Posters & Talks (Selection since 2021)
A01 - Intonation and attention orienting
Albert, Aviad, Constantijn Kaland, T. Mark Ellison, Francesco Cangemi, Bodo Winter & Martine Grice. 2024. Harvesting spontaneous speech data from digital reservoirs to study prosody. Talk at the workshop CorpusPhon 2024 at Labphon19 (27.-29.06.2024), Seoul, South Korea.
Grice, Martine, Alexandra Vella, Maria Lialiou, Florence Baills, Aviad Albert, Petra B. Schumacher, Nadia Pelageina & Solveigh Janzen. 2024. Gesture apex coordination with prosodic structure and tonal events in Maltese English. Poster at the 2nd International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM) (25.-27.09.2024), Frankfurt, Germany.
Jeon, Hae-Sung, Constantijn Kaland & Martine Grice. 2024. Cluster analysis of Korean IP-final intonation. Talk at the 12th International Conference of Speech Prosody (SP2025). (02.-05.06.2024), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Lialiou, Maria, Jesse Harris, Martine Grice, & Petra B. Schumacher. 2024. Attention allocation to deviants with intonational rises and falls: Evidence from pupillometry. Talk at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (24.-27.07.2024), Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Lindstädt, Hauke, Francesco Cangemi, Aviad Albert & Martine Grice. 2024. Can you believe that? Both strength and melody distinguish between non-genuine questions. Poster at Labphon19 (27.-29.06.2024), Seoul, South Korea.
Savino, Michelina, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice. 2024. The prosody of Italian newsreading: A diachronic analysis. Poster at the 12th International Conference of Speech Prosody (SP2025) (02.-05.06.2024), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Albert, Aviad. 2023. Rhythm is a timescale: Why speech rhythm is so different from musical rhythm and what makes them both “rhythm”. Guest lecture at Research group at Landau Lab, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (online).
Cangemi, Francesco & Aviad Albert. 2023. PraaPer: simple, rich and intuitive representations for tone and intonation. Talk at 2nd TAI (18.-20.11.2023), Singapore.
Grice, Martine. 2023. What’s in a Rise? The Relevance of Intonation for Attention Orienting. Keynote at 24th Interspeech (20.-24.08.2023), Dublin, Ireland.
Lialiou, Maria, Anna Bruggeman, Alexandra Vella, Sarah Grech, Petra Schumacher & Martine Grice. 2023. Word-level prominence and “stress deafness” in Maltese-English bilinguals. Poster at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Lialiou, Maria, Martine Grice, Christine T. Röhr & Petra B. Schumacher. 2023. Brain indices for processing rising and falling pitch: An MMN study. Talk at 5th PaPE (02.-04.06.2023), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Lialiou, Maria, Alexanadra Vella & Martine Grice. 2023. Prosodic prominence and tonal association in Maltese and Maltese English. Talk at Speech Units Workshop (17.-19.04.2023), Zürich, Switzerland.
Röhr, Christine T., Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice. 2023. Intonational preferences for lexical contrast and verum focus. Talk at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Sbranna, Simona, Aviad Albert & Martine Grice. 2023. Can we use categories when investigating interlanguages? Talk at 3rd HISPhonCog (26.-27.05.2023), Seoul, South Korea.
Albert, Aviad. 2022. Theoretical PRiORS and ProPer methodology: Novel approaches to incorporating auditory perception in linguistic models. Guest lecture in the colloquium of the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, Munich/Germany (online).
Albert, Aviad, Maria Lialiou, Simona Sbranna, & Francesco Cangemi. 2022. Improved acoustic characterization of prosodic prominence using periodic energy mass. Poster at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Albert, Aviad & Francesco Cangemi. 2022. Doing things ProPerly: Using rich representations to study prosody. Talk at Workshop I. Methodological Advances in Prosody Research (28.06.-04.07.2022), Seoul, South Korea.
Albert, Aviad & Francesco Cangemi. 2022. Doing things ProPerly: A practical demonstration. Tutorial at Workshop I. Methodological Advances in Prosody Research (28.06.-04.07.2022), Seoul, South Korea.
Lialiou, Maria, Aviad Albert, Alexanadra Vella & Martine Grice . 2022. Prominence at edges? Some evidence from Maltese wh-questions. Talk at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Lialiou, Maria, Martine Grice, Christine T. Röhr, & Petra B. Schumacher. 2022. An MMN study on auditory processing of rising and falling F0 in speech. Poster at 13th ExlLing (17.-19.10.2022), Paris, France.
Lialiou, Maria, Martine Grice, Christine T. Röhr, Ingmar Brilmayer & Petra B Schumacher. 2022. Are rises special in attention orienting? Some evidence from boundary tones in German. Poster at AmLaP 28 (07.-09.09.2022), York, UK.
Röhr, Christine T., Michelina Savino, T. Mark Ellison & Martine Grice. 2022. The Role of Intonation in Attention Allocation in Serial Recall. Poster at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Röhr, Christine T., Michelina Savino & Martine Grice. 2022. The effect of intonational rises on serial recall in German. Talk at Speech Prosody 2022 (23.-26.05.2022), Lisbon, Portugal.
Grice, Martine. 2021. Vowel insertion in Italian and Tashlhiyt Berber. Talk at Epenthesis Workshop (17.-18.09.2021), online.
Grice, Martine. 2021. Autosegmental-metrical phonology – Not only pitch accents and edge tones. Keynote at 43. DGfS-Jahrestagung (23.-26.02.2021), Freiburg/Germany (online).
Lialiou, Maria, Aviad Albert, A. Vella & Martine Grice. 2021. Periodic energy mass on head and edge tones in Maltese wh-constructions. Talk at 1st TAI (06.-09.12.2021), Sønderborg, Denmark.
Röhr, Christine T., Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice. 2021. Expecting the Unusual: The Prosodic Interpretation of Contextual Information. Talk at 4th PaPE (21.-23.06.2021), Barcelona, Spain (online).
Schumacher, Petra B. 2021. Chair at 20 years of Experimental Pragmatics Symposium (11.-12.11.2021), online.
Vella, Alexandra & Grice, Martine. 2021. Intonation in Maltese and Maltese English: the form and function of early H peaks.Talk at the workshop Prosodic Variation (ProVar): the role of past and present contact in multilingual societies at 4th PaPE (21.-23.06.2021), Barcelona, Spain.
A02 - Individual behaviour in encoding and decoding prosodic prominence
Albert, Aviad, Constantijn Kaland, T. Mark Ellison, Francesco Cangemi, Bodo Winter & Martine Grice. 2024. Harvesting spontaneous speech data from digital reservoirs to study prosody. Talk at the workshop CorpusPhon 2024 at Labphon19 (27.-29.06.2024), Seoul, South Korea.
Lindstädt, Hauke, Francesco Cangemi, Aviad Albert & Martine Grice. 2024. Can you believe that? Both strength and melody distinguish between non-genuine questions. Poster at Labphon19 (27.-29.06.2024), Seoul, South Korea.
Möking, Eduardo & Simon Wehrle 2024 Speakership Incipiency and Positive Replies in Autistic Speakers: An Exploration of Prosodic and Lexical Realization. Poster at the 20th annual meeting for phonetics and phonology (P&P) (01.-02.10.2024) Halle Saale, Germany.
Pelageina, Nadia, Doğa Ancın & Simon Wehrle. 2024. Transfer effects in the global intonation patterns of German-Turkish bilingual heritage speakers. Talk at the 20th annual meeting for phonetics and phonology (P&P) (01.-02.10.2024) Halle Saale, Germany.
Savino, Michelina, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice. 2024. The prosody of Italian newsreading: A diachronic analysis. Poster at the 12th International Conference of Speech Prosody (SP2025) (02.-05.06.2024), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Spaniol, Malin, Simon Wehrle, Alicia Janz, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2024. The influence of conversational context on lexical and prosodic aspects of backchannels and gaze behaviour. Poster at the 12th International Conference of Speech Prosody (SP2025) (02.-05.06.2024), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Spaniol, Malin, Simon Wehrle, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2024. Interactions between autistic adults offer a new perspective on social gaze. Poster at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (24.-27.07.2024), Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Cangemi, Francesco & Aviad Albert. 2023. PraaPer: simple, rich and intuitive representations for tone and intonation. Talk at 2nd TAI (18.-20.11.2023), Singapore.
Cangemi, F.rancesco, Aviad Albert, Martine Grice, Hae-Sung Jeon & Jane Setter. 2023. Second language prosody in interactive dialogues: Japanese learners of English. Talk at SPaB2023 (20.-22.06.2023), South Korea.
