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News Archive (2017 - 2020)



The DFG Review Board Linguistics (104) elected our colleague Prof. Nikolaus P. Himmelmann (A03 and B05) as its speaker. Congratulations!
Review in Language

Review in Language

Two years ago Sonja Riesberg (B05), Asako Shiohara & Atsuko Utsumi published "Perspectives on information structure in Austronesian languages". Now, a review by Prof. Dr. Dejan Matić (University of Münster) has been published in Language.
Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Together with A01/A02 and two external cooperation partners, project B07 has submitted a Special Issue "Variability in language predictions: Assessing the influence of speaker, text and experimental method" to Frontiers, for which an open Call for Papers is now launched. The deadline for abstracts is December 31, 2020.
Workshop "Prominent Inferences"

Workshop "Prominent Inferences"

The Networking Workshop takes place online via Zoom, September 17-18 2020, in the framework of the series "Workshops on Referential Expressions in Discourse (RED)". It is organized by project C04. Click here for more information.
Prominent publications

Prominent publications

What and how much does the CRC actually publish? We have compiled an overview in a chart. On our publications page you will find all the CRC's publications in detail.
Call for Participation

Call for Participation

The University of Cologne's Competence Area III, in conjunction with the Center for Data and Simulation Science, is organizing a Summer School on "Deep Learning for Language Analysis", which will take place August 31 - September 4, 2020, in the virtual world. Application deadline is August 5.
Study from A01, A03 and B05

Study from A01, A03 and B05

This cooperation lead to the first study to apply the Rapid Prosody Transcription method in a crosslinguistic research design (Papuan Malay - German) and to evaluate its potential for generating hypotheses about what speakers of little-documented languages actually hear.
Multilingualism wins

Multilingualism wins

Together with colleagues from Florence, Birmingham, Leiden, and Cologne Melanie Uth (A05) was awarded for funding for their project "Multilingualism for Social Inclusion in the European Classroom" by EUniWell Seed Funding Call. Congratulations!
Caution, do not click!

Caution, do not click!

Currently, the malware "Emotet" is circulating in the networks of the SFB and the university. If you receive a suspicious e-mail, please delete it immediately without opening it first. Helpful tips on how to react have been collected by the RRZK.
On Manfred Bierwisch

On Manfred Bierwisch

Carla Umbach (ZAS) spoke to Manfred Bierwisch about Structural Grammar, Semantic Universals and Arbitrarity. Among others, the SFB supported the creation of the video. Click here for the video.
Faculty Prizes: Anna-Pia Jordan-Bertinelli and Mathias Stöber

Faculty Prizes: Anna-Pia Jordan-Bertinelli and Mathias Stöber

Anna-Pia Jordan-Bertinelli, supervised by Stefan Hinterwimmer, and Mathias Stöber, supervised by Martine Grice, have won Faculty Prizes for their theses. Congratulations! To find the theses, click here.
Imagemovies of the CRC on Uni Cologne Facebook

Imagemovies of the CRC on Uni Cologne Facebook

The University of Cologne has posted the new Imagemovies of the CRC on their Facebook page. The Imagemovies give an insight into the work and methods of the CRC. All four movies can be found on the YouTube channel of the University of Cologne (click here).
GAKT5 "Information Structure in Semantics and Syntax"

GAKT5 "Information Structure in Semantics and Syntax"

From February 10 - 11, 2020 the 5 international Workshop between the University of Cologne and the University of Tokyo took place. The Workshop is part of the conference series "Tagungsreihe Germanistische Linguistik".
Junior Fellow Yuto Yamazaki from Tokyo as a guest at the CRC

Junior Fellow Yuto Yamazaki from Tokyo as a guest at the CRC

Yuto Yamazaki, doctoral student at the University of Tokyo under Prof. Yoshiki Mori, was a guest researcher at the CRC from January 27 until February 17. He cooperated with project C04.
Professor Dr. Beatrice Primus: Obituary and Commemoration

Professor Dr. Beatrice Primus: Obituary and Commemoration

Beatrice Primus passed away on November 29, 2019 at the age of 66. Here you will find all information on the commemoration.
Homeoffice stays the norm

