C05 - Discourse referents as perspectival centres
In the second phase of the project we will primarily investigate Free Indirect Discourse (FID) as a prominence-lending feature. Via experimental methods we will pursue the question of how FID influences the prominence status of protagonists functioning as implicit thinkers, as well as the prominence status of propositions that are interpreted as thoughts of the respective protagonist.

Christopher Saure
Doctoral student C05
Office: Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Gaußstr. 20, room P.07.02.E-Mail: c.saure(at)uni-wuppertal.de

Maike Biefel
Student assistant C05

Carolin Menneke
Student assistant C05
E-Mail: carolin.menneke(at)uni-wuppertal.de
To appear
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Jesse Harris. To appear. The interaction of gender marking and perspective taking in German. In Kristina Liefke, Daniel Gutzmann, Agata Renans & Tatjana Scheffler (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 28. pdf
- Patterson, Clare, Umesh Patil, Caterina Ventura, Maria Lialiou, Petra Schumacher & Stefan Hinterwimmer. To appear. Why register might be more important than modality for the choice of demonstrative pronouns. Linguistische Berichte.
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2024. Accounts of perspective taking in narrative. Language and Linguistics Compass 18(3). 1–16.
- Patil, Umesh, Stefan Hinterwimmer & Petra B. Schumacher. 2023. Effect of evaluative expressions on two types of demonstrative pronouns in German. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 8(1). 1–29.
- Saure, Christopher, Stefan Hinterwimmer & Anna Pia Jordan-Bertinelli. 2023. An experimental investigation of the interaction of narrators’ and protagonists’ perspectival prominence in narrative texts. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 42(2). 341–372.
- Ebert, Cornelia & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2022. Free indirect discourse meets character viewpoint gestures: A reconstruction of Davidson’s demonstration account with gesture semantics. In Sam Featherstone, Robin Hörnig, Andreas Konietzko & Sophie von Wietersheim (eds.), Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020: Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives. Tübingen: University of Tübingen.
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Umesh Patil. 2022. The interpretative options of anaphoric complex demonstratives. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 7(1).
- Becker, Martin, Jakob Egetenmeyer & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2021. Perspective in German and French: Divergences in formal marking and temporal anchoring. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (LiLi) 51(2). 321–356.
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan, Umesh Patil & Cornelia Ebert. 2021. On the Interaction of Gestural and Linguistic Perspective Taking. Frontiers in Communication 6. 625757. pdf
- Zimmermann, Juliane T., Sara Meuser, Stefan Hinterwimmer & Kai Vogeley. 2021. Preserved Perspective Taking in Free Indirect Discourse in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology 12: 2710.
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2020. Zum Zusammenspiel von Erzähler- und Protagonistenperspektive in den Brenner-Romanen von Wolf-Haas. In Sonja Zeman (ed.), Sprachliche Strukturen der Narration, Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik (ZGL) 48, 529–561. pdf
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan, Andreas Brocher & Umesh Patil. 2020. Demonstrative Pronouns as Anti-Logophoric Pronouns: An Experimental Investigation. Dialogue & Discourse 11(2). 110–127. preprint: pdf
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2019. The Bavarian discourse particle “fei” as a marker of non-at-issueness. In Daniel Gutzmann & Katarina Turgay (eds.), Secondary Content: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Side Issues, 246–273. Amsterdam: Brill. preprint: pdf
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2019. Prominent Protagonists. Journal of Pragmatics 154. 79-91.
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Cornelia Ebert. 2019. A comparison of the modal particles “fei” and “aber”. In Stephanie Solt & Uli Sauerland (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 22, 469–486. preprint: pdf
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Sara Meuser. 2019. Erlebte Rede und Protagonistenprominenz. In Stefan Engelberg, Christian Fortmann & Irene Rapp (eds.), Rede- und Gedankenwiedergabe in narrativen Strukturen – Ambiguitäten und Varianz, special issue of the journal Linguistische Berichte, 177–200. Buske. preprint: pdf
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2018. Der Brenner und die Perspektive. Zum Gebrauch von Demonstrativpronomen in den Brenner-Romanen von Wolf Haas. In Christof Hamann, A. Babakhani & Metin Genç (eds.), Das Rätsel der Unterhaltung. Deutschsprachige Kriminalliteratur der Gegenwart: Produktion - Vermittlung - Kritik, 123–142. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. pdf
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2018. Two kinds of perspective taking in narrative texts. In Dan Burgdorf, Jacob Collard, Sireemas Maspong & Brynhildur Stefánsdóttir (eds.), Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 27, 282–301. pdf
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Andreas Brocher. 2018. An experimental investigation of the binding options of demonstrative pronouns in German. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 3(1): 77. 1-25. pdf
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Peter Bosch. 2017. Demonstrative pronouns and propositional attitudes. In Pritty Patel-Grosz, Patrick Grosz & Sarah Zobel (eds.), Pronouns in embedded contexts, 105–144. Dordrecht: Springer. preprint: pdf
- Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Petra B. Schumacher (eds.). 2017. Special Collection: Perspective Taking. Glossa 2. 1.
Event organization
- Linguistic perspectives on perspective-taking in narrative discourse - University of Wuppertal, Workshop held from 12th - 13th June 2019. Program