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T01 - Digital biomarkers for speech changes in Parkinson‘s disease

The project aims to transfer foundational knowledge about phonetic-prosodic changes in the speech system of neurotypical and pathological speakers into a clinical context. Together with our industry partner ki:elements GmbH, we are developing an algorithm that reliably detects clinically relevant speech changes in Parkinson’s disease using digital biomarkers. The algorithm is intended for long-term use in clinical practice to help preserve the communication abilities of Parkinson's patients through timely speech therapy.


Prof. Dr. Doris Mücke

Prof. Dr. Doris Mücke

Project Leader T01

Office: Phonetics, Herbert-Lewin Str. 6
E-Mail: doris.muecke(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-4256
Prof. Dr. Michael T. Barbe

Prof. Dr. Michael T. Barbe

Project Leader T01

Office: Neurology, Kerpener Str. 62
E-Mail: michael.barbe(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 478-7494
Dr. Tabea Thies

Dr. Tabea Thies

Postdoc T01

Office: Neurology, Kerpener Str. 62
E-Mail: tabea.thies(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 478-98578
Dr. Ilona Rubi-Fessen

Dr. Ilona Rubi-Fessen

Associated Postdoc T01

Office: Chair in Speech Language Pathology, Klosterstr. 1
E-Mail: ilona.rubi-fessen(at)
Phone: (+49) 221 470-5508
ki:elements GmbH

ki:elements GmbH

Project partner T01

Office: Bleichstr. 27, Saarbrücken
E-Mail: info(at)
Phone: (+49) 681372009200