Cangemi, Francesco, Martine Grice, Hae-Sung Jeon & Jane Setter. 2023. Contrast or context, that is the Question. Talk at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Cangemi, Francesco, Martine Grice, Valeria Lucarini, Malin Spaniol, Kai Vogeley & Simon Wehrle. 2023. Very Short Utterances in clinical interviews with patients with schizophrenia. Talk at 19th AISV (02.2023), Lecce, Italy
Janz, Alicia, Simona Sbranna, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice. 2023. The effect of conversational setting on backchannel feedback. Talk at AG4 at 45. DGfS-Jahrestagung (07.-10.03.2023), Cologne, Germany.
Janz, Alicia, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice. 2023. Response tokens in the lab and in the wild: Evidence from task-based nd spontaneous conversations. Poster at 5th PaPE (02.-04.06.2023), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Sappok, Christopher & Simon Wehrle. 2023. Evaluating prosodic aspects of oral reading proficiency in schoolchildren: effects of gender, genre and grade. Talk at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Spaniol, Malin, Alicia Janz, Simon Wehrle, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2023. Multimodal signalling: the interplay of oral and visual feedback in conversation. Poster at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Spaniol, Malin, Alicia Janz, Simon Wehrle, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2023. Investigating the relation between backchannels and gaze in dyadic conversations: A multimodal approach. Poster at MMSYM 2023 (26.-28.04.2023), Barcelona, Spain.
Spaniol, Malin, Simon Wehrle, Martine Grice & Kai Vogeley. 2023. Multimodale Kommunikation zwischen Menschen mit Autismus. Poster at 14. WTAS (03.2023), Freiburg, Germany.
Wehrle, Simon. 2023. Speech melody in autism – overview, assessment and validation. Guest lecture at Bilingualism and Developmental Linguistics Research Group, Edinburgh, UK (online).
Wehrle, Simon, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2023. Characteristics and distribution of silent pauses in conversations between autistic and non-autistic dyads. Talk at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Wehrle, Simon, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2023. Conversational and intonational characteristics of dialogue between autistic adults. Talk at IPC 18 (09.-14.07.2023), Brussels, Belgium.
Albert, Aviad & Francesco Cangemi. 2022. Doing things ProPerly: Using rich representations to study prosody. Talk at Workshop I. Methodological Advances in Prosody Research (28.06.-04.07.2022), Seoul, South Korea.
Albert, Aviad & Francesco Cangemi. 2022. Doing things ProPerly: A practical demonstration. Tutorial at Workshop I. Methodological Advances in Prosody Research (28.06.-04.07.2022), Seoul, South Korea.
Cangemi, Francesco. 2022. Schizophrenia at the crossroads of thought, language and communication. Talk at Thought and Language meeting (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) (01.-05.11.2022), Yamagata, Japan.
Grice, Martine & Simon Wehrle. 2022. Prosody and Conversational Behaviour in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Keynote at Speech Prosody 2022 (23.-26.05.2022), Lisbon, Portugal.
Janz, Alicia, Simon Wehrle, Simona Sbranna & Martine Grice. 2022. The lexical and intonational realisation of backchannels is less constrained in spontaneous than task-based conversation. Talk at 4th ISAPh (14.-16.09.2022), Lund, Sweden.
Sbranna, Simona, Eduardo Möking, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice. 2022. Backchannelling across Languages: Rate, Lexical Choice and Intonation in L1 Italian, L1 German and L2 German. Talk at Speech Prosody 2022 (23.-26.05.2022), Lisbon, Portugal.
Wehrle, Simon, Francesco Cangemi, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2022. New evidence for melodic speech in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Talk at Speech Prosody 2022 (23.-26.05.2022), Lisbon, Portugal.
Wehrle, Simon, Martine Grice & Kai Vogeley. 2022. Characterising conversations between autistic adults - a multidimensional approach. Talk at LabPhon 18 (23.-25.06.2022), online.
Sbranna, Simona, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice. 2021. Developing L2 Interactional Competence: Turn-taking across proficiency levels. Talk at 17. P&P (29.-30.09.2021), Frankfurt, Germany (online).
Wehrle, Simon, Francesco Cangemi, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice. 2021. Dialogue Management in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster at 4th PaPE (21.-23.06.2021), Barcelona, Spain (online).
Wehrle, Simon, Martine Grice & Kai Vogeley. 2021. Backchannels and Filled Pauses in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Talk at 1st TAI (06.-09.12.2021), Sønderborg, Denmark.
A03 - Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective
Albert, Aviad, Constantijn Kaland, T. Mark Ellison, Francesco Cangemi, Bodo Winter & Martine Grice. 2024. Harvesting spontaneous speech data from digital reservoirs to study prosody. Talk at the workshop CorpusPhon 2024 at Labphon19 (27.-29.06.2024), Seoul, South Korea.
Jeon, Hae-Sung, Constantijn Kaland & Martine Grice. 2024. Cluster analysis of Korean IP-final intonation. Talk at the 12th International Conference of Speech Prosody (SP2025). (02.-05.06.2024), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Kaland, Constantijn, Anjali Bhatara, Natalie Boll-Avetisyan & Thierry Nazzi. 2024. Prosodic grouping in Akan and the applicability of the iambictrochaic law. Poster at the 12th International Conference of Speech Prosody (SP2025). (02.-05.06.2024), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Kaland, Constantijn, Jeremy Steffman & Jennifer Cole. 2024. K-means and hierarchical clustering of f0 contours. Talk at the 25th Interspeech Conference. (01.-05.09.2024), Kos, Greece.
Seeliger, Heiko, Anne Lützeler & Constantijn Kaland. 2023. The perception of German wh-phrase-final intonation: a contour clustering evaluation. Talk at 2nd TAI (18.-20.11.2023), Singapore.
Himmelmann, Nikolaus. 2022. Universals of Language 3.0. Talk (18.01.2022) at Abralin ao Vivo - Linguistics Online.
Seeliger, Heiko & Constantijn Kaland. 2022. Boundary tones in German wh-questions and wh-exclamatives - a cluster based approach. Talk at Speech Prosody 2022 (23.-26.05.2022), Lisbon, Portugal.
Kaland, Constantijn, Naomi Peck, T. Mark Ellison & Uta Reinöhl. 2021. An initial exploration of the interaction of tone and intonation in Kera’a. Poster at 1st TAI (06.-09.12.2021), Sønderborg, Denmark.
A04 - Dynamic modelling of prosodic prominence
Mertz, Justine, Lena Pagel, Guiseppina Turco & Doris Mücke. 2025. Exploring prosodic modulation in LSF: A kinematic study on sign coarticulation. Poster at the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 15 (TISLR 15). (14.-17.01.2025), Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.
Mertz, Justine, Lena Pagel, Guiseppina Turco & Doris Mücke. 2024. Gradiency and categorality in the prosodic modulation of French Sign Language: A kinematic approach using Electromagnetic Articulography. Poster at the 12th International Conference of Speech Prosody (SP2025). (02.-05.06.2024), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Pagel, Lena, Simon Roessig (University of York, UK) & Doris Mücke. 2024. Introducing DiCE: A novel approach to elicit and capture multimodal accomodation via 3D electromagnetic articulography, audio and video. Talk at the 2nd International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM) (25.-27.09.2024), Frankfurt, Germany.
Roessig, Simon, Mortaza Taheri-Ardali, Lena Pagel & Doris Mücke. 2024. Prosodic realization of different focus types in Persian. Poster at the 12th International Conference of Speech Prosody (SP2025).(02.-05.06.2024), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Furlani, Noemi & Doris Mücke. 2023. Tongue kinematics in L2-directed speech: a twin EMA design. Talk at UniKon International PhD Conference on Multilingual Acquisition (12.-13.10.2023), Konstanz, Germany.
Mücke, Doris. 2023. Speech dynamics: Mapping phonetic to phonological forms in neurotypical and atypical speech. 4-part seminar series (22.03.-07.06.2023) as Chaire Internationale 2023 at Labex EFL, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France.
Mücke, Doris, Tabea Thies, Philipp Büch, Noemi Furlani, Janine Schreen & Anne Hermes. 2023. Variability in space, compensation in time: Effects of aging on tongue body kinematics with respect to prosodic focus marking. Poster at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Pagel, Lena, Simon Roessig, Márton Sóskuthy & Doris Mücke. 2023. Multimodal signatures of prosodic prominence in habitual and loud speech. Talk at MMSYM 2023 (26.-28.04.2023), Barcelona, Spain.
Pagel, Lena, Márton Sóskuthy, Simon Roessig & Doris Mücke. 2023. A kinematic analysis of visual prosody: Head movements in habitual and loud speech. Talk at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Parrell, Benjamin, Antje Mefferd, Sarah Harper, Simon Roessig & Doris Mücke. 2023. Using computational models to characterize the role of motor noise in speech: The case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Talk at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Parrell, Benjamin, Doris Mücke, Antje Mefferd & Sarah Harper. 2023. Bridging linguistic and clinical perspectives through computational models of speech production. Special session at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Raines, Claudia, Tabea Thies, Angela Ding & Antje Mefferd. 2023. Aging effects on sentence-length velocity distribution characteristics of the tongue and jaw. Talk at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Taheri-Ardali, Mortaza. 2023. Prosodic cues in broad, narrow and contrastive focus in Persian. Talk (14.04.2023) at SRPP, Paris, France.
