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INF - Information infrastructure

The CRC Prominence in Language makes use of various sources of linguistic evidence and methods of analysis: data from neuro- and psycholinguistic experiments, data from elicitation tasks, production data from spontaneous speech and existing corpora, as well as results from tests assessing the acceptability of selected constructions. Project INF supports synergy between all CRC projects in the use of these methods. The project also takes the lead in ensuring data accountability and sustainability.

See list of publications


Prof. Dr. Nikolaus P. Himmelmann

Prof. Dr. Nikolaus P. Himmelmann

Project Leader A03, B05, C09 and INF

Office: Allg. Sprachwissenschaft, Meister-Ekkehart-Straße 7
E-Mail: sprachwissenschaft(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-2323
Prof. Dr. Nils Reiter

Prof. Dr. Nils Reiter

Project Leader INF

Office: Universitätsstraße 22, Room 1.04a
E-Mail: nils.reiter(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-1902
Dr. Job Schepens

Dr. Job Schepens

Postdoc INF - Statistical Support

Office: SFB, Luxemburger Str. 299, Room 2.11
E-Mail: jschepen(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-89905
Luke Günther

Luke Günther

Research Assistant INF

Office: SFB, Luxemburger Str. 299, Room 2.11
E-Mail: luke.guenther(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-89905






  • Chen, Guanyi, Fahime Same & Kees van Deemter. 2021. What can Neural Referential Form Selectors Learn? In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Natural Language Generation, 154–166. Aberdeen, Scotland, UK: Association for Computational Linguistics. pdf



  • Leh, A., Köhler, J., Gref, M., & Himmelmann, N. P. 2018. Speech analytics in research based on qualitative interviews. Experiences from KA3. VIEW Journal of European Television History & Culture, 7(14), 138–149.
  • Lobin, Henning, Roman Schneider & Andreas Witt (Eds.). 2018. Digitale Infrastrukturen für die germanistische Forschung. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. 
  • Köhler, J., Leh, A., Himmelmann, N. P., & Rau, F. 2018. Audio Mining für die Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften: Nutzungsszenarien und Herausforderungen. DHd 2018. Kritik Der Digitalen Vernunft. Conference abstracts. University of Cologne., 21-24. Cologne, Germany.

Event organization

  • Organization of the workshop "Week of Writing", February 19-23, 2018, together with Sara Meuser (C05).
  • Organization of the "R Stats User Group“ with biweekly meetings at the CRC 1252 (HoP, room 2.09).

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