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New projects of the second funding period (2021-2024)

Extended research projects (of first funding period)

Area A- Prosodic Prominence

A01 - Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioural correlates 

A02 - Individual behaviour in encoding and decoding prosodic prominence

A03 - Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective

A04 - Dynamic modelling of prosodic prominence

A06 - (De-)linking prosodic and discourse prominence: The case of non-assertive speech acts


Area B- Prominence in morpho-syntax und semantics

B01 - Prominence phenomena in Slavic languages

B02 - Split ergativity in Tima

B04 - Interaction of nominal and verbal features for Differential Object Marking

B05 - Prominence related structures in Austronesian symmetrical voice languages

B06 - Attention and prominence in language production and acquisition


Area C- Prominence managing in discourse

C02 - Tense and aspect in discourse

C03 - Reference management in bilingual narratives

C04 - Conceptual and referential activation in discourse

C05 - Discourse referents as perspectival centres

C06 - Prominence in subordinating rhetorical relations

C07 - Forward and backward functions of discourse anaphora