Thies, Tabea, Doris Mücke, Angela Ding & Antje Mefferd. 2023. Phase relations between the tongue body and the jaw across rate modifications in younger and older speakers. Poster at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Buech, Philipp, Simon Roessig, Lena Pagel & Anne Hermes. 2022. Making articulation accessible in Praat. Poster at 8th Speech Motor Control (24.-27.08.2022), Groningen, The Netherlands.
Buech, Philipp, Simon Roessig, Lena Pagel, Doris Mücke & Anne Hermes. 2022. ema2wav: doing articulation by Praat. Poster at Interspeech 2022 (18.-22.09.2022), Korea.
Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. 2022. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic effects of information status on prosodic prominence relations in German – an online production task. Poster at LabPhon 18 (23.-25.06.2022), online.
Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. 2022. Information status and tonal context jointly modulate prosodic prominence relations in German. Talk at Speech Prosody 2022 (23.-26.05.2022), Lisbon, Portugal.
Mücke, Doris. 2022. Law of the Instrument - Phonetic Measures and Phonological Theory. Guest lecture (06.04.2022) at l'Atelier de phonologie Paris 8 (Université Paris Cité, Phonology seminar), Paris, France.
Mücke, Doris, Antje Mefferd, Tabea Thies, Simon Roessig & Anne Hermes. 2022. Analysis and Modelling of Impaired Speech Movements: Challenges and Future Directions. Talk at 8th Speech Motor Control (24.-27.08.2022), Groningen, The Netherlands.
Pagel, Lena. 2022. Articulation and prosodic prominence: Evidence from habitual and loud speech. Talk (25.11.2022) at SRPP, Paris, France.
Pagel, Lena, Simon Roessig & Doris Mücke. 2022. Supra-laryngeal articulation under vocal effort variation. Poster at 8th Speech Motor Control (24.-27.08.2022), Groningen, The Netherlands.
Pagel, Lena, Simon Roessig & Doris Mücke. 2022. Articulatory encoding of prominence in habitual and loud speech. Talk at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Roessig, Simon, Janne Lorenzen & Stefan Baumann. 2022. Evidence for a prosodic prominence budget in German utterances. Poster at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Roessig, Simon, Lena Pagel & Doris Mücke. 2022. Speaking loudly reduces flexibility and variability in the prosodic marking of focus types. Talk at Speech Prosody 2022 (23.-26.05.2022), Lisbon, Portugal.
Roessig, Simon, Bodo Winter & Doris Mücke. 2022. Exploring the phonetic space of focus. Poster at LabPhon 18 (23.-25.06.2022), online.
Schreen, Janine, Tabea Thies, Anne Hermes & Doris Mücke. 2022. Age-related changes on tongue body movements. Talk at 8th Speech Motor Control (24.-27.08.2022), Groningen, The Netherlands.
Thies, Tabea. 2022. Speech as biomarker? Speech in patients with REM sleep behavior disorder and in patients with Parkinson‘s disease. Talk at NeuroSpeech Workshop 22 (20.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Thies, Tabea, Michael T. Barbe & Doris Mücke. 2022. Disease- and treatment-related changes on tongue body movements in Parkinson‘s disease. An electromagnetic articulography study. Talk at 8th Speech Motor Control (24.-27.08.2022), Groningen, The Netherlands.
Mücke, Doris. 2021. Prosodic prominence in typical and atypical speech. Guest lecture (05.02.2021) at SRPP, Paris, France (online).
Pagel, Lena, Simon Roessig & Doris. Mücke. 2021. Prominence relations and supra-articulatory modifications in habitual and loud speech. Talk at 4th PaPE (21.-23.06.2021), Barcelona, Spain (online).
Thies, Tabea, Richard Dano, Michael T. Barbe & Doris Mücke (2021). Syllable coordination patterns in Parkinsonian speech: Effects of medication and deep brain stimulation on tongue and lip movements within a speaker’s system. Talk at 4th PaPE (21.-23.06.2021), Barcelona, Spain (online).
A06 - (De-)linking prosodic and discourse prominence: The case of non-assertive speech acts
Buchholz, Timo, Heiko Seeliger & Katharina Zahner-Ritter. 2024. Attitudinal meaning in prosody. AG at 46. DGfS-Jahrestagung (28.02.-01.03.2024), Bochum, Germany.
Loos, Cornelia & Sophie Repp. 2024. Multimodal strategies for affirmations and rejections: evidence from co-speech gesture in German. Talk at 46. DGfS-Jahrestagung (28.02.-01.03.2024), Bochum, Germany.
Loos, Cornelia & Sophie Repp. 2024. Beyond 'yes and 'no': Multimodal multilexical polar responses in German. Talk at the Sinn und Bedeutung 29 (SuB29) (17.-19.09.2024), Noto, Sicily.
Loos, Cornelia & Sophie Repp. 2024. The many ways to mark agreement and rejection. Talk at the 2nd International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM) (25.-27.09.2024), Frankfurt, Germany.
Repp, Sophie & Christiane Ulbrich. 2024. Prosodic reflexes of speech act and polarity in German and Dutch response particles: Feature bundling for (un)marked discourses. Talk at 46. DGfS-Jahrestagung (28.02.-01.03.2024), Bochum, Germany.
Seeliger, Heiko. 2024. On L*+H, verum focus, and rejections. Talk at 46. DGfS-Jahrestagung (28.02.-01.03.2024), Bochum, Germany.
Seeliger, Heiko & Sophie Repp. 2024. Givenness perception in declaratives vs. exclamatives. Talk at the 12th International Conference of Speech Prosody (SP2025). (02.-05.06.2024), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Repp, Sophie, Lara Muhtz & Johannes Heim. 2023. Alignment of beat gestures and prosodic prominence in German. Talk at 24th Interspeech (20.-24.08.2023), Dublin, Ireland.
Repp, Sophie & Heiko Seeliger. 2023. Contrast and givenness in biased declarative questions. Poster at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Repp, Sophie & Heiko Seeliger. 2023. Reject?! On the prosody of non-acceptance. Poster at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Seeliger, Heiko, Anne Lützeler & Constantijn Kaland. 2023. The perception of German wh-phrase-final intonation: a contour clustering evaluation. Talk at 2nd TAI (18.-20.11.2023), Singapore.
Seeliger, Heiko & Sophie Repp. 2023. The prosody of contrastive focus and verum focus in rejections. Poster at 2nd TAI (18.-20.11.2023), Singapore.
Seeliger, Heiko. 2022. Prosodic focus marking in German declarative questions. Talk at 4. SFB-Networking Workshop (04.-05.07.2022), Berlin, Germany.
Seeliger, Heiko & Constantijn Kaland. 2022. Boundary tones in German wh-questions and wh-exclamatives - a cluster based approach. Talk at Speech Prosody 2022 (23.-26.05.2022), Lisbon, Portugal.
Seeliger, Heiko & Sophie Repp. 2022. On the prosodic marking of German rejections and rejecting questions. Poster at LabPhon 18 (23.-25.06.2022), online.
Seeliger, Heiko & Sophie Repp. 2022. Don’t make me more prominent! Or do? Prosodic reflexes of contrast, newness and givenness in wh-exclamatives and wh-questions. Poster at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Seeliger, Heiko. 2021. And the winner is... How to make compromises between illocution, information structure and prosodic requirements for accent placement. Talk (08.12.2021) at Colloquium Linguistischer Arbeitskreis Köln (LAK), Germany.
Seeliger, Heiko & Sophie Repp. 2021. Variability in information structure marking in German questions and exclamatives. Talk at the Workshop Creativity and Variability: Prosody and Information Structure in the context of 4th PaPE (21.-23.06.2021), Barcelona, Spain (online).
Schaebbicke, Katharina & Heiko Seeliger. 2021. Empirical approaches to canonical and non-canonical uses of negation. AG at 43. DGfS-Jahrestagung (23.-26.02.2021), Freiburg, Germany (online).
A07 - Metrical prominence - Scales and Structures
Baills, Florence & Stefan Baumann. 2024. Gesture, prosody and syntax as markers of information structure in French. Vortrag bei dem 2nd International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM). (25.-27.09.2024). Frankfurt, Deutschland.