Homeoffice stays the norm

Working from home remains the norm during the current situation. Work at the HoP should only be considered in the most urgent cases. Please bear in mind that only one person is permitted per office. Helpdesk and coordination will stay available.
Inaugural Lecture by Anna Bonifazi

Inaugural Lecture by Anna Bonifazi

On January 20, 2020 Anna Bonifazi holds her public Inaugural Lecture on "'Was hat die griechische Partikellehre mit dem Sinne des Lebens zu thun?' (F. Nietzsche): What ancient Greek particles tells us about language use".
Christiane Bongartz (C03) gives lecture at Cologne town hall

Christiane Bongartz (C03) gives lecture at Cologne town hall

For the lecture course "Wissenschaft im Rathaus" she talks about european influences on language and how they change our cognition and receipt of language.
Publications – Special Section: Prominence in Discourse

Publications – Special Section: Prominence in Discourse

All good things come in threes: You can find three articles of the CRC in the current Issue of the Journal of Pragmatics. Click here to learn more.
Cooperation between AI-Start-up "ella" and SFB-Project C05

Cooperation between AI-Start-up "ella" and SFB-Project C05

Ella aims to automatically generate fictional texts by using artificial intelligence. Together the team will investigate AI-texts according to their structure and quality. Results will then be merged into the programme of the ella-AI which the start up is currenctly working on.
From Brazil to the CRC (C02) and presenting at the CCLS

From Brazil to the CRC (C02) and presenting at the CCLS

Aroldo de Andrade will be in Cologne until December 22, 2019 to establish new cooperations with Area C. His research mainly concentrates on information structure, syntax and non-canonical constructions. Mail: aroldo.andrade(at)
International Linguistic Winter School in Thessaloniki

International Linguistic Winter School in Thessaloniki

From December 13 to 14 2019, the Winter School "The interplay of language, literacy and cognition in bilingual settings" takes place in Thessaloniki. This event is a collaboration between C03, the DAAD and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Publication: Riesberg, Malcher & Himmelmann

Publication: Riesberg, Malcher & Himmelmann

Austronesian symmetrical voice languages allow for both ‘agent-first’ and ‘undergoer-first’ orders in basic transitive constructions. We argue that these languages still provide evidence for a *universal ‘agent-first’ principle*, reflecting the claim for agents to be universally more prominent than verbal arguments with other thematic roles.
A05 at Conference in Spain - Lecture on Prominence in DOM

A05 at Conference in Spain - Lecture on Prominence in DOM

Melanie Uth and Patrick Auhagen (student assistant) from A05 are visiting the conference "Congreso Internacional I ALFALito" in Madrid from October 28 until October 30, 2019. They will also be giving a presentation on differential object marking (DOM) in two varieties of mexican Spanisch (Abstract attached).
"Prosody Visualisation Challenge" won at the ICPhs 2019

"Prosody Visualisation Challenge" won at the ICPhs 2019

Congratulations to Aviad Albert, Francesco Cangemi and Martine Grice (A02) for winning the "Prosody Visualisation Challenge" at the "International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences" in Melbourne. Their contribution was entitled "Can you draw me a question?"
2nd Network Meeting (Cologne - Potsdam - Saarbrücken)

2nd Network Meeting (Cologne - Potsdam - Saarbrücken)

On November 14 and 15, 2019 the second Network Meeting between the three CRCs Cologne (1252), Potsdam (1102), and Saarbrücken (1287) takes place - this time in Cologne. The researchers will be discussing thematic and methodological approaches to "discourse".
Workshop: "Pronouns and discourse prominence"

Workshop: "Pronouns and discourse prominence"

The international workshop "Pronouns and discourse prominence" - part of the RED - takes place in Kassel from 01 - 03 October 2019. Klaus von Heusinger et al. are organising the workshop with contributions from Jet Hoek (C04) and Lukasz Jedrzejowski.
Students from Radboud University Nijmegen visit Cologne

Students from Radboud University Nijmegen visit Cologne

Their visit serves as a preparation for the students' upcoming studies in German and offered first-hand insights into the german language and culture. The stay was organised by Katja Jasinskaja (C06) and Eva Knopp.
XXXVI. Romanistentag in Kassel

