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B03 - Agent prominence and the diachrony of predication in Indo-Aryan

We will study the role of agent prominence in the initial phase of the development of Old Indic participial forms into main clause nuclei. We will trace both present active participles and resultative ta-forms in their development from a very 'nominal' functional range into full-fledged main clause predicators. Our study will involve data collection and annotation according to selected semantic and syntactic criteria targeted at the interplay of verb semantics and the role of A- and O-arguments.

See list of publications


Prof. Dr. Gerrit J. Dimmendaal

Prof. Dr. Gerrit J. Dimmendaal

Principal Investigator B02 und B03

Office: Afrikanistik, Meister-Ekkehart-Straße 7
E-Mail: gerrit.dimmendaal(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-5762
Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl

Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl

Principal Investigator B03

Office: Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
E-Mail: uta.reinoehl(at)
Phone: (+49) 761 203-3165
Dr. Antje Casaretto

Dr. Antje Casaretto

Postdoc B03

Office: SFB, Luxemburger Str. 299, room 2.10
E-Mail: antje.casaretto(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-89906
Simon Fries

Simon Fries

Student assistant B03

Office: SFB, Luxemburger Str. 299, room 2.10
E-Mail: simon.fries(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-89906
Thomas Laurs

Thomas Laurs

Student assistant B03

Office: SFB, Luxemburger Str. 299, room 2.10
E-Mail: tlaurs(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-89906


To appear

  • Casaretto, Antje. To appear. Präpositionale Rektionskomposita im Gotischen. In Nathalie Rousseau & Michiel de Vaan (eds.), Between composition and derivation: Prepositional governing compounds in the older Indo-European languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins.





  • Kiss, Börge, Daniel Kölligan, Francisco Mondaca, Claes Neuefeind, Uta Reinöhl & Patrick Sahle. 2019. It takes a village: Co-developing VedaWeb, a digital research platform for old Indo-Aryan texts. In Steven Krauwer & Darja Fišer (eds.), Twin Talks: Understanding collaboration in DH. Fourth Digital Humanities Conference in the Nordic countries 2019 (DHN2019), 35-44. pdf


  • Reinöhl, Uta. 2018. Review of Eystein Dahl & Krzysztof Stroński (eds.). 2016. Indo-Aryan ergativity in typological and diachronic perspective. Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 5(1). 111-121. pdf
  • Reinöhl, Uta & Antje Casaretto. 2018. When grammaticalization does NOT occur - Prosody-syntax mismatches in Indo-Aryan. Diachronica 35(2). 238-276. pdf


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