Lorenzen, Janne & Stefan Baumann. 2024. Does communicative skill predict individual variability in the prosodic encoding of lexical and referential givenness? . Poster at the 12th International Conference of Speech Prosody (SP2025). (02.-05.06.2024), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Baills, Florence & Stefan Baumann. 2023. The multimodal marking of information status in French as a foreign language: What can we learn about the use of prosodic and gestural cues ina an interlanguage? Talk at 5th PaPE (02.-04.06.2023), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Baills, Florence, Stefan Baumann & Patrick Rohrer. 2023. The Relation between Pitch Accent Types, Head Movements and Perceived Prosodic Prominence in L2 French. Poster at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Baumann, Stefan & Florence Baills. 2023. Head movement and pitch accents as cues to information status in L2 French. Talk at IPC 18 (09.-14.07.2023), Brussels, Belgium.
Baumann, Stefan & Janne Lorenzen. 2023. Testing the influence of multiple discourse-related cues on prosodic strength relations. Talk at 19. P&P (06.-07.10.2023), Bern, Switzerland.
Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. 2023. Redundancy and individual variability in the prosodic marking of information status in German. Talk at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. 2023. Exploring individual strategies in prosodic marking of information status in German. Poster at 5th PaPE (02.-04.06.2023), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Röhr, Christine T., Martine Grice & Stefan Baumann. 2023. Intonational Preferences for Lexical Contrast and Verum Focus. Talk at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Baills, Florence & Stefan Baumann. 2022. The multimodal marking of information status in L2 speech: the case of Catalan learners of French. Talk at 18. P&P (06.-07.10.2022), Bielefeld, Germany.
Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. 2022. Individual variability in the prosodic encoding of information status in German. Poster at 18. P&P (06.-07.10.2022), Bielefeld, Germany.
Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. 2022. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic effects of information status on prosodic prominence relations in German – an online production task. Poster at LabPhon 18 (23.-25.06.2022), online.
Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. 2022. Information status and tonal context jointly modulate prosodic prominence relations in German. Talk at Speech Prosody 2022 (23.-26.05.2022), Lisbon, Portugal.
Roessig, Simon, Janne Lorenzen & Stefan Baumann. 2022. Evidence for a prosodic prominence budget in German utterances. Poster at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Baumann, Stefan. 2021. Are highlighted words always informative? On the complex relationship between prosodic prominence and meaning. Keynote at 1st TAI (06.-09.12.2021), Sønderborg, Denmark.
Chodroff, Eleanor, Stefan Baumann & Jennifer Cole. 2021. Prenuclear accents are not just ornamental: Effects of information structure on prenuclear prominence in American English and German. Talk at 4th PaPE (21.-23.06.2021), Barcelona, Spain.
Röhr, Christine T., Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice. 2021. Expecting the unusual: The prosodic interpretation of contextual information. Talk at 4th PaPE (21.-23.06.2021), Barcelona, Spain.
B01 - Prominence phenomena in Slavic languages
Kosciolek, Iga & Daniel Bunčić. 2022. Anaphoric reference to demoted agents: preliminary data. Talk at 4. SFB-Networking Workshop (04.-05.07.2022), Berlin, Germany.
B02 - Split case marking and constituent order variation in East Africa
Lorenzen, Mandy & Alice Mitchell. 2023. Constituent order variation in Datooga narrative and conversation. Talk at 25th Afrikanist*innentag (04.-06.05.2023), Leipzig, Germany.
Mitchell, Alice & Mandy Lorenzen. 2023. The dynamics of coding human arguments in Datooga: Integrating functional-typological and socio-interactional approaches. Talk at IPC 18 (09.-14.07.2023), Brussels, Belgium.
Rácz, Péter (Fellow B02). 2023. Learning sociolinguistically prominent morphological patterns. Talk (12.06.2023) at CCLS Lecture Series, Cologne, Germany.
Schneider-Blum, Getrud. 2023. Cleft or non-cleft, that is the question: On cleft and focus constructions in Tima. Talk at NMLC 4 (05.-07.02.2023), Sudan.
Mitchell, Alice. 2022. Speaking about the unspeakable: Creativity and convention in the Datooga avoidance register. Talk at artes: Systematics of the world: perspectives – limits – omissions (01.07.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Lorenzen, Mandy. 2022. Salience, prominence, and word order variation: A view from Datooga. Talk at What is salience? (22.-23.09.2022).
Schneider-Blum, Getrud. 2022. Linguist Meets Botanist: About Plants in Tima (Sudan). Talk at artes: Systematics of the world: perspectives – limits – omissions (01.07.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Schneider-Blum, Getrud. 2022. On noncausal-causal alternations in Tima (Niger-Congo). Talk at ACAL 53 (07-.09.04.2022), San Diego, California.
Hellwig, Birgit. 2021. Language Documentation, Acquisition and Socialization: Widening the Evidential Base. Talk (08.09.2021) at Abralin ao Vivo - Linguistics Online.
B04 - Interaction of nominal and verbal features for Differential Object Marking
Duarte, Tiago Augusto. 2024. DOM in AcI-constructions with inanimate objects. Talk (30.01.2024) at Kolloquium Romanistische Linguistik KoRoLi, Cologne, Deutschland.
Duarte, Tiago Augusto. 2023. DOM in Spanish: on the agentivity of the direct object. Talk (04.07.2023) at Kolloquium Romanistische Linguistik KoRoLi, Cologne, Germany.
Duarte, Tiago Augusto, Marco García García & Klaus von Heusinger. Prominence in Sentence and Discourse Structure: empirical evidence from Differential Object Marking in Spanish. Talk at 38. Romanistentag (24.-27.09.2023), Leipzig, Germany.
Duarte, Tiago Augusto, Haydar Batuhan Yıldız, Marco García García & Klaus von Heusinger. 2023. Differential Object Marking and discourse prominence in Spanish and Turkish. Talk at 10th ICLC (18.-21.07.2023), Mannheim, Germany.
Tigau, Alina & Klaus von Heusinger. 2023. Subject-Object binding dependencies in Romance and Germanic. The view from Romanian. Talk at 10th ICLC (18.-21.07.2023), Mannheim, Germany.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2023. Meaning-change in the development of Differential Object Marking. Talk at Formal Diachronic Semantics 8 (28.09.2023), Bayonne, France.
von Heusinger, Klaus & Haydar Batuhan Yıldız. 2023. Differential Object Marking and discourse prominence in Turkish. Talk at 21st ICTL (02.-04.08.2023), Mainz, Germany.
Yıldız, Haydar Batuhan. 2023. Morphological reduplication or syntactic recursion? Double causatives in Turkish. Talk (29.11.2023) at colloquium Linguistischer Arbeitskreis Köln LAK, Germany.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2022. Indefinites and their discourse dynamics. Plenary talk at SICOL-2022 (11.-12.08.2022), Seoul, South Korea.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2021. Referential form and discourse prominence. Talk (06.05.2021) at LangSci Colloquium, Saarbrücken, Germany.
B05 - Prominence related structures in symmetrical voice systems and Papuan languages
Bardají i Farré, Maria. 2024. Backchanneling in parent-child interactions in Totoli. Talk (24.01.2024) at Lunch & Linguistics Lecture Series, Cologne.
Adricula, Norielle, Tvishi Yendamuri & Juanita Hurtado. 2023. Examining the Role of Actor Discourse Accessibility in Tagalog-English Bilinguals’ Sentence Choices. Poster at RUEG 2023 (26.-28.09.2023), Berlin, Germany/online.
Bardají i Farré, Maria, (Sonja Riesberg) & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2022. Totoli 'applicatives': two puzzles. Talk at APLL 14 (09.-11.06.2022), Berlin, Germany/online.
Gayler, Katharina & Sonja Riesberg. 2022. Finiteness and switch reference in Yali clause chaining. Talk at APLL 14 (09.-11.06.2022), Berlin, Germany/online.
Himmelmann, Nikolaus. 2022. Universals of Language 3.0. Talk (18.01.2022) at Abralin ao Vivo - Linguistics Online.
Riesberg, Sonja, Maria Bardají i Farré & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2022. Word order, argument realization and animacy in Totoli. Talk at APLL 14 (09.-11.06.2022), Berlin, Germany/online.
B06 - Attention and prominence in language production and acquisition
Dolscheid (Verlage), Sarah & Penke, Martina. 2024. Visual attention affects children’s production of noun phrases but not transitive sentences. Talk at the Child Language Symposium (CLS) (09.-11.07.2024), Newcastle, UK.
Dolscheid (Verlage), Sarah & Martina Penke. 2024 Animacy and attention play different roles in children's language production. Poster at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci) (24.-27.07.2024), Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Dolscheid (Verlage), Sarah & Martina Penke. 2024 Visual attention influences children's order of mention in conjoined noun phrases but not in transitive sentences. Talk at the 30th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) (04.-07.09.2024), Edinburgh, Scottland.
Dolscheid, Sarah and Martina Penke. 2024. Attention influences children’s order of mention in conjoined noun phrases but not in transitive sentences. Talk at the 49th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 49) (07.-10.11.2024), Boston, USA.
