C03 - Referenzstrategien in bilingualen Geschichten
Dieses Projekt will Aufschluss geben über Variationsmuster in der Verarbeitung von Prominenz-Strukturen. Mithilfe von Eye-Tracking-Experimenten untersuchen wir, wie deutsch-italienisch und deutsch-englisch bilinguale Kinder im Alter von 8 bis 12 Jahren morphosyntaktische und pragmatische Informationen während des narrativen Lesens integrieren. Wir erwarten, dass sich die bilingualen Kinder dahingehend voneinander unterschieden, wie sensitiv sie auf morphosyntaktische und pragmatische Informationen in der Verarbeitung von Diskurs reagieren. Als mögliche Faktoren für diese Variation untersuchen wir die Rolle sprachübergreifender Einflüsse, Unterschiede in Bilingualitätsprofilen und die individuellen kognitiven Fähigkeiten der Kinder.
Zu den Projektpublikationen

Prof. Dr. Jacopo Torregrossa
Teilprojektleiter C03
Büro: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Institut für Romanische Sprachen und Literaturen, IG 5.155E-Mail: torregrossa(at)lingua.uni-frankfurt.deTelefon: (+49) 69 798-32186

Dr. Sonja Eisenbeiß
Postdoktorandin C03
Büro: Luxemburger Str. 299, Raum 3.06E-Mail: seisenb1(at)uni-koeln.deTelefon: (+49) 221 470-89917

Dr. Andrea Listanti
Assoziierter Wissenschaftler C03
Büro: Luxemburger Str. 299, Raum 3.06E-Mail: alistant(at)uni-koeln.deTelefon: (+49) 221 470-89917

