B07 - Agentivity as a key to prominence: Experimental approaches to argument alternations in German
This project explores the question of whether the privileged status of agentive and animate verbal arguments can be explained by the notion of prominence. The main challenge is to model agentivity-related prominence and its relation to animacy in a feature-based approach to agentivity. The empirical focus lies on experiments (acceptability ratings, event-related brain potentials) that test passives and constructions with the pronoun man 'they, one' for fine-grained prominence distinctions with respect to agentivity and animacy.

Dr. Markus Philipp
Principal Investigator B07
Office: Philosophikum, room 2.118E-Mail: markus.philipp(at)uni-koeln.dePhone: (+49) 221 470-5236

Dr. Ingmar Brilmayer
Postdoc B07
Office: SFB, Luxemburger Str. 299, room 2.05E-Mail: ibrilmay(at)uni-koeln.dePhone: (+49) 221 470-89910

Dr. Franziska Kretzschmar
Postdoc B07
Office: SFB, Luxemburger Str. 299, room 2.05E-Mail: franziska.kretzschmar(at)uni-koeln.dePhone: (+49) 221 470-89910

Leonie Steimel
Student assistant B07
Office: Philosophikum, room 2.118E-Mail: jsteime1(at)uni-koeln.dePhone: (+49) 221 470-5236

Jaqueline Wiedner
Student assistant B07
Office: Philosophikum, room 2.121E-Mail: jwiedne3(at)uni-koeln.dePhone: (+49) 221 470-5226
To appear
- Kretzschmar, Franziska & Beatrice Primus. To appear. Lexikonprojektion und Konstruktion: Experimentelle Studien zu Argumentalternationen im Deutschen. In Robert Külpmann, Laura Neuhaus & Vilma Symanczyk Joppe (eds.), Variation in der Argumentstruktur des Deutschen. Linguistische Berichte (LB), Sonderheft 28.
- Kretzschmar, Franziska, Phillip M. Alday, Martine Grice & Ingmar Brilmayer. 2023. Editorial: Variability in language predictions: assessing the influence of speaker, text and experimental method. Frontiers in Communication 8.
- Kretzschmar, Franziska, Maria Katarzyna Prenner, Beatrice Primus & Daniel Bunčić. 2022. Semantic-role prominence is contingent on referent prominence in discourse: Experimental evidence from impersonals and passives in Polish. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 7(1). 1–44.
- Primus, Beatrice, Franziska Kretzschmar, Klaus von Heusinger & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2022. Relating agent prominence to discourse prominence: Do-clefts in German. Linguistics 60(6). 1811–1853.
- Brilmayer, Ingmar & Petra B. Schumacher. 2021. Referential Chains Reveal Predictive Processes and Form-to-Function Mapping: An EEG Study Using Naturalistic Story Stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology 12, 623648.
- Kretzschmar, Franziska & Ingmar Brilmayer. 2020. Zooming in on agentivity: Experimental studies of DO-clefts in German. Linguistics Vanguard 6(1). 1–13. pdf
- Röhr, Christine T., Ingmar Brilmayer, Stefan Baumann, Martine Grice & Petra B. Schumacher. 2020. Signal-Driven and Expectation-Driven Processing of Accent Types. Language, Cognition & Neuroscience 36(1). 33-59.
- Ventura, Caterina, Martine Grice, Michelina Savino, Diana Kolev, Ingmar Brilmayer & Petra B. Schumacher. 2020. Attention allocation in a language with post-focal prominences. NeuroReport 31(8). 624–628. pdf
- Alday, Phillip M. & Franziska Kretzschmar. 2019. Speed-accuracy tradeoffs in brain and behavior: Testing the independence of P300 and N400 related processes in behavioral responses to sentence categorization. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13, 285. 1-23.
- Kretzschmar, Franziska, Tim Graf, Markus Philipp & Beatrice Primus. 2019. An experimental investigation of agent prototypicality and agent prominence in German. In Anja Gattnar, Robin Hörnig, Melanie Störzer & Sam Featherston (eds.), Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018: Experimental Data Drives Linguistic Theory, 101-123. Tübingen: University of Tübingen.
- García García, Marco, Beatrice Primus & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. 2018. Shifting from animacy to agentivity. Theoretical Linguistics 44(1-2). 25-39. pdf
- Weiss, Anna F., Franziska Kretzschmar, Matthias Schlesewsky, Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Adrian Staub. 2018. Comprehension demands modulate re-reading, but not first-pass reading behavior. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 71(1 Special Issue). 198-210.
- Brocher, Andreas & Tim Graf. 2017. Decision-related factors in pupil old/new effects: attention, response execution, and false memory. Neuropsychologia 102. 124-134.
- Brocher, Andreas & Tim Graf. 2017. Response: Commentary: Pupil old/new effects reflect stimulus encoding and decoding in short-term memory. Frontiers in Psychology 8:539.
- Graf, Tim, Markus Philipp, Xu Xiaonan, Franziska Kretzschmar & Beatrice Primus. 2017. The interaction between telicity and agentivity: Experimental evidence from intransitive verbs in German and Chinese. Lingua 200. 84-106.
- Philipp, Markus, Tim Graf, Franziska Kretzschmar & Beatrice Primus. 2017. Beyond verb meaning: Experimental evidence for incremental processing of semantic roles and event structure. Frontiers in Psychology 8. 1-16.