Zeyer, Barbara & Martina Penke. 2024. The costs of processing prosodic prominence. Poster at the 30th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) (04.-07.09.2024), Edinburgh, Scottland.
Zeyer, Barbara & Martina Penke. 2024. Prosodic prominence and its hindering effect on word recognition memory in German. Poster at the 12th International Conference of Speech Prosody (SP2025) (02.-05.06.2024), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Zeyer, Barbara & Martina Penke. 2024. Prosodic prominence hinders word recall in German. Poster at the 37th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP24) (16.-18.05.2024), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
Dolscheid Sarah & Martina Penke. 2023. Exploring links between visual attention and language production in children. Poster at Workshop Many paths to language (MPaL) (25.-27.10.2023), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Dolscheid, Sarah & Martine Penke. 2023. The interplay between visual attention and language production in children. Poster at CTB (04.-06.10.2023), Potsdam, Germany.
Dolscheid, Sarah & Martina Penke. 2023. Links between visual attention and language production in children. Poster at AMLaP 29 (31.08-02.09.2023), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain.
Dolscheid, Sarah & Martina Penke. 2023. Exploring links between attention and sentence production: The role of cue types and individual variation. Poster at 44th CogSci (26.- 29.07.2023), Sydney, Australia/online.
Dolscheid Sarah & Martina Penke. 2023. Effects of cue type and individual variation on the production of non-canonical sentences. Talk at 45. DGfS-Jahrestagung (07.-10.03.2023), Cologne, Germany.
Zeyer, Barbara & Martina Penke. 2023. Does prosodic prominence speed up language processing? Poster at Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (06.-07.10.2023), Bern, Switzerland.
Zeyer, Barbara & Martina Penke. 2023. Does prosodic prominence speed up language processing? Poster at AMLaP 29 (31.08-02.09.2023), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain.
Zeyer, Barbara & Martina Penke. 2023. The processing of prosodic prominence in German. Poster at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Zeyer, Barbara & Martina Penke. 2023. The processing of prosodic prominence in German. Talk at 5th PaPE (02.-04.06.2023), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Dolscheid, Sarah, Simge Çelik, Hasan Erkan, Aylin Küntay, & Asifa Majid. 2022. Dutch and Turkish children differ in their acquisition of space-pitch associations. Talk at 64th TeaP (20.-23.03.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Dolscheid, Sarah, Judith Schlenter, Barbara Zeyer & Martina Penke. 2022. How animacy and literacy affect picture naming. Poster at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Gerwien, Johannes, Agnieszka Konopka, Judith Schlenter & Martina Penke. 2022. Do differences in information availability affect order of mention and struture choice? Poster at AMLaP 28 (07.-09.09.2022), York, UK.
Schlenter, Judith & Martina Penke. 2022. How visual properties of the patient affect the description of transitive events. Poster at 35th HSP (24.-26.03.2022), Santa Cruz, California (online).
Schlenter, Judith & Martine Penke. 2022. How animacy and literacy affect picture naming. Talk at 64th TeaP (20.-23.03.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Penke, Martina, Judith Schlenter & Elyesa Seidel. 2021. Eye-tracking and language production. AG at 43. DGfS-Jahrestagung (23.-26.02.2021), Freiburg, Germany (online).
Reuters, Sabine. 2021. Aufmerksamkeit, Prominenz und Sprachproduktion – eine experimentelle Untersuchung jüngerer und älterer Erwachsener. Dissertation lecture (22.12.2021), Cologne, Germany.
Schlenter, Judith, Yulia Esaulova, Barbara Zeyer & Martina Penke. 2021. Effects of agent position and orientation on perception and production. Talk at 12th ExLing (11.-13.10.2021), Athens, Greece.
Schlenter, Judith & Martina Penke. 2021. The recording of eye movements during sentence production – challenges and opportunities. Talk at LIRLAP 2021 (25.-27.03.2021), Münster, Germany (online).
Schlenter, Judith, Barbara Zeyer & Martina Penke. 2021. Does the Animated First Principle hold for picture naming too? Talk at AMLaP 27 (02.-04.09.2021), Paris, France (online).
B08 - Non-canonical alignment and agreement patterns in East Baltic
Fries, Simon. 2023. One the diachrony of the Latvian debitive. The history of the debitive Formant jà= and the debitive construction. Talk at Conference “Endzelīns. Language. Time” (Februar 2023) Riga, Latvia.
Fries, Simon. 2022. Was ist die Stellung unbetonter Wortformen im Lautwandel und welche Bedeutung hat sie für die Entstehung neuer morphosyntaktischer Strukturen? Talk at the workshop Cliticisation and the Evolution of Bound-Morphology (Dezember 2022), Cologne, Germany.
Fries, Simon. 2022. Was there a loss of word-final nasals in Proto-East-Baltic? On the common phonological prehistory of some morphological formations in Lithuanian and Latvian. Talk at Baltic Linguistics: Comparative Perspectives (22.-24.09.2022), Vilnius, Lithuania.
Fries, Simon. 2022. How do new grammatical moods arise? On the diachrony of the East Baltic subjunctive. Talk at 2nd workshop Non-Hierarchicality in Syntax (April 2022), Freiburg, Germany.
Hill, Eugen. 2022. Adalbert Bezzenberger und die vergleichende Grammatik der baltischen Sprachen. Talk at inter disciplinas – Der Archäologe und Sprachwissenschaftler Adalbert Bezzenberger (1851–1922), (Oktober 2022), Berlin, Germany.
B09 - Prominence in action: referent representation in German Sign Language (DGS)
de Souza Santos, Thiago, Antonia Dietrich, Peggy Steinbach, Pamela Perniss. 2025. Differential object marking in DGS (German Sign Language): A prominence-based account of the use of pam based naturalistic data. Poster at the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 15 (TISLR 15). (14.-17.01.2025), Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.
Winter, Bodo. 2021. Iconicity, not arbitrariness, is a design feature of language. Talk (05.05.2021) at Abralin ao Vivo - Linguists Online.
C02 - Tense and aspect in discourse
Egetenmeyer, Jakob & Susana Azpiazu Torres (University of Salamanca). 2024. Ayer sentí que el tiempo ha pasado muy rápidamente: The Spanish compound past embedded under verbs of perception marked for perfective past. Talk at the CHRONOS 15: 15th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality (29.05.2024), Toulouse, France.
Fuhrmann, Isabel. 2024. Order Matters: The Function of French Consecutive and Causal Connectors in their Combinatorics. Talk at Discourse Markers: Markers in Discourse, Markers on Discoures (21.-22.06.2024), Metz, France.
Andrade, Aroldo. 2023. Choosing among cleft constructions in Brazilian Portuguese: Does Prominence have a role, and which one? Talk (22.05.2023) at CCLS Lecture Series, Cologne, Germany.
Becker, Martin. 2023. Wandel im romanischen Modussystem – welche Dynamiken und welche Mechanismen? Talk (29.06.2023) at the Linguistic Colloquium, Wuppertal, Germany.
Becker, Martin. 2023. Lecture series "l’evoluzione delle modalità in latino, inglese e italiano" (14.-17.02.2023), Bologna, Spain.
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2023. The adversative marker in discourse: How politicians make use of prominence. Talk at the workshop Argumentation and maneuvering agreement in discourse (07.-08.12.2023), Cologne, Germany.
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2023. El imperfecto actualizador con verbos de habla en diacronía. Talk (28.11.2023) at Seminarios metodológicos interdisciplinares del Centro Internacional del Español (CIE), Salamanca, Spain.
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2023. Relaciones lineales en la estructura temporal del discurso: el fútbol y otras historias. Talk (07.11.2023) at Serie de seminarios "Nuevas miradas de la Romanística", Salamanca, Spain.
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2023. El conector además con los tiempos simples del pasado. Talk (19.10.2023) at Seminarios metodológicos interdisciplinares del Centro Internacional del Español (CIE), Salamanca, Spain.
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2023. Who makes the argument adversative? Competition between narrator and protagonist. Talk at AG5 at 45. DGFS-Jahrestagung (07.-10.03.2023), Cologne, Germany.
Fuhrmann, Isabel. 2023. Connectors in argumentation. The Interaction of French Consecutive Connectors with Causal ones. Talk at the workshop Argumentation and maneuvering agreement in discourse (07.-08.12.2023), Cologne, Germany.
Fuhrmann, Isabel. 2023. French connectors within argumentative structures – a first approach. Talk (20.06.2023) at Kolloquium Romanistische Linguistik KoRoLi, Cologne, Germany.
Le Foll, Elen. 2023. Open practices in linguistic research: Lessons learnt from replication attempts. Talk (25.10.2023) at the colloquium Linguistischer Arbeitskreis Köln LAK, Cologne, Germany.
Becker, Martin. 2022. Poichè e dal momento che in sincronia e diacronia – due profili discorsivi in contrasto. Talk at XVI. SILFI (31.08.2022), Tübingen, Germany.
