B08 - Differential Object Marking in the Nuristani Languages
The project will investigate the prominence-related DOM in three languages belonging to the Nuristani sub-branch of Indo-Iranian: Prasun, Nuristani Kalasha, and Katë. The differences observed between the DOM-patterns of these languages indicate that DOM either emerged in them independently or, once emerged, developed in different ways. The objectives are: (a) a comprehensive corpus-based investigation of the DOM-systems in the Nuristani languages; (b) establishing the diachronic sources out of which the different types of Nuristani predicates emerged; (c) a reconstruction of the DOM emergence and its subsequent evolution in Nuristani.

Franziska Kovacs
Student Assistant B08
Office: E-Mail: fkovacs1(at)uni-koeln.de
List of Publications
To appear
- Hill, Eugen. To appear. Reconstructing morphology in historical-comparative linguistics. In Peter Arkadiev & Franz Rainer (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Historical Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Fries, Simon, Jakob Halfmann, Eugen Hill & Denise Hübner. 2023. From agent noun to future tense. The functional diachrony of the l-future in the Nuristani languages and its typological background. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 76(1). 53–85.
- Fries, Simon & Eugen Hill. 2023. Establishing the age of the Latvian debitive mood: the evidence of Latgalian. Baltu filoloģija 32(1). 25–54.
- Fries, Simon. 2022. Über die Variation bū́tų ~ bū́t und mū́sų, jū́sų ~ mū́s, jū́s bei Christian Donelaitis. Archivum Lithuanicum 24. 27–56.
- Fries, Simon. 2022. Über die Variation bū́tų ~ bū́t und mū́sų, jū́sų ~ mū́s, jū́s im Litauischen und ihren Hintergrund in den prosodischen Verhältnissen des Urostbaltischen. Baltu Filoloģija 31(2). 4–47.
- Fries, Simon & Eugen Hill. 2022. Insights into the diachrony of the East Baltic subjunctive mood. Baltistica 57(1). 5–44.