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C05 - Discourse referents as perspectival centres

In the second phase of the project we will primarily investigate Free Indirect Discourse (FID) as a prominence-lending feature. Via experimental methods we will pursue the question of how FID influences the prominence status of protagonists functioning as implicit thinkers, as well as the prominence status of propositions that are interpreted as thoughts of the respective protagonist.

See list of publications


Prof. Dr. Stefan Hinterwimmer

Prof. Dr. Stefan Hinterwimmer

Project Leader C05

Office: University Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 6, room B 8009
E-Mail: stefan.hinterwimmer(at)
Phone: (+49) 40 42838-4306
Christopher Saure

Christopher Saure

Doctoral student C05

Office: Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Gaußstr. 20, room P.07.02.
E-Mail: c.saure(at)
Maike Biefel

Maike Biefel

Student assistant C05

Carolin Menneke

Carolin Menneke

Student assistant C05

E-Mail: carolin.menneke(at)


To appear

  • Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Jesse Harris. To appear. The interaction of gender marking and perspective taking in German. In Kristina Liefke, Daniel Gutzmann, Agata Renans & Tatjana Scheffler (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 28. pdf
  • Patterson, Clare, Umesh Patil, Caterina Ventura, Maria Lialiou, Petra Schumacher & Stefan Hinterwimmer. To appear. Why register might be more important than modality for the choice of demonstrative pronouns. Linguistische Berichte.






  • Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2020. Zum Zusammenspiel von Erzähler- und Protagonistenperspektive in den Brenner-Romanen von Wolf-Haas. In Sonja Zeman (ed.), Sprachliche Strukturen der Narration, Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik (ZGL) 48, 529–561. pdf
  • Hinterwimmer, Stefan, Andreas Brocher & Umesh Patil. 2020. Demonstrative Pronouns as Anti-Logophoric Pronouns: An Experimental Investigation. Dialogue & Discourse 11(2). 110–127. preprint: pdf




Event organization

  • Linguistic perspectives on perspective-taking in narrative discourse - University of Wuppertal, Workshop held from 12th - 13th June 2019. Program

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