Becker, Martin. 2022. How to analyse and describe the evolutionary tendencies of mood in Romance? Talk at La postmodalité et les cicles de vie des expressions modales (02.06.2022), Caen, France.
Becker, Martin. 2022. Kausale Konnektoren in der theoretischen Diskussion: Polyphonie, Informationsstruktur und Argumentation. Talk (22.04.2022) at the Linguistic Colloquium, Romanisches Seminar, Tübingen, Germany.
Becker, Martin. 2022. Parce que, puisque und car – alt, neu oder was ? Neuere Überlegungen zur Semantik und Pragmatik kausaler Konnektoren. Talk (31.01.2022) at ILR-Forschungskolloquium, Stuttgart, Germany.
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2022. The varying prominence status of indirect speech in adversative contexts. Poster at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2022. Abweichende TAM-Formen in der Fußballsprache. Ein Diskursansatz. Talk (13.05.2021) at the advanced seminar Aktuelle Themen der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft under the direction of Sarah Dessì Schmid & Eberhard Karls, Tübingen, Germany.
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2022. Overshooting the narrative goal: The case of TAM forms in football language. Talk at AG9 at 44. DGfS-Jahrestagung (23.-25.02.2022), Tübingen, Germany (online).
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2021. The elevated prominence value of the anchor time of free indirect discourse: Experimental evidence from French. Talk at Area C meeting (17.12.2021), Cologne, Germany.
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2021. The prominence status of events referred to by means of deviating TAM forms in football reports. Talk at the workshop Sprache und Fußball II bei der Österreichischen Linguistiktagung 2021 (09.-11.12.2021), Wien, Austria (online).
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2021. Diskursmarker und Diskursprominenz auf dem Weg zum Kommunikationsziel. Reden europäischer PolitikerInnen während der Coronapandemie. Talk at 37. Romanistentag (04.-07.10.2021), Augsburg, Germany (online).
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2021. Corpus evidence for genre-based predictions: Non-standard TAM marking in football language. Talk at Area C meeting (21.05.2021), Cologne, Germany.
Egetenmeyer, Jakob. 2021. Beschreibungen der DOM: Verbklassen und Komplexitätsikonizität. Talk (21.01.2021) in the context of the Master of Education seminar Spanische Subjekte und Objekte, Siegen, Germany.
Egetenmeyer, Jakob & Martin Becker. 2021. Project C02: The past, the future and, arguably, the present. Talk at 2. SFB-Tag (14.06.2021), Cologne, Germany.
C03 - Reference management in bilingual narratives
Eisenbeiß, Sonja, Jacopo Torregrossa & Emma Hopper. 2024. The role of environmental ethics and sustainability in research ethics for linguistics: What is currently available in terms of guidance and how might that be improved. Poster at 2. Forum Nachhaltigkeit (22.04.2024), Cologne, Germany.
Eisenbeiß, Sonja. 2024. Mehrsprachiges Assessment - Einsichten aus psycholinguistischen Studien mit mehrsprachigen Kindern. Talk in the workshop Mehrsprachiges Assessment: Chancen und Herausforderungen auf der Jahrestagung des Mercator Instituts Sprachliche Bildung als gesellschaftlicher Auftrag (27.02.2024), Cologne, Germany.
Listanti, Andrea, Jacopo Torregrossa & Sol Lago. 2024. Language learners use discourse information to license non-canonical word orders: Evidence from Italian postverbal subjects. Poster at the 30th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). (04.-07.09.2024), Edinburgh, Scottland.
Torregrossa, Jacopo, Andrea Listanti, Sonja Eisenbeiß & Christiane Bongartz. 2024. Bilingual children's Theory of Mind abilities: The benefits of biliteracy exposure. Talk at IGG49 Th-XPRAG Pre-Conference (21.02.2024), Pavia, Italy.
Eisenbeiß, Sonja. 2023. Sprachspinat beim Aktionstag zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) (16.06.2023), Cologne, Germany.
Sonja Eisenbeiß. 2023. Spielerische und mehrsprachige Methoden der Datenerhebung in Studien zur Erforschung von (Zweit-) Spracherwerb und Mehrsprachigkeit/Playful and multilingual methods of data collection for the study of (second) language acquisition and multilingualism. Research Method Workshop at Mercator-Nachwuchstagung (20.03.2023), Cologne, Germany.
Eisenbeiß, Sonja, Andrea Listanti, Jacopo Torregrossa & Christiane Bongartz. 2023. Multilingual assessment: Insights from psycholinguistic and educational research. AG at 45. DGfS-Jahrestagung (07.-10.03.2023), Cologne, Germany.
Listanti, Andrea, Christiane Bongartz, Sonja Eisenbeiß & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2023. Heritage children benefit from the use of their bilingual repertoire when dealing with written texts: An insight for multilingual education. Talk at 38. Romanistentag (24.-27.09.2023), Leipzig, Germany.
Torregrossa, Jacopo. 2023. Vortrag at Sprachvielfalt der Familie: eine Chance für die Schule (01.06.2023; organized by Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaft).
Torregrossa, Jacopo. 2023. Plenary talk at ARISLA Workshop (15.06.2023), Granada, Spain.
Torregrossa, Jacopo, Christiane Bongartz, Sonja Eisenbeiß & Andrea Listanti. 2023. Bilingual reading improves bilinguals' ability to integrate information from different texts. Talk at 32nd EUROSLA (31.08.2023), Birmingham, UK.
Torregrossa, Jacopo, Christiane Bongartz, Sonja Eisenbeiß & Andrea Listanti. 2023. Bilingual children’s Theory of Mind abilities: The benefits of biliteracy exposure. Talk at 32nd EUROSLA (31.08.2023), Birmingham, UK.
Torregrossa, Jacopo & Sonja Eisenbeiß. 2023. Environmental ethics and sustainability in lingustics and language acquisition research. Talk (11.04.2023) at the Mercator Institute forum, Cologne, Germany.
Baroncini, Ioli & Jacopo Torregrossa. 2022. The Effects of Non-linguistic Inhibition on Structural Priming. Talk at 47th BUCLD (03.-06.11.2022), Boston, Massachusetts.
Listanti, Andrea, Jacopo Torregrossa, Sonja Eisenbeiß & Christiane Bongartz. 2022. Home Literacy Exposure in the Heritage Language Enhances Theory-of-Mind Development: A Study on Greek-Italian Bilingual Children. Talk at 47th BUCLD (03.-06.11.2022), Boston, Massachusetts.
Torregrossa, Jacopo. 2021. Talk (18.01.2021) at the Research colloquium of the Department of Linguistics, Cologne, Germany.
C04 - Conceptual and referential activation in discourse
Buchholz, Timo, Heiko Seeliger & Katharina Zahner-Ritter. 2024. Attitudinal meaning in prosody. AG at 46. DGfS-Jahrestagung (28.02.-01.03.2024), Bochum, Germany.
Buchholz, Timo & Klaus von Heusinger. 2024. German demonstratives and topic questions. Poster at 46th COGSCI (24.-27.07.2024), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Buchholz, Timo, Jet Hoek & Klaus von Heusinger. 2024. Prominence relations between argument and clause structure. Poster at the 5th Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference (XPRAG.it2024) (26.-27.09.2024), Venice, Italy.
Çokal, Derya, Massimo Poesio, Petra Schumacher, Klaus von Heusinger & Markus Philipp. 2024. Prediction error and antecedent competition: ERPs on ambiguous plural pronouns in German. Poster at 37th HSP (16.-18.05.2024), Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Çokal, Derya, Massimo Poesio, Petra Schumacher, Klaus von Heusinger & Markus Philipp. 2024. Ambiguous plural pronouns in German: ERPs attest prediction error and competition. Poster at the 30th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). (04.-07.09.2024), Edinburgh, Scottland.
Çokal, Derya & Klaus von Heusinger. 2024. The role of alternatives in online and offline processing of German demonstratives. Poster at CORE Project 2024 Workshop Information theoretic perspectives on referring expression choice (April 2024), Barcelona, Spain.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2024. Interpretation of Indefinites - Information Structure and Modification. Talk at the Advanced Seminar Syntax and Semantics, English Linguistics, University Frankfurt.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2024. German demonstrative pronouns and discourse structure. Talk (March 2024) at Center of Linguistics of the Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, South Korea.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2024. German demonstrative pronouns and discourse structure. Talk at the Workshop Meaning and discourse structure at GAKT 8 (20.03.2024), Tokyo, Japan.
Repp, Magdalena & Timo Buchholz. 2024. German d-pronouns are surprising: Evidence from duration data. Poster at the 30th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). (04.-07.09.2024), Edinburgh, Scottland.
