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C09 - Prominence and predictive modelling

This project develops and explores a Bayesian computational account of prominence that is based on the forward-modelling account of language cognition. The account will relate the cognitive prominence of discourse items with the prominence of their form of expression, and explore the question of whether such prominence phenomena are functionally motivated as mechanisms of communicative efficiency. Precise quantifications of the account will be tested in collaboration with other projects within the CRC.


Prof. Dr. Martine Grice

Prof. Dr. Martine Grice

Project Leader A01, A02 and C09

Office: Phonetik, Herbert-Lewin-Straße 6
E-Mail: martine.grice(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-5610
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus P. Himmelmann

Prof. Dr. Nikolaus P. Himmelmann

Project Leader A03, B05, C09 and INF

Office: Allg. Sprachwissenschaft, Meister-Ekkehart-Straße 7
E-Mail: sprachwissenschaft(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-2323
Prof. Dr. Petra Schumacher

Prof. Dr. Petra Schumacher

Speaker of the CRC, Project Leader A01, C07, C09 and Z

Office: Philosophikum, room 2.124 and SFB, Luxemburger Str. 299, raum 1.09
E-Mail: petra.schumacher(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-2696 (Philosophikum) and -89900 (SFB)
T. Mark Ellison

T. Mark Ellison

Postdoc C09

Office: SFB, Luxemburger Str. 299, room 2.03
E-Mail: t.m.ellison(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-89912
Hauke Lindstädt

Hauke Lindstädt

Student Assistant C09

E-Mail: hlindst1(at)


To appear

  • Grice, Martine, Michelina Savino, Petra B. Schumacher, Christine T. Röhr & T. Mark Ellison. To appear. Rises on Pitch Accents and Edge Tones Affect Serial Recall Performance at Item and Domain levels. Laboratory Phonology. pdf





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