookers: Using pitch height and gaze duration for inferring mental states. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 (Online-Konferenz). Tokio, Japan. pdf | A02
Adli, Aria. 2019. Topic chains in dialogue. Journal of Pragmatics 154. 39-62. | C01
Alday, Phillip M. & Franziska Kretzschmar. 2019. Speed-accuracy tradeoffs in brain and behavior: Testing the independence of P300 and N400 related processes in behavioral responses to sentence categorization. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13, 285. 1-23. | B07
Arslan, Seçkin & Yulia Esaulova. 2019. Information structure. In Martin J. Ball & Jack S. Damico (eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. 908-909. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. | B06
Baumann, Stefan, Jane Mertens & Janina Kalbertodt. 2019. Informativeness and speaking style affect the realization of nuclear and prenuclear accents in German. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 1580-1584. Melbourne, Australien. pdf | A01
Bunčić, Daniel. 2019. Agent prominence in the Polish -no/-to construction. In Anastasia Bauer & Daniel Bunčić (eds.), Linguistische Beiträge zur Slavistik: XXIV. JungslavistInnen-Treffen in Köln, 17.–19. September 2015, 63-76. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang. pdf | B01
Cangemi, Francesco, Aviad Albert & Martine Grice. 2019. Modelling intonation: Beyond segments and tonal targets. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 572-576. Melbourne, Australien. pdf | A01, A02
Dimmendaal, Gerrit J., Colleen Ahland, Angelika Jakobi & Constance Kutsch Lojenga. 2019. Linguistic features and typologies in languages commonly referred to as ‘Nilo-Saharan’. In Ekkehard Wolff (ed.), Cambridge Handbook of African Linguistics, 326-381. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | B02
El Zarka, Dina, Barbara Schuppler & Francesco Cangemi. 2019. Acoustic cues to topic and narrow focus in Egyptian Arabic. Proceedings of Interspeech 2019, 1771-1775. Graz, Austria. | A02
Esaulova, Yulia, Penke, Martina & Sarah Dolscheid. 2019. Describing events: changes in eye movements and language production due to visual and conceptual properties of scenes. Frontiers in Psychology 10:835. | B06
Grice, Martine, Alexandra Vella & Anna Bruggeman. 2019. Stress, pitch accent, and beyond: Intonation in Maltese questions. Journal of Phonetics 76. 100913. | A01
Gutiérrez-Bravo, Rodrigo, Martín Sobrino & Melanie Uth. 2019. Contrastive focus in Yucatecan Spanish. In Ángel J. Gallego (ed.), The syntactic variation of Spanish dialects, 275-296. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | A05
Hellwig, Birgit. 2019. Linguistic diversity, language documentation and psycholinguistics: The role of stimuli. In Aimée Lahaussois & Marine Vuillermet (eds.), Methodological tools for linguistic description and typology, 5-30. University of Hawai’i Press. | B02
Hellwig, Birgit. 2019. Grammatical relations in Katla. In Alena Witzlack-Makarevich & Balthasar Bickel (eds.), Argument selectors: A new perspective on grammatical relations, 511-531. Amsterdam: Benjamins. | B02
Hermes, Anne, Doris Mücke, Tabea Thies & Michael T. Barbe. 2019. Coordination patterns in Essential Tremor patients with Deep Brain Stimulation: Syllables with low and high complexity. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 10(1). 1-20. | A04
Hermes, Anne, Doris Mücke, Tabea Thies & Michael T. Barbe. 2019. Intragestural variation in natural sentence production: Essential Tremor Patients treated with DBS. Proceedings of Interspeech 2019. Graz, Austria. | A04
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2019. Indefiniteness and specificity. In Barbara Abbott & Janet Gundel (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Reference, 146-167. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | C04
von Heusinger, Klaus & Alina Tigău. 2019. Special issue Datives in Discourse. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique LXIV(4). | B04
von Heusinger, Klaus & Alina Tigău. 2019. Clitic doubling and Differential Object Marking in non-specific contexts in Romanian. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique LXIV(4). 409-430. pdf | B04