Repp, Magdalena & Timo Buchholz. 2024. Smooth Signal Redundancy Hypothesis on German personal and d-pronouns in narrative texts. Poster at the 5th Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference (XPRAG.it2024) (26.-27.09.2024), Venice, Italy.
Buchholz, Timo. 2023. Word stress and intonation in Conchucos Quechua and Spanish. Talk (19.01.2023) at the Department of Linguistics, Cologne, Germany.
Buchholz, Timo, Jet Hoek & Klaus von Heusinger. 2023. Prominence relations between propositional and individual referents. Talk at 10th XPRAG (20.-22.09.2023), Paris, France.
Buchholz, Timo, Jet Hoek & Klaus von Heusinger. 2023. Prominence relations between propositional and individual referents. Talk at AmLAP 29 (31.08.-02.09.2023), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain.
Buchholz, Timo, Jet Hoek & Klaus von Heusinger. 2023. The pragmatics of high boundary tones in German. Talk at IPC 18 (09.-14.07.2023), Brussels, Belgium.
Çokal, Derya, Robert Voigt & Klaus von Heusinger. 2023. German demonstrative pronouns in contrast. Talk at 10th XPRAG (20.-22.09.2023), Paris, France.
Çokal, Derya, Robert Voigt & Klaus von Heusinger. 2023. German demonstrative pronouns in contrast. Talk at AmLAP 29 (31.08.-02.09.2023), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2023. Interpretation of Indefinite – Information Strucutre and Modification. Talk at Workshop on the Semantics of Indefinities (21.-22.09.2023), Paris, France/online.
Buchholz, Timo. 2022. Prosodic and syntactic cues to at-issueness and (in)dependent discourse updates. Talk at GAKT 7 (18.-19.07.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Buchholz, Timo. 2022. Intonation between phrasing and accent: Spanish and Quechua in Huari (Peru). Talk (26.01.2022) at the colloquium Linguistischer Arbeitskreis Köln (LAK), Germany.
Buchholz, Timo, Jet Hoek & Klaus von Heusinger. 2022. Clausal prominence and coreference: The interaction of syntactic and prosodic cues. Poster at 9th XPRAG (22.-23.09.2022), Pavia, Italy.
Çokal, Derya, R. Filik, P. Sturt & M. Poesio. 2022. Anaphoric reference to a structured object. Talk at the workhop PROMS (01.-03.09.2022), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Çokal, Derya & M. Poesio. 2022. Processing of plural pronouns in set-subset context. Talk at the workshop PROMS (01.-03.09.2022), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2022. Prominence meets pertanicity: Syntactic and pro-sodic cues for clause boundaries. Talk in the context of the workshop Pertinacity Pertains! in honor of Professor Aditi Lahiri (29.-30.09.2022), Schloss Marbach, Germany.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2022. Indefinites and their discourse dynamics. Plenary talk at SICOL-2022 (11.-12.08.2022), Seoul, South Korea.
Çokal, Derya. 2021. What do plural pronouns tell us about disagreements? Profiling schizophrenia and emotional neglect linguistically. Talk (03.11.2021) at the colloquium Linguistischer Arbeitskreis Köln (LAK), Germany.
von Heusinger, Klaus. 2021. Referential form and discourse prominence. Talk (06.05.2021) at LangSci Colloquium, Saarbrücken, Germany.
C05 - Discourse referents as perspectival centres
Saure, Christopher, Maike Biefel & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2024. Multiperspectivity in Narration: Empirical Research on the Interpretation of Thoughts Reports and Perspectival Expressions. Poster at the 5th Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference (XPRAG.it2024) (26.-27.09.2024), Venice, Italy.
Walter, Sebastian & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2024. Shifted face emoji in indirect discourse: A mixed-quotational approach. Talk at the Sinn und Bedeutung 29 (SuB29) (17.-19.09.2024), Noto, Sicily.
Biefel, Maike. 2023. The Influence of Different Types of Narrators on the Attribution of Perceptions that Are Ambiguous in Perspective. Poster at 10th XPRAG (20.-22.-09.2023), Paris, France.
Ebert, Cornelia, Stefan Hinterwimmer, Robin Hörnig & Anna Pia Jordan-Bertinelli. 2023. An experimental investigation of the denotation of German masculine nouns. Poster at 10th XPRAG (20.-22.-09.2023), Paris, France.
Ebert, Cornelia, Stefan Hinterwimmer, Robin Hörnig & Anna Pia Jordan-Bertinelli. 2023. An experimental investigation of the denotation of German masculine nouns. Talk at 14th TbiLLC (18.-22.09.2023), Telavi, Georgia.
Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2023. The interaction of gender marking and perspective-taking in German. Talk at 2. Networking Event des Göttinger Zentrums "Textstrukturen" (29.-30.06.2023), Göttingen, Germany.
Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2023. Zum Zusammenhang von Genusmarkierung und Perspektivnahme. Talk (07.06.2023) at Interdisziplinäres Linguistisches Kolloquium ILKA, Augsburg, Germany.
Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2023. On gender marking and perspective taking. Talk at the workshop Whose view is it? From cognitive to philosphical approaches to perspective-taking (27.04.2023), Cambridge, UK.
Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Jesse Harris. 2023. The interaction of gender marking and perspective-taking in German. Talk at 14th TbiLLC (18.-22.09.2023), Telavi, Georgia.
Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Jesse Harris. 2023. The interaction of gender marking and perspective-taking in German. Poster at Sinn und Bedeutung 28 (05.-09.09.2023), Bochum, Germany.
Saure, Christopher , Stefan Hinterwimmer & Anna Pia Jordan-Bertinelli. 2023. The availability of protagonists as perspectival centers for Free Indirect Discourse in the context of narrated texts by a perspectivally prominent narrator. Talk at AG5 at 45. DGfS-Jahrestagung (07.-10.03.2023), Cologne, Germany.
Patil, Umesh, Stefan Hinterwimmer & Petra B. Schumacher. 2022. Evaluative expressions influence prominence: effects on die and diese pronouns. Talk at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Saure, Christopher & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2022. The effect of perspectivally prominent narrators on the availability of protagonists as perspectival centers: An experimental investigation. Talk at 4. SFB-Networking Workshop (04.-05.07.2022), Berlin, Germany.
Saure, Christopher & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2022. An experimental investigation of the interaction of narrators' and protagonists' perspectival prominence in narrative texts. Talk at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
C06 - Prominence in subordinating rhetorical relations
Li, Yuting. 2024. Redefining Conversation Flow: Exploring the Effects of Edited Messages in Instant Messaging Dialogue. Talk at 24th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics (08.-11.03.2024), Szklarska Poręba, Poland.
Jasinskaja, Katja & Yuting Li. 2024. The effect of feedback on discourse development: An experimental study on coherence in chat interactions. Talk at 24th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics (08.-11.03.2024), Szklarska Poręba, Poland.
Jasinskaja, Katja, Yuting Li, Fahime Same & David Uerlings. 2024. Reference and discourse structure annotation of elicited chat continuations in German. Talk at 18th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (22.03.2024), Malta.
Jasinskaja, Katja. 2023. Rationality and magic. Talk at IPC 18 (09.-14.07.2023), Brussels, Belgium.
Jasinskaja, Katja & Yuting Li. 2023. Acceptance and Surprise: Unraveling the Influence of Feedback on Discourse Development. Talk at the Workshop on Argumentation and maneuvering agreement in discourse (08.-08.12.2023), Cologne, Germany.
Li, Yuting & Katja Jasinskaja. 2023. Feedback Utterances Steer Chat Development. Poster at Summer School of Linguistics (11.-20.08.2023), České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
Uerlings, David & Katja Jasinskaja. 2023. Being wrong with imperatives and being told so. Talk at 23rd Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics (03.-06.03.2023), Szklarska Poręba, Poland.
Li, Yuting & Katja Jasinskaja. 2022. Interpretation of feedback utterances in German Instant Messaging dialogue: An experimental approach. Talk at 22nd Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics (04.-07.03.2022), Szklarska Poręba, Poland/online.
Jasinskaja, Katja. Perlocutionary moods. Guest lecture (07.12.2021) at ZAS, Leibniz, Germany.
Zickenheiner, Frank. 2021. Dissertation lecture (28.01.2021), Cologne.
C07 - Forward and backward functions of discourse anaphora
Repp, Magdalena & Timo Buchholz. 2024. German d-pronouns are surprising: Evidence from duration data. Poster at the 30th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). (04.-07.09.2024), Edinburgh, Scottland.
Repp, Magdalena & Timo Buchholz. 2024. Smooth Signal Redundancy Hypothesis on German personal and d-pronouns in narrative texts. Poster at the 5th Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference (XPRAG.it2024) (26.-27.09.2024), Venice, Italy.
Repp, Magdalena, Clare Patterson & Ingmar Brilmayer. 2024. Naturalistic Approaches to Reference. AG at 46. DGfS-Jahrestagung (28.02.-01.03.2024), Bochum, Germany.
