Open Science
The CRC 1252 places a high value on open science and ensures that data adheres to the FAIR principles - findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. In alignment with our commitment to open science, the following subpages showcase the methods projects have adopted to address these principles and the challenges they have faced. These webpages present some of the works within our CRC in collecting experimental data, conducting fieldwork, building corpora, and developing software.
Additionally, the language data webpage of the Data Center for the Humanities (DCH) further illustrate various corpora and other datasets constructed by researchers at the University of Cologne in the field of language resesearch.
Moreover, the CRC ensures that research data and resources are archived alongside comprehensive metadata. An overview of the data archived to date is available on the archiving webpage of the Data Center for the Humanities (DCH).
Open Science Stories

ProPer: PROsodic analysis with PERiodic energy
Aviad Albert (A01)
Exploring intonation styles: A tutorial on wiggliness and spaciousness
Simon Wehrle (A02)
Prosody on the spectrum
Experimental data
Simon Wehrle (A02)
Contour clustering: A novel approach to intonation analysis
Experimental data
Constantijn Kaland (A03)
Processing articulatory data with the ema2wav converter
Philipp Buech et al. (A04)
General issues with sharing audio data
Experimental data
Heiko Seeliger (A06)
The development of postverbal subjects in L2 Italian
Corpus data
Andrea Listanti (C03)
Multi-layered annotation of conversation-like narratives in German
Corpus data
Magdalena Repp (C07)