von Heusinger, Klaus, Jaklin Kornfilt & Semra Kizilkaya. 2019. Differential Object Marking, partitivity and specificity in Turkish. In Tanya Bondarenko, Justin Colley, Colin Davis & Mitya Privoznov (eds.), Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 14), 145-156. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. pdf | B04
von Heusinger, Klaus & Petra B. Schumacher. 2019. Discourse prominence: definition and application. Journal of Pragmatics 154. 117-127. | A01, C04, C07
Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2019. The Bavarian discourse particle “fei” as a marker of non-at-issueness. In Daniel Gutzmann & Katarina Turgay (eds.), Secondary Content: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Side Issues, 246–273. Amsterdam: Brill. preprint: pdf | C05
Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2019. Prominent Protagonists. Journal of Pragmatics 154. 79-91. | C05
Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Cornelia Ebert. 2019. A comparison of the modal particles “fei” and “aber”. In Stephanie Solt & Uli Sauerland (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 22, 469-486. preprint: pdf | C05
Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Sara Meuser. 2019. Erlebte Rede und Protagonistenprominenz. In Stefan Engelberg, Christian Fortmann & Irene Rapp (eds.), Rede- und Gedankenwiedergabe in narrativen Strukturen – Ambiguitäten und Varianz, special issue of the journal Linguistische Berichte, 177–200. Buske. preprint: pdf | C05
Jording, Mathis, Arne Hartz, Gary Bente, Martin Schulte-Rüther & Kai Vogeley. 2019. Inferring interactivity from gaze patterns during triadic person-object-agent interactions. Frontiers in Psychology 10:1913. | A02
Kaland, Constantijn. 2019. Acoustic correlates of word stress in Papuan Malay. Journal of Phonetics 74. 55-74. pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn & Stefan Baumann. 2019. Different functions of phrase-final F0 movements in spontaneous Papuan Malay. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XIX), 1312-1316. Melbourne, Australia. pdf | A01, A03
Kaland, Constantijn & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2019. Repetition Reduction Revisited: The Prosody of Repeated Words in Papuan Malay. Language and Speech. online first: pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann & Angela Kluge. 2019. Stress predictors in a Papuan Malay random forest. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XIX), 2871-2875. Melbourne, Australia. pdf | A03
Kiss, Börge, Daniel Kölligan, Francisco Mondaca, Claes Neuefeind, Uta Reinöhl & Patrick Sahle. 2019. It takes a village: Co-developing VedaWeb, a Digital Research Platform for Old Indo-Aryan Texts. In Steven Krauwer & Darja Fišer (eds.), Twin Talks: Understanding Collaboration in DH. Fourth Digital Humanities Conference in the Nordic Countries 2019 (DHN2019), 35-44. pdf | B03
Krause, Elif & Klaus von Heusinger. 2019. Gradient effects of animacy on Differential Object Marking in Turkish. Open Linguistics 5(1). 171-190. pdf | B04
Kretzschmar, Franziska, Tim Graf, Markus Philipp & Beatrice Primus. 2019. An experimental investigation of agent prototypicality and agent prominence in German. In Anja Gattnar, Robin Hörnig, Melanie Störzer & Sam Featherston (eds.), Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018: Experimental Data Drives Linguistic Theory, 101-123. Tübingen: University of Tübingen. | B07
Kügler, Frank, Stefan Baumann, Bistra Andreeva, Bettina Braun, Martine Grice, Jana Neitsch, Oliver Niebuhr, Jörg Peters, Christine T. Röhr, Antje Schweitzer & Petra Wagner. 2019. Annotation of German intonation: DIMA compared with other annotation systems. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 1297-1301. Melbourne, Australia. pdf | A01
Martínez García, Nuria & Constantijn Kaland. 2019. The prosody of repeated mentions in Yucatecan Spanish. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XIX), Melbourne, Australia 2019. Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Asociation Inc. pdf | A03, A05
Martínez García, Nuria & Melanie Uth. 2019. Lack of syllable duration as a post-lexical acoustic cue in Spanish in contact with Maya. Languages 4(4). 84. | A05