Nassiba Bouzardaoui
Hilfskraft C03
Büro: E-Mail: nbouzar1(at)uni-koeln.de

Aicha M'rabet
Hilfskraft C03
Büro: E-Mail: amrabet1(at)uni-koeln.de
Im Erscheinen
- Andreou, Maria. To appear. Language and cognitive aspects of child bilingualism: Research observations and classroom applications. Inquiries in Language Learning. Peter Lang.
- Eisenbeiß, Sonja, Jacopo Torregrossa, Andrea Listanti, Laura Pinton & Christiane Bongartz. To appear. Die Einführung von mehrsprachigen Testverfahren in deutsch-italienischen bilingualen Schulen: Eine Studie mit dem MSK-Test. In Valentina Cristante & Sabrina Geyer (eds.), Grammatikdidaktik und Mehrsprachigkeit (Sprachlich-Literarisches Lernen Und Deutschdidaktik (SLLD-B)).
- Listanti, Andrea & Jacopo Torregrossa. To appear. Matching teaching and learning sequences: L2-acquisition of the interaction between complex noun phrases, word order and information structure. In Stefania Spina & Henry Tyne (eds.), Applying corpora in teaching and learning Romance languages. John Benjamins.
- Torregrossa, Jacopo & Christiane M. Bongartz. To appear. Activation of referents in the bilingual mind. In G. Fotiadou and I. Tsimpli (eds.), Individual differences in anaphora resolution: Language and cognitive effects. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Leonetti Escandell, Victoria & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2024. The interpretation of null and overt subject pronouns in Spanish compared to Greek and Italian. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 9(1).
- Listanti, Andrea & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2024. The development of postverbal subjects in L2 Italian: A multifactorial corpus analysis. Applied Psycholinguistics 45(1). 180–212.
- Torregrossa, Jacopo, Andrea Listanti, Christiane Bongartz & Theodoros Marinis. 2024. Adding discourse to sentence repetition tasks: Under which conditions does bilingual children’s performance improve? Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 3(2). 100107.
- Andreou, Maria, Jacopo Torregrossa & Christiane Bongartz. 2023. The use of null subjects by Greek-Italian bilingual children: Identifying cross-linguistic effects. In Georgia Fotiadou & Ianthi Maria Tsimpli (eds.), Individual differences in anaphora resolution: Language and cognitive effects, 166–191. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Bader, Markus, Jacopo Torregrossa & Esther Rinke. 2023. Pinning down the interaction between animacy and syntactic function in the interpretation of German and Italian personal and demonstrative pronouns. Discourse Processes 60(9). 655–673.
- Carbonara, Valentina, Andrea Scibetta & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2023. The benefits of multilingual pedagogies for multilingual children’s narrative abilities. International Journal of Multilingualism. International Journal of Multilingualism 21(2). 645–669.
- Listanti, Andrea & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2023. The production of preverbal and postverbal subjects by Italian heritage children: Timing of acquisition matters. First Language 43(4). 431–460.
- Listanti, Andrea, Jacopo Torregrossa, Sonja Eisenbeiß & Christiane Bongartz. 2023. Home Literacy Exposure in the Heritage Language Enhances Theory-of-Mind Development: A Study on Greek-Italian Bilingual Children. In Paris Gappmayr & Jackson Kellogg (eds.), Proceedings of the 47th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), 505–518. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Torregrossa, Jacopo, Irene Caloi & Andrea Listanti. 2023. The acquisition of syntactic structures in heritage Italian: Assessing the role of language exposure at critical periods. In Francesco Romano (ed.), Studies in Italian as a Heritage Language, 155–194. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.
- Torregrossa, Jacopo, Sonja Eisenbeiß & Christiane Bongartz. 2023. Boosting bilingual metalinguistic awareness under dual language activation: Some implications for bilingual education. Language Learning 73(3). 683–722.
- Andreou, Maria, Jacopo Torregrossa & Christiane Bongartz. 2021. Sentence repetition task as a measure of language dominance. In Danielle Dionne & Lee-Ann Vidal Covas (eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 45), 14–25. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Skrimpa, Vasileia, Vasilina Spanou, Christiane Bongartz, Eleni Peristeri, Maria Andreou & Despina Papadopoulou. 2021. Bilingualism effects in pronoun comprehension: Evidence from children with autism. Autism Research 15(2). 270–283.
- Torregrossa, Jacopo, Maria Andreou, Christiane Bongartz & Ianthi Maria Tsimpli. 2021. Bilingual acquisition of reference: The role of language experience, executive functions and cross-linguistic effects. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24(4). 694–706.
- Andreou, Maria, Jacopo Torregrossa & Christiane Bongartz. 2020. The sharing of reference strategies across two languages: The production and comprehension of referring expressions by Greek-Italian bilingual children. Discours 26.
- Bongartz, Christiane & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2020. The effects of balanced biliteracy on Greek-German bilingual children’s secondary discourse ability. Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 23(8). 948–963.
- Torregrossa, Jacopo, Maria Andreou & Christiane M Bongartz. 2020. Variation in the use and interpretation of null subjects: A view from Greek and Italian. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 5(1): 95. 1–28. pdf
- Torregrossa, Jacopo, Christiane Bongartz & Ianthi Maria Tsimpli. 2019. Bilingual reference production. A cognitive-computational account. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 9(4–5). Benjamins. 569-599.
- Torregrossa, Jacopo. 2018. Distinguishing Focus and Contrast at PF: A view from Italian. In Marco García García & Melanie Uth (eds.), Focus Realization and Interpretation in Romance and beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Torregrossa, Jacopo & Christiane Bongartz. 2018. Teasing apart the effects of dominance, transfer and processing in reference production by German- Italian bilingual adolescents. Languages 3(3). pdf
- Andreou, Maria & Ianthi Tsimpli. 2017. Aspectual distinctions in the narratives of bilingual children. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 55(3). 305-324. Special Issue: Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2. Guest Editors: K. McManus, N. Vanek, L. Roberts & P. Leclercq. pdf
- Torregrossa, Jacopo. 2017. The role of executive functions in the acquisition of reference: The production of demonstrative pronouns by German monolingual children. In Language Acquisition at the Interfaces: Proceedings of GALA (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition) 2015, 318-331. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pdf
Organisation von Veranstaltungen
- Organisation der Winter School "Biliterate development in diverse contexts" vom 13. bis 14.12.2018.
- Organisation des Workshop "Ways of Reference in Romance Languages" vom 27. bis 28.09.2018, gemeinsam mit den Projekten C02 und B04.