Repp, Magdalena, Petra B. Schumacher & Ingmar Brilmayer. 2024. ERP insights into self-relevance with second-person pronouns during auditory story processing. Poster at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (24.-27.07.2024), Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Brilmayer, Ingmar, Magdalena Repp, Petra Schumacher. 2023. Being addressed: ERP evidence for the self-relevance of second person pronouns from naturalistic auditory story processing. Poster at 15th SNL (24.-26.10.2023), Marseilles, France.
Patterson, Clare, Petra Schumacher & Irina Sekerina. Individual proficiency differences in L2 and heritage speakers’ pronoun interpretations. Poster at RUEG 2023 (26.-28.09.2023), Berlin, Germany/online.
Repp, Magdalena & Petra B. Schumacher. 2023. Perspective influences use and processing of German pronouns. Talk at 33rd ST&D (28.-30.06.2023), Oslo, Norway.
Repp, Magdalena & Petra B. Schumacher. 2023. Real-time pronoun processing during audiobook exposure. Poster at 36th HSP (09.-11.03.2023), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Repp, Magdalena, Petra B. Schumacher & Fahime Same. 2023. Multi-layered annotation of conversation-like narratives in German. Talk at 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (13.07.2023), Toronto, Canada/online.
Sekerina, Irina, Petra B. Schumacher, Valeriia Modina & Clare Patterson. 2023. How interpretative preferences of personal and demonstrative pronouns develop in Russian. Poster at 36th HSP (09.-11.03.2023), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Voigt, Robert & Anne Lützeler. 2023. Effects of prominence and evaluation on the resolution of German demonstratives. Poster at 31st ConSOL31 (22.-24.02.2023), Bielefeld, Germany.
Brilmayer, Ingmar & Petra B. Schumacher. 2022. First-person pronouns as rigid designators: The resolution of self-reference is unaffected by the presence of referential competitors as evidenced by event-related potentials. Talk at 35th HSP (24.-26.03.2022), Santa Cruz, California (online).
Hinterwimmer, Stefan, Umesh Patil & Petra B. Schumacher. 2022. Expressives. Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to the Expressive Content. Pre-Conference Workshop (20.09.2022) at 9th XPRAG (22.-23.09.2022), Pavia, Italy.
Patil, Umesh & Petra B. Schumacher: Modeling prominence constraints for German pronouns as weighted retrieval cues. Talk at ICCM (11.-15.07.2022), online.
Repp, Magdalena, Clare Patterson & Petra Schumacher. 2022. Famous protagonists interfere with discourse topicality during pronoun resolution. Talk at 35th HSP (24.-26.03.2022), Santa Cruz, California (online).
Repp, Magdalena & Petra B. Schumacher. 2022. Using naturalistic stimuli to investigate online pronoun processing in German. Talk at 9th XPRAG (22.-23.09.2022), Pavia, Italy.
Schumacher, Petra B. 2021. Chair at 20 years of Experimental Pragmatics Symposium (11.-12.11.2021), online.
C09 - Prominence and predictive modelling
Albert, Aviad, Constantijn Kaland, T. Mark Ellison, Francesco Cangemi, Bodo Winter & Martine Grice. 2024. Harvesting spontaneous speech data from digital reservoirs to study prosody. Talk at the workshop CorpusPhon 2024 at Labphon19 (27.-29.06.2024), Seoul, South Korea.
Ellison, T. Mark & Fahime Same. 2024. Experimental versus In-Corpus Variation in Referring Expression Choice. Talk/Poster at LREC-COLING 2024 (20.-25.05.2024), Torino, Italy.
Lindstädt, Hauke, Francesco Cangemi, Aviad Albert & Martine Grice. 2024. Can you believe that? Both strength and melody distinguish between non-genuine questions. Poster at Labphon19 (27.-29.06.2024), Seoul, South Korea.
Ellison, T. Mark. 2023. Prominence and Boundaries. Talk (21.04.2023), Linguistics, University of Freiburg, Germany.
Grice, Martine. 2023. What’s in a Rise? The Relevance of Intonation for Attention Orienting. Keynote at 24th Interspeech (20.-24.08.2023), Dublin, Ireland.
Kaland, Constantijn & T. Mark Ellison. 2023. Evaluating Cluster Analysis on F0 Contours: an information theoretic approach on three languages. Poster at 20th ICPhS (07.-11.08.2023), Prague, Czech Republic.
Reinöhl, Uta & T. Mark Ellison. 2023. Metaphor, Overtness and Word Order Routinization. Talk at ICHL26 (04.-08.09.2023), Heidelberg, Germany.
Riesberg, Sonja & T. Mark Ellison. 2023. Discourse Prominence in Totoli: (Voice Choice and) Word Order. Talk (10.05.2023) in the ISLE Colloquium, University of Zürich, Switzerland.
Ellison, T. Mark. 2022. NLP and Human Processing: prominence, referring expressions and metaphors. Talk (06.10.2022) in the Language Technology Research Seminar, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Ellison, T. Mark. 2022. Prominence Facilitates Communication between Predictive Agents. Talk at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Ellison, T. Mark. 2022. Linguistic Prominence and Modelling Language. Talk (26.04.2022), University of Lyon, France.
Ellison, T. Mark. 2022. Psycholinguistic Biases and Community-Level Language Change. Talk (11.04.2022), Linguistics, University of Freiburg, Germany.
Ellison, T. Mark. 2022. Linguistic Prominence and Modelling Language. Talk (18.02.2022), Helsinki Diversity Linguistics Group, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Ellison, T. Mark & Uta Reinöhl. 2022. Metaphor and the Evolution of Language. Talk (25.10.2022) in the ISLE Colloquium, University of Zürich, Switzerland.
Ellison, T. Mark & Uta Reinöhl. 2022. Compositionality, metaphor, and the evolution of language. Talk in the EvoLang/ProtoLang Workshop - Combinatoriality and Compositionality in Apes, Hominins, Humans, and Birds (05.09.2022), Kanazawa, Japan.
Ellison, T. Mark & Fahime Same. 2022. Constructing Distributions of Variation in Referring Expression Type from Corpora for Model Evaluation. Poster at 13th LREC (20.-25.06.2022), Marseille, France.
Himmelmann, Nikolaus. 2022. Universals of Language 3.0. Talk (18.01.2022) at Abralin ao Vivo - Linguistics Online.
Reinöhl, Uta & T. Mark Ellison. 2022. Metaphor Forces Argument Overtness. Talk in the Emmy Noether Workshop (11.04.2022), Freiburg, Germany.
Röhr, Christine T., Michelina Savino, T. Mark Ellison & Martine Grice. 2022. The Role of Intonation in Attention Allocation in Serial Recall. Talk at ICPL III (02.-03.06.2022), Cologne, Germany.
Ellison, T. Mark. 2021. A Bayesian Model of Prominence in Reference Interpretation: a formal account of prominence in communication. Talk at 3. SFB Networking Workshop (15.-16.07.2021), Saarbrücken, Germany.
Schumacher, Petra B. 2021. Chair at 20 years of Experimental Pragmatics Symposium (11.-12.11.2021), online.
INF - Information infrastructure
Repp, Magdalena, Petra Schumacher & Fahime Same. 2023. Multi-layered annotation of conversation-like narratives in German. Talk at 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (13.07.2023), Toronto, Canada/online.
Other talks
Lubomierski, Lisa (Student Assistant Chair Schumacher). 2023. Investigating multimodal requests in instant messaging. Talk at 31st ConSOL31 (22.-24.02.2023), Bielefeld, Germany.
Poesio, Massimo (Queen Mary University/University of Utrecht). 2023. Individuality in anaphoric interpretation: evidence from a large crowdsourced dataset. Talk (20.11.2023) at CCLS Lecture Series, Cologne, Germany.
Schlesewsky, Matthias (University of South Australia). 2023. Genre matters?: The processing of cardinal categories in movies. Talk (23.10.2023) at CCLS Lecture Series, Cologne, Germany.
Schultze-Berndt, Eva (Mercator Fellow). 2023. Pluractionality in Jaminjung-Ngaliwurru and its interaction with overt event categorisation. Talk at 10th European Australianist Workshop (14.-15.08.2023), Cologne, Germany.
Trotzke, Andreas (professoral substitute CRC). 2023. Unpredicted syntactic structures at the language-emotion interface. Talk (05.06.2023) at CCLS Lecture Series, Cologne, Germany.
Türk, Olcay (University of Bielefeld). 2023. Basics of video-based motion tracking for linguists with a use case example with MediaPipe. Talk (06.11.2023) at CCLS Lecture Series, Cologne, Germany.
Trotzke, Andreas (professoral substitute CRC). 2021. Information structure and expressivity. Talk (20.10.2021) at the colloquium Linguistischer Arbeitskreis Köln (LAK), Germany.