Mücke, Doris, Anne Hermes & Sam Tilsen. 2019. Strength and structure: Coupling tones with oral constriction gestures. Proceedings of Interspeech 2019. Graz, Austria. | A04
Prenner, Maria Katarzyna. 2019. Agentivität in menschlich-unpersönlichen Konstruktionen im Polnischen. Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław 15. 341–350. | B01
Riesberg, Sonja. 2019. 'Fern leaf, so you are challenging me?' Some observations on the Lelegesan, a form of verbal combat in Totoli. In Anthony Jukes, Asako Shiohara & Yanti (eds.), Special genres in an around Indonesia, NUSA (Linguistic Studies of Indonesian and Other Languages in Indonesia) 66, 83-96. pdf | B05
Riesberg, Sonja, Kurt Malcher & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2019. How universal is agent-first? Evidence from symmetrical voice languages. Language 95(3). 523-561. pdf | B05
Roessig, Simon & Doris Mücke. 2019. Modeling Dimensions of Prosodic Prominence. Frontiers in Commununication 4. 44. pdf | A04
Roessig, Simon, Doris Mücke & Martine Grice. 2019. The dynamics of intonation: Categorical and continuous variation in an attractor-based model. PLoS ONE 14(5). pdf | A01, A04
Roessig, Simon, Doris Mücke & Lena Pagel. 2019. Dimensions of prosodic prominence in an attractor model. Proceedings of Interspeech 2019. Graz, Austria. | A04
Rothkegel, Carina. 2019. Empirische Studien zur perspektivischen Interpretation indexikalischer Ausdrücke in indirekter Redewiedergabe. Master thesis. University of Cologne. pdf | C06
Schumacher, Petra B. & Klaus von Heusinger (eds.). 2019. Special Issue: Prominence in Discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 154. | A01, C04, C07
Torregrossa, Jacopo, Christiane Bongartz & Ianthi Maria Tsimpli. 2019. Bilingual reference production. A cognitive-computational account. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 9(4–5). Benjamins. 569-599. | C03
Uth, Melanie. 2019. Traces of language contact in intonation: The case of Yucatecan Spanish. In Yolanda Congosto & Laura Morgenthaler García (eds.), Spanish in Context 16(3). 353-389. | A05
Albert, Aviad, Francesco Cangemi & Martine Grice. 2018. Using periodic energy to enrich acoustic representations of pitch in speech: A demonstration. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 804-808. pdf | A02
Asano, Rie, Pia Bornus, Justin T. Craft, Sarah Dolscheid, Sarah E. M. Faber, Viviana Haase, Marvin Heimerich, Radha Kopparti, Marit Lobben, Ayumi M. Osawa, Kendra Oudyk, Patrick C. Trettenbrein, Timo Varelmann, Simon Wehrle, Runa Ya, Martine Grice & Kai Vogeley. 2018. Spring School on Language, Music and Cognition: Organizing Events in Time. Music & Science, 1-17. | A02, B06
Baumann, Stefan & Bodo Winter. 2018. What makes a word prominent? Predicting untrained German listeners' perceptual judgments. Journal of Phonetics 70. 20-38. pdf | A01
Becker, Martin & Jakob Egetenmeyer. 2018. A prominence-based account of temporal discourse structure. Lingua 214. 28-58. pdf | C02
Becker, Martin & Ludwig Fesenmeier (eds.). 2018. Configurazioni della serialità linguistica - prospettive italoromanze. Berlin: Frank & Timme. | C02
Becker, Martin & Giovanni Pairotti. 2018. Le frasi presentative dal latino all'italiano antico: le categorie aspettuali. In Antonelli, Roberto, Martin Glessgen & Paul Videsott (eds.), Atti del XXVIII Congresso internazionale di linguistica e filologia romanza. Roma 18-23 luglio 2016 (=Bibliothèque de Linguistique Romane 15), 363-374. Strasbourg: ELIPHI, Éditions de linguistique et de philologie. | C02
Brocher, Andreas & Klaus von Heusinger. 2018. A Dual-Process Activation Model: Processing definiteness and information status. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 3(1): 108. 1-34. pdf | C04
Bunčić, Daniel. 2018. Impersonal constructions in Slavic languages and the agentivity of the verb. In Sebastian Kempgen, Monika Wingender & Norbert Franz (eds.), Deutsche Beiträge zum 16. Internationalen Slavistenkongress, Belgrad 2018, 101-110. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. pdf | B01
Cangemi, Francesco, Meghan Clayards, Oliver Niebuhr, Barbara Schuppler & Margaret Zellers (eds.). 2018. Rethinking reduction: Interdisciplinary perspectives on conditions, mechanisms, and domains for phonetic variation. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton. | A02
