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We provide support to all members and student assistants at the CRC in case of conflicts and problems in professional environment or during supervision. Here is further information about us, our procedure and steps for the phased plan of de-escalation

If there is a conflict or other problem, your first step should always be to take up this matter with the person(s) concerned, because conflicts often arise from misunderstandings, unspoken expectations and different priorities, and such conversation may help to clear the air and resolve the matter. If, for whatever reason, this conversation is not possible or if the conflict remains unresolved, it may be helpful to speak with a third party about your concerns. We would therefore like to encourage all of you to contact us in such cases. Our aim is to find solutions together and to prevent conflicts from escalating.

We are also the right contact in cases of discrimination at the workplace. We would also like to draw attention to the existing offers at the University of Cologne, which are open to everyone:

- Dein Raum!
- Gender & Equality
- Anti-Discrimination
- Campaign #unboxingdiscrimination

We organise the following supportive measures:
- providing information on the web and in the House of Prominence (1st floor)
- development of best practice models
- providing a Code of Conduct for conferences 

We are not responsible in cases of: 
- cases of suspected academic misconduct
- disciplinary, financial and labour-law related questions
- personal problems

In these cases, the University of Cologne provides suitable contact persons. If you are unsure, you can contact us so that we will informally discuss your options with you.

