New projects of the second funding period (2021-2024)
A07- Metrical prominence- Scales and Structures
The main aim of this project is to explore the relationship between semantic-pragmatic and prosodic properties of words on the basis of metrical strength relations. Production and perception experiments will test the influence of (i) utterance-external factors that serve to boost or inhibit the prominence value of a word and (ii) the utterance-internal prosodic context in order to shed light on the interdependence between prenuclear and nuclear accents in the rhythmic organization of German utterances.
Principal Investigator: PD Dr. Stefan Baumann, stefan.baumann(at)
B08- Non-canonical alignment and agreement patterns in East Baltic
The project deals with the development and subsequent evolution of recent alignment and agreement patterns in two closely related languages, Lithuanian and Latvian, which constitute the East Baltic group of Balto-Slavic. The project investigates patterns of alignment and agreement in those clauses whose predicates historically developed out of more ancient infinitive formations. Such clauses are to be found in the debitive mood of Latvian, and in the conditional mood of both Latvian and Lithuanian.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Eugen Hill
B09- Prominence in action: referent representation in German Sign Language (DGS)
This project investigates evidence for morphosyntactic prominence of arguments in German Sign Language (DGS), and the relationship between morphosyntactic prominence with prominence-lending semantic features like animacy and agentivity. By investigating the visual modality of a signed language, the project contributes to our understanding of the universality and variability of prominence relations across languages.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Pamela Perniss
C09- Prominence and predictive modelling
This project develops and explores a Bayesian computational account of prominence that is based on the forward-modelling account of language cognition. The account will relate the cognitive prominence of discourse items with the prominence of their form of expression, and explore the question of whether such prominence phenomena are functionally motivated as mechanisms of communicative efficiency. Precise quantifications of the account will be tested in collaboration with other projects within the CRC.
Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Martine Grice, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Himmelmann, Prof. Dr. Petra Schumacher
Extended research projects (of first funding period)
Area A- Prosodic Prominence
A01 - Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioural correlates
A02 - Individual behaviour in encoding and decoding prosodic prominence
A03 - Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective
A04 - Dynamic modelling of prosodic prominence
A06 - (De-)linking prosodic and discourse prominence: The case of non-assertive speech acts
Area B- Prominence in morpho-syntax und semantics
B01 - Prominence phenomena in Slavic languages
B02 - Split ergativity in Tima
B04 - Interaction of nominal and verbal features for Differential Object Marking
B05 - Prominence related structures in Austronesian symmetrical voice languages
B06 - Attention and prominence in language production and acquisition
Area C- Prominence managing in discourse
C02 - Tense and aspect in discourse
C03 - Reference management in bilingual narratives
C04 - Conceptual and referential activation in discourse
C05 - Discourse referents as perspectival centres
C06 - Prominence in subordinating rhetorical relations
C07 - Forward and backward functions of discourse anaphora