Cangemi, Francesco & Oliver Niebuhr. 2018. Rethinking canonical forms. In Francesco Cangemi, Meghan Clayards, Oliver Niebuhr, Barbara Schuppler & Margaret Zellers (eds.), Rethinking reduction: Interdisciplinary perspectives on conditions, mechanisms, and domains for phonetic variation. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton. pdf | A02
Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. 2018. Historical linguistics in an African context: A brief state of the art. In Augustine Agwuele & Adams Bodomo (eds.), Routledge Handbook of African Linguistics, 33-54. London: Routledge. | B02
Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. 2018. On stable and unstable features in Nilo-Saharan. In Helga Schröder & Prisca Jerono (eds.), Nilo-Saharan issues and perspectives, 9-23. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. | B02
Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. 2018. Reconstructing Katloid and deconstructing Kordofanian. In Gertrud Schneider-Blum, Birgit Hellwig & Gerrit J. Dimmendaal (eds.), Nuba Mountain Languages studies: New insights, 383-415. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. | B02
Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. & Gertrud Schneider-Blum. 2018. Transitivity in Tima. In Rose-Juliet Anyanwu (ed.), Transitivity in African languages, Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter, Jahrgang 2014, Band 26, 125-146. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. | B02
Donazzan, Marta & Martin Becker. 2018. Deissi e relazioni di coerenza testuale. Il caso di «ora». In Martin Becker & Ludwig Fesenmeier (eds.), Configurazioni della serialità linguistica. Prospettive italoromanze (= Romanistik 28), 153-182. Berlin: Frank & Timme. | C02
García García, Marco. 2018. Nominal and verbal parameters in the diachrony of DOM in Spanish. In Ilja A. Serzant & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich (eds.), Diachrony of differential argument marking, 209-242. Berlin: Language Science Press. pdf | B04
García García, Marco, Beatrice Primus & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2018. Shifting from animacy to agentivity. Theoretical Linguistics 44(1-2). 25-39. pdf | B04, B05, B07
García García, Marco & Melanie Uth. 2018. (eds.) Focus realization in Romance and beyond. Amsterdam: Benjamins. | A05
Grice, Martine, Michelina Savino & Timo B. Roettger. 2018. Word final schwa is driven by intonation – the case of Bari Italian. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA) 143(4). 2474-2486. online first: pdf | A01, A02
Hellwig, Birgit. 2018. Verbal derivation in Katla: The comitative. In Gertrud Schneider-Blum, Birgit Hellwig & Gerrit J. Dimmendaal (eds.), Nuba Mountain Language studies: New insights, 209-232. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. | B02
Hermes, Anne, Jane Mertens & Doris Mücke. 2018. Age-related effects on sensorimotor control of speech production. Proceedings of Interspeech 2018, 1526-1530. Hyderabad, Indien. | A04
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2018. The diachronic development of Differential Object Marking in Spanish ditransitive constructions. In Ilja A. Serzant & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich (eds.), Diachrony of differential argument marking, 315-344. Berlin: Language Science Press. pdf | B04
von Heusinger, Klaus, Georg A. Kaiser & Alazne Arriortua. 2018. Differential Object Marking in ditransitive constructions in Basque. In Teresa Parodi (ed.), Proceedings of the VIII Nereus International Workshop "Referential properties of the Romance DP in the context of multilingualism" (Arbeitspapier 129). 25-61. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz. pdf | B04
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2018. Meeting the transcription challenge. In Bradley McDonnell, Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker & Gary Holton (eds), Reflections on Language Documentation 20 Years after Himmelmann 1998 (= Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication No. 15), 33-40. pdf | B05
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2018. Some preliminary observations on prosody and information structure in Austronesian languages of Indonesia and East Timor. In Sonja Riesberg, Asako Shiohara & Atsuko Utsumi (eds.), Perspectives on information structure in Austronesian languages, 347-374. Berlin: Language Science Press. | A03
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P., Meytal Sandler, Jan Strunk & Volker Unterladstetter. 2018. On the universality of intonational phrases in spontaneous speech—a crosslinguistic interrater study. Phonology 35. 207-245. pdf | A03
Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2018. Der Brenner und die Perspektive. Zum Gebrauch von Demonstrativpronomen in den Brenner-Romanen von Wolf Haas. In Christof Hamann, A. Babakhani & Metin Genç (eds.), Das Rätsel der Unterhaltung. Deutschsprachige Kriminalliteratur der Gegenwart: Produktion - Vermittlung - Kritik, 123–142. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. pdf | C05
Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2018. Two kinds of perspective taking in narrative texts. In Dan Burgdorf, Jacob Collard, Sireemas Maspong & Brynhildur Stefánsdóttir (eds.), Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 27, 282–301. pdf | C05
Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Andreas Brocher. 2018. An experimental investigation of the binding options of demonstrative pronouns in German. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 3(1): 77. 1-25. pdf | C04, C05
Im, Suyeon, Jennifer Cole & Stefan Baumann. 2018. Probabilistic relationship between pitch accents and information status in public speech. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 9, 508-511. Poznań, Poland. pdf | A01
Jasinskaja, Katja. 2018. Questions and goals in the structure of discourse. A new look at coherence relations. Kumulative Habilitation. pdf | C06
Jasinskaja, Katja & Claudia Poschmann. 2018. Attachment in syntax and discourse: Towards an explanation for the flexible scope of non-restrictive relatives. In Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory, SALT 28, 433–453. Cambridge MA: MIT. | C06
Kaland, Constantijn. 2018. Spectral tilt as a correlate of Papuan Malay word stress. In Katarzyna Klessa, Jolanta Bachan, Agnieszka Wagner, Maciej Karpiński, & Daniel Śledziński (eds.), Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2018, 339-343. Poznań, Poland. pdf | A03
Kaland, Constantijn, Bracks, Christoph & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2018. Repetition reduction in Papuan Malay prosody. In Katarzyna Klessa, Jolanta Bachan, Agnieszka Wagner, Maciej Karpiński, & Daniel Śledziński (eds.), Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2018, 10-14. Poznań, Poland. pdf | A03
Köhler, J., Leh, A., Himmelmann, N. P., & Rau, F. 2018. Audio Mining für die Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften: Nutzungsszenarien und Herausforderungen. DHd 2018. Kritik Der Digitalen Vernunft. Konferenzabstracts. Universität zu Köln., 21-24. Köln. | INF
Krüger, Martina, Francesco Cangemi, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2018. Prosodic Marking of Information Status in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. In Katarzyna Klessa, Jolanta Bachan, Agnieszka Wagner, Maciej Karpiński, & Daniel Śledziński (eds.), Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2018, 182-186. Poznań, Polen. pdf | A02
Leh, A., Köhler, J., Gref, M., & Himmelmann, N. P. 2018. Speech analytics in research based on qualitative interviews. Experiences from KA3. VIEW Journal of European Television History & Culture, 7(14), 138–149. | INF
Lobin, Henning, Roman Schneider & Andreas Witt (Eds.). 2018. Digitale Infrastrukturen für die germanistische Forschung. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. | INF
Mücke, Doris. 2018. Dynamische Modellierung von Artikulation und prosodischer Struktur: Eine Einführung in die Artikulatorische Phonologie. Language Science Press. | A04
Mücke, Doris, Anne Hermes, Timo B. Roettger, Johannes Becker, Henrik Niemann, Till A. Dembe. 2018. The effects of Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation on speech dynamics in patients with Essential Tremor: An articulographic study. PLoS ONE 13(1). | A04