XXXVI. Romanistentag in Kassel

At this year's Romanistentag K. von Heusinger (B04, C04), J. Egetenmeyer (C02), M. Becker (C02), J. Mattissen-Piaszenski (B05), M. Uth (A05), A. Cassarà (C01), E. Engel (C01), P. Herbeck (C01) und A. Adli (C01) will present their studies and research (September 29 - October 2).
Summer School "Language, Diversity, and Minorities"

Summer School "Language, Diversity, and Minorities"

September 30 - October 6, 2019: The Summer School will take place at the University of Cologne before the start of lectures in the winter semester and is based on a scientific collaboration between the Department of Oriental Studies and the Sociolinguistic Lab.
Third annual CRC 1252 retreat (Bad Honnef)

Third annual CRC 1252 retreat (Bad Honnef)

From June 26 – 28, the third annual CRC retreat took place in Bad Honnef. For the second phase of the CRC 1252, ideas were further developed and new impulses created. For a detailed report, click here.
Interspeech 2019: Graz - Austria

Interspeech 2019: Graz - Austria

September 15 - 19: Doris Mücke (A04), Francesco Cangemi (A02), Simon Rössig and Lena Pagel (A04) will represent the CRC at this year's Interspeech 2019 in Graz, Austria.
Lena Pagel (A04) wins Faculty Prize

Lena Pagel (A04) wins Faculty Prize

Lena Pagel (A04) wins faculty prize with her bachelor thesis. Her Thesis "Eine artikulatorische Studie zur Prominenzmarkierung im Deutschen: Die Kinematik des Zungenrückens" arose within the scope of SFB. She will be presenting her work at the "4th Young Female Researchers in Speech" in Graz.
LingCologne2019: Multimodality

LingCologne2019: Multimodality

The LingCologne2019 conference focuses on a multimodal view of language and provides insights into the interactions of different language modalities (oral-vocal, visual-gestural and written modality) and the systems underlying these interactions.
Inaugural Lecture of Birgit Hellwig and Marco García García

Inaugural Lecture of Birgit Hellwig and Marco García García

On 17 June 2019, Birgit Hellwig (B02) gave her inaugural lecture on "Sprachdokumentation und Spracherwerb: Die Qaqet in Papua-Neuguinea" and Marco García García (B04) on "Subjektprominenz und Passiv im Spanischen".


The workshop in Bari was partly organized by Martine Grice (A01), Stefan Baumann (A01) and Francesco Cangemi (A02). With the help of the webinar, the CRC 1252 is making an effort to reduce its carbon footprint.
StuTS 65 in Cologne

StuTS 65 in Cologne

The 65th StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) took place in Cologne from May 23 - 25. Keynote presenters were (among others) Doris Mücke (A04), Nikolaus Himmelmann (A03, B05), Martina Penke (B06) and Pamela Perniss (UzK).
Uta Reinöhl wins Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Preis

Uta Reinöhl wins Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Preis

Uta Reinöhl (B03) wins the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Preis with her dissertation on indogermanic languages. The prize is known to be the most important one by the DFG and BMBF for junior scientists.
SFB networking

SFB networking

Together with CRC 1287 (University of Potsdam) and CRC 1102 (Saarland University) the kick-off networking meeting will take place on February 14-15, 2019 at WIS Bildungsforum in Potsdam. It will focus on language processing.
Winter School "Biliterate development in diverse contexts"

Winter School "Biliterate development in diverse contexts"

On 13 - 14 December 2018 the winter school "Biliterate development in diverse contexts" will take place. It is organized by C03, together with professors and students of the University of Thessaloniki, through the DAAD collaboration between the University of Cologne and the University of Thessaloniki.
Petra Schumacher at ALS in Adelaide

Petra Schumacher at ALS in Adelaide

At the Australian Lingustic Society (ALS) Conference from December 10 until December 12, 2018 in Adelaide, Petra Schumacher will hold a keynote on the topic "Referential functions and the construction of prominence profiles".
Workshop "Datives in Discourse" at CRC 1252

Workshop "Datives in Discourse" at CRC 1252

Klaus von Heusinger (University of Cologne) and Alina Tigau (University of Cologne/University of Bucharest) will give a workshop on the topic "Datives in Discourse" from 25 ‒ 26 October 2018. Deadline of call for papers: 1 Sept 2018.
Experimental concert of the CRC 1252 at St. Peter's church