Reinöhl, Uta. 2018. Review of Eystein Dahl & Krzysztof Stroński (eds.). 2016. Indo-Aryan ergativity in typological and diachronic perspective. Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 5(1). 111-121. pdf | B03
Reinöhl, Uta & Antje Casaretto. 2018. When grammaticalization does NOT occur - Prosody-syntax mismatches in Indo-Aryan. Diachronica 35(2). 238-276. pdf | B03
Riesberg, Sonja. 2018. Optional ergative, agentivity and discourse prominence - evidence from Yali (TNG). Linguistic Typology 22(1). 17-50. pdf | B05
Riesberg, Sonja. 2018. Reflections on descriptive and documentary adequacy. In Bradley McDonnell, Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker & Gary Holton (eds), Reflections on Language Documentation 20 Years after Himmelmann 1998 (= Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication No. 15), 151-156. pdf | B05
Riesberg, Sonja, Janina Kalbertodt, Stefan Baumann & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2018. On the perception of prosodic prominences and boundaries in Papuan Malay. In Sonja Riesberg, Asako Shiohara & Atsuko Utsumi (eds.), Perspectives on information structure in Austronesian languages, 389-414. Berlin: Language Science Press. pdf | A01, A03, B05
Riesberg, Sonja, Asako Shiohara & Atsuko Utsumi (eds.). 2018. Perspectives on information structure in Austronesian languages. Berlin: Language Science Press. | review in Language | B05
Schneider-Blum, Gertrud. 2018. Constituent focus and selective marking in Tima. In Schneider-Blum, Gertrud, Birgit Hellwig & Gerrit J. Dimmendaal (eds.), Nuba Mountain Language Studies: New Insights, 255-279. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. | B02
Schneider-Blum, Gertrud & Birgit Hellwig. 2018. Reference tracking in Tima and its interplay with split ergative marking. Studies in Language 42(2), 970-993. | B02
Schneider-Blum, Gertrud, Birgit Hellwig & Gerrit J. Dimmendaal (eds.). 2018. Nuba Mountain Language Studies: New Insights. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. | B02
Schumacher, Petra B. 2018. Experimentelle Pragmatik. In Frank Liedtke & Astrid Tuchen (eds.), Handbuch Pragmatik, 113–121. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. | C07
Schumacher, Petra B. 2018. On type composition and agentivity. Theoretical Linguistics 44(1–2). 81–91. pdf | C07
Thies, Tabea, Christine T. Röhr, Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice. 2018. Prosodic Marking of Information Status in Picture Story Descriptions. Proceedings Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P) 13, 193-196. Berlin. pdf | A01
Torregrossa, Jacopo. 2018. Distinguishing focus and contrast at PF: A view from Italian. In Marco García García & Melanie Uth (eds.), Focus Realization and Interpretation in Romance and beyond. Amsterdam: Benjamins. | C03
Torregrossa, Jacopo & Christiane Bongartz. 2018. Teasing apart the effects of dominance, transfer and processing in reference production by German-Italian bilingual adolescents. Languages 3(3). pdf | C03
Torreira, Francisco & Martine Grice. 2018. Melodic constructions in Spanish: Metrical structure determines the association properties of intonational tones. Journal of the International Phonetic Association (JIPA) 48(1). 9-32. pdf | A01, A02
Uth, Melanie. 2018. Focus realization at the syntax-prosody interface: Yucatecan Spanish opposed to standard Mexican Spanish. In García García, Marco & Melanie Uth (eds.), Focus realization in Romance and beyond, 71-98. Amsterdam: Benjamins. | A05
Uth, Melanie. 2018. Language contact as a developmental co-determinant between systems and exemplars. Spanish and Yucatec Maya in Quintana Roo. Köln: Universitität zu Köln. Habilitation. | A05
Uth, Melanie & Marco García García. 2018. Introduction: Core issues of focus realization in Romance. In García García, Marco & Melanie Uth (eds.), Focus realization in Romance and beyond, 1-30. Amsterdam: Benjamins. | A05, B04
Veit, Nataliya. 2018. The verbal derivational morpheme -aa in Tima. In Gertrud Schneider-Blum, Birgit Hellwig & Gerrit J. Dimmendaal (eds.). Nuba Mountain Language Studies: New Insights, 233-254. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. | B02
Wehrle, Simon, Francesco Cangemi, Martina Krüger & Martine Grice. 2018. Somewhere over the spectrum: between singsongy and robotic intonation. In Alessandro Vietti, Lorenzo Spreafico, Daniela Mereu, Vincenzo Galatà (eds.), Il parlato nel contesto naturale. Proceedings of 14th Associazione Italiana Scienze della Voce Conference 2018, 179-194. Bolzano, Italien. | A02
Weiss, Anna F., Franziska Kretzschmar, Matthias Schlesewsky, Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Adrian Staub. 2018. Comprehension demands modulate re-reading, but not first-pass reading behavior. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 71(1 Special Issue). 198-210. | B07
Andreou, Maria & Ianthi Tsimpli. 2017. Aspectual distinctions in the narratives of bilingual children. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 55(3). 305-324. Special Issue: Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2. Guest Editors: K. McManus, N. Vanek, L. Roberts & P. Leclercq. pdf | C03
Becker, Martin & Marta Donazzan. 2017. Or, ora, maintenant: perspective temporelle et perspective argumentative. Discours: Revue de linguistique, psycholinguistique et informatique 20. 1-33. pdf | C02
Benz, Anton & Katja Jasinskaja. 2017. Questions under discussion: From sentence to discourse. Discourse Processes, 54(3). 177–186. | C06
Brocher, Andreas & Tim Graf. 2017. Decision-related factors in pupil old/new effects: attention, response execution, and false memory. Neuropsychologia 102.124-134. | B07, C04
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Graf, Tim, Markus Philipp, Xu Xiaonan, Franziska Kretzschmar & Beatrice Primus. 2017. The interaction between telicity and agentivity: Experimental evidence from intransitive verbs in German and Chinese. Lingua 200. 84-106. | B07
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Mücke, Doris, Anne Hermes & Taehong Cho (eds.). 2017. Mechanisms of regulation in speech. Special Issue of Journal of Phonetics 64. | A04
Mücke, Doris, Anne Hermes & Taehong Cho. 2017. Mechanisms of regulation in speech. Linguistic structure and physical control system. Special Issue in Journal of Phonetics 64. 1-7. | A04
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Müller, Lukas. 2017. Die zentralen und peripheren Lesarten des portugiesischen Perfekts - eine explorative Studie für ein integratives Modell. Masterarbeit, Universität zu Köln. | C02
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Philipp, Markus, Tim Graf, Franziska Kretzschmar & Beatrice Primus. 2017. Beyond verb meaning: experimental evidence for incremental processing of semantic roles and event structure. Frontiers in Psychology 8. | B07
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Riesberg, Sonja. 2017. Some observations on word order in western Austronesian symmetrical voice languages. In I Nengah Sudipa et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Austronesian and Non-Austronesian Languages and Literature in Indonesia. Denpasar: Udayana University. pdf | B05
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Schumacher, Petra. B. 2017. Semantic-pragmatic processing. In Eva M. Fernández & Helen Smith Cairns (eds.). The Handbook of Psycholinguistics, 392-410. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. | C07
Schumacher, Petra B., Leah Roberts & Juhani Järvikivi. 2017. Agentivity drives real-time pronoun resolution: Evidence from German "er" and "der". Lingua 185. 25-41. | C07
Seeliger, Heiko & Sophie Repp. 2017. On the intonation of Swedish rejections and rejecting questions. Proceedings of Nordic Prosody XII, 135-146. Trondheim: Peter Lang. pdf | A06
Torregrossa, Jacopo. 2017. The role of executive functions in the acquisition of reference: The production of demonstrative pronouns by German monolingual children. In Language Acquisition at the Interfaces: Proceedings of GALA (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition) 2015, 318-331. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pdf | C03
Weiland-Breckle, Hanna, Sam Featherstone & Klaus von Heusinger. 2017. Conditions on systematic polysemy: An empirical investigation on the pragmatics of predicate transfer. Linguistische Berichte 252. 459-491. | C04