Experimental concert of the CRC 1252 at St. Peter's church

13 October 2018 will see the premiere of new music about "prominence" - a composition exclusively written for the CRC 1252. Afterwards, we invite you to stay for a panel discussion with Prof. Sybille Krämer (FU Berlin), Prof. Aria Adli (CRC 1252) and composer Roman Pfeifer.
Klaus von Heusinger as an invited speaker at IATL

Klaus von Heusinger as an invited speaker at IATL

Klaus von Heusinger will hold a Plenary Talk at the 34th annual conference of the "Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics (IATL)". The conference will take place from 8 ‒ 9 October 2018 at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Southern Israel.
CRC workshop of Referentiality on 27th and 28th September

CRC workshop of Referentiality on 27th and 28th September

Invited guests are Artemis Alexiadou (HU Berlin), Janice Carruthers (Queen's University, Belfast), Petra Hendriks (Groningen), Emmanuelle Labeau (Aston University, Birmingham), Manuel Leonetti (Alcalá), Ludovica Serratrice (Reading) and Henriette de Swart (Utrecht).
New collection of articles in LangSciPress

New collection of articles in LangSciPress

CRC Postdoc Sonja Riesberg is the co-editor of a newly published collection of articles from LangSciPress. She also contributed an article about prominence in Papuan Malay in co-operation with Stefan Baumann and Nikolaus P. Himmelmann.
Impressions of Prominence conference online

Impressions of Prominence conference online

Thanks to photographer Daniel Gutzmann we added some photo impressions of the ICPL 2 (July 11th-13th 2018 in Cologne). It was a great event!
Five posters at AMLaP 2018

Five posters at AMLaP 2018

At "Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP)" the team of Klaus von Heusinger will present five posters. The conference is organized by Humboldt University of Berlin in Titanic Hotel Chaussee Berlin from September 06. - 08., 2018.
"Respiratory Movement Measures in Speech"

"Respiratory Movement Measures in Speech"

The workshop on July 2-3, 2018 at the Phonetics Institute gives insight into the respiratory process and methods to analyse this important human feature. The workshop is given in German. You can register until June 11, 2018.
Programme of ICPL2 online now

Programme of ICPL2 online now

The preliminary version of the programme of the Second International Conference on Prominence in Language of the CRC on July 11th-13th. Until June 15th you can register online.
What foreign languages do differently

What foreign languages do differently

The exhibition at Berlin's Museum of Communication from May 4th to October 7th, 2018 explores language diversity with eight interactive exhibits. Principal Investigator Nikolaus P. Himmelmann was involved.
Lecture series "Redefreiheit" in summer term 2018

Lecture series "Redefreiheit" in summer term 2018

The CRC supports the lecture series called Redefreiheit (freedom of speech) of the Center for Language, Information and Philosophie (CLIP) at the University of Cologne. It will be presented in English on May 30th and June 20th.
CRC at renowned CUNY in Davis, USA

CRC at renowned CUNY in Davis, USA

A group of our researchers attented neuro-conference called CUNY Sentence Processing Conference in California in March 2018. Petra Schumacher and Melanie Fuchs presented results of the ERP research to an international audience.
Workshop about prosodic and referential structure

Workshop about prosodic and referential structure

At the beginning of March 2018 Principal Investigators Klaus von Heusinger, Petra Schumacher and Stefan Baumann led a workshop at the annual conference of DGfS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft) at the University of Stuttgart.
3rd Nuba Mountain Languages Conference

3rd Nuba Mountain Languages Conference

The international conference of languages in Nuba mountains takes place at the Institute for African Studies and Egyptology on September 27th-29th 2017. | Contact: Dr. Gertrud Schneider-Blum
First DELAMAN Franz Boas Award

First DELAMAN Franz Boas Award

CRC postdoc Sonja Riesberg receives first DELAMAN Franz Boas Award for her work on the corpus of languages from the Indonesian provinces Papua Barat and Papua.
Leo Spitzer Prize

Leo Spitzer Prize

Principal Investigator Nikolaus P. Himmelmann has received the University of Cologne's Leo